Another Concerning DBD Stat | Dead by Daylight

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DBD #Stats #Rant ATTRIBUTION: Video Song: Starlink by White Bat Audio Other places to hang: Twitch: …


27 thoughts on “Another Concerning DBD Stat | Dead by Daylight”

  1. im pretty sure all the bugs and glitches in the RE chapter killed off all the hype that came with the chapter and as a result people left

    damn that really does suck they really did fumble the bag

  2. •Hey man, been trying to play DbD recently and I can really feel the declining killer player base. My solo queue times for survivor lasting almost up to 5 minutes or even 10 at rough times. When queuing killer though it takes never more than 30 seconds to a minute. Needless to say. It's been rough almost all the time now.

  3. I started playing in September of 2021 so I'm pretty newish and I'm still learning. the reason I started playing was because it was on the Xbox game pass and I saw it and it looked interesting but before that I hadn't heard anything about it.

  4. i'm thinking it has to do with all the things people have listed before; bugs, glitches, and such. though i think it also has something to do with the allround learning curve on the game, i believe that the reason people play the game is because of these iconic characters Mostly on the killer side probably, but since it can be really frustrating and difficult i think they can't keep the newer players, besides that if you want to play a killer optimally you need a lot of perks from different characters, that might scare people away too.

    that is what i think what could be the case, not basing it on anything else then my personal point of view.

  5. yeah…. MMR came out… then hacks started to pick up, killers being held hostage and smaller hacks… then boons came out and dead hard has became god(with 9 out of 10 survivors running it)… with nothing being done about anything… and now… survivor times can be a 20 min wait, if not more… when the killers leave the game… matches take longer and longer. ending with survivors leaving the game… and then we get the numbers we are seeing. its true that other systems are not being counted here… -.- i still don't think it looks good for the overall game health… and fully expect that number to keep dropping until some major changes happens…

  6. I played years ago ( I believe I stopped just before the Plague or sth) and just recently got a video from Otz recommended which got me back into the game. I had a lot of fun for about a week, then rank reset hit and it was just miserable as killer for me. I picked myself up and enjoyed the game again for a day after. Then I found out about the security issues the game seems to have.
    I quit playing dbd for now. Even if there is no risk for the average person – of which I am unsure – this doesn‘t exactly make me trust the devs, considering their track record and actions so far.

    I found your channel though, and I quite enjoy your videos so far, so I guess something good did come from this situation.

  7. Damn dbd I swear it’s gonna die soon with the route they are taking mmr matchmaking pissed me off the most because people who are rank 1 now are people who played a lot that season not there actual skill so I’ve literally been playing Friday the 13th it’s so good and with funny moments like driving around Jason multiple times to escape is pure class

  8. I think some of the "new" players weren't actually new but people who had stopped playing the game for almost a year until the resident evil chapter came out. They came back then eventually left again.

  9. Idk I disagree. I'd want to see this stat after the other games youve mentioned have been released for a little while. I think thats when you start see how many people actually ended up jumping ship or not and where the game is gonna be headed. idk keep up the vids tho man, I enjoy them alot 🙂

  10. Oh my god, no way! You discover that a game from 2016 is dying, surprise there is no news. All online games die eventually, others faster than others, but all die in the end.

  11. This is very concerning. Bhvr needs to do something quickly, if they don't the players keep going. So many things came together to cause this player drop; SBMM, Console break during summer, NTF controveral, Bad taste from A binding of kin at the start of the year, DDOS proplems and VHS is rising. Even a game like propnight survived (so far). Even tho it shouldn't. + Texas chainsaw massacre and Carnival hunt ('m exited for it) are on the way.

    We have a proplem. Bhvr left the trashpile untouched until it slowly collapses

  12. It's always a good idea not to put all your eggs in one basket, every game eventually dies or dwindles down to a small player base unless your a MMO or something constantly getting new content, new gameplay expansions, etc. DBD only gets overpriced cosmetics and a character every now and again. The core gameplay doesn't change, character tweaks don't come often enough, they ignore there player base, and the meta stays the same for the most part with only boon totems changing things up slightly.

  13. I actually disagreed with you during your last video on stats and player retention but actually now I agree with you. The player base at least on steam is decreasing. I’m like you I genuinely enjoy playing this game, but recently I’ve been playing other games more, it’s not the game I dislike but the sheer amount of BM and Sore Winners are what is ruining this game for me.

  14. Yeah I came back after dropping it but I tihink ill get all the things i want to do for this game done and over with and drop it foreever. It was a fun time but too many things are coming at once.


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