Apparently We Do Need to Discuss 1000 Win Streaks – Dead by Daylight

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21 thoughts on “Apparently We Do Need to Discuss 1000 Win Streaks – Dead by Daylight”

  1. There no competition in dbd now 99% of games are DCs dead on first hook..witch results in more DCs..there no accomplishments now with any aspect of the game it's just #£%#, @#%@ DELETE and move on there's far literally far FAR better games out there to should pass this info on to the 17 year old it will help with his mind a lot…

  2. They won't nerf strong killers/addons, simply because it's a viewer draw, and more views means more free advertisement for the game. Mark my words, BHVR will NEVER at the same time, or within a reasonable amount of time, buff weaker killers up, and nerf OP killers down. It just won't happen. Nurse has been broken for going on sever years now, and the little "nerfs" she has gotten have been a complete joke considering her kit is her biggest problem by far. The skill ceiling on blight and nurse is far too high for them to look at their data and realize how strong they really are. Historically they only buff by the numbers they see. They see 100 nurse players and 80 of them are getting dumpstered while 10 of them are preforming pretty well and the other 10 are just ruining entire teams in two minutes nearly every single game. I believe that the devs are afraid of the backlash if they nerf popular streamers OP killers in anyway that doesn't allow them to consistently shit survivors every game. And it's not even the backlash from the steamers, but their rabid followers.

  3. 2:40 OOOOR too many older players left the game and there is no one left on his skilllevel and he gets paired up with lower skilled people for 1000 games…highly possible since this Game bleeds players since years. It also gets new, so it keeps one lvl, but bhvr could be at a 100 time bigger playerbase if they pulled the cards right. Which the ynever did! Not even once…

    3:40 Naah dude…you just ignore the fact that the choice of weapons is a part of skill!
    Stop this Nerf mentality dude really. They need to make all Killers the same strength and then give the survs their perks back, all of them, old ds, OOO etc… but first all Killers need buffs…stop the nef mentality bring the fun back!

  4. It’s important to remember he’s been persistently attempting this challenge for about a year, after several failed attempts. Blight is very strong, but this is still a testament to Momo’s skill and dedication. The average Blight player couldn’t even come close to this.

  5. I wonder how many of his games were won because the survivors chose to quit. I wonder how many of those survs chose to quit the second they saw it was a blight that was competent. Shame that one side quits allowing these streaks to be possible. Humans am I right?

  6. Tbh, imo, If they removed the Blight bugs that people refer to as 'techs' and praise their skill in raising their DPI to 1 million or checks notes looking down in order to remove counterplay from their power, I think that even with his strongest add-ons, he'd be at least manageable and fair while still being incredibly strong with zero need to touch his add-ons or actual base kit. I love playing against a good Blight that doesn't abuse the trash bugs for free wins and before I quit I was one of those Blights still doing well despite ignoring those bugs and trying to avoid the busted add-ons.

    Nurse streaks of a similar scale happen even without add-ons. Cringe.

    But tbf there are streaks of every killer with any add-ons/offerings etc and to a lesser extent streaks of most killers that go much higher than they should with zero add-ons/offerings whereas the survivor equivalent seems to always boil down to getting a squad and basically getting bodyguards so you escape through any means, even if a single gen wasn't done. It's very strange.

  7. Today on DBD content creators really need to touch some grass:
    Should this thing so difficult that only one person has even bothered to pull it off be nerfed?
    People who one time wrote HTML for their myspace profile tell professional game designers how to do their job.

    What is "possible" doesn't matter. The actual experience most players have most of the time while playing the game is what should be balanced around.

    This is really obvious to everyone who doesn't play this game for a living.

  8. I agree it's like making an extremely strong character, but extremely hard to perform as well and then some player becomes so good as that character that he is simply impossible to beat

  9. I certainly see your side where you just bring it down to playing over 5000 minutes without making any fatal mistakes is difficult to think. You can have survivor that went left instead of right and ended up in a chase and dying from just dumb luck.
    Blight and nurse have capabilities of extreme map coverage with very little down side. Billy can go fast, but he has significant amount of maps where he cannot build up that pressure due to pathing. Blight, as the anti-billy, does not generally suffer from more open maps as there are still objects to pinball off of. I do agree that in an ideal state, each killer has comparable tools with each other to maintain both sides having a good chance of experiencing each killer, but some killers are just created with a core concept that changing it too drastically will cause backlash.

  10. “We don’t see survivors doing a 1000 escape streak.”

    Well, before now, we hadn’t seen a killer 1000 win streak. There was a survivor team that went on like a 300 escape streak. AFAIK, they never lost the streak, they just stopped playing. So you’re saying because this Blight player plays more than that survivor team, it’s fine on the survivor side, but not the killer side?

    Both sides need to be looked at. Blight especially. Also, BNPs and toolboxes in general.

  11. As if winstreaks in this game mean anything lol. Go play a game with an actual high skill comp scene and then brag about winning. Dbd is one of the most casual games, pretty much everyone knows that so bragging about winstreaks is kinda cringe. I've played a decent amount of killer matches and pretty much never lose. It's really not that difficult once you understand the game and use tactics like camping and tunneling.

  12. I love Blight to death but God his addons are so strong compared to killers like Pyramid Head and Nemesis. IMO Blight without addons is the most fun killer to play and play against. I legit feel bad running like any of his addons at this point

  13. Nurse basic power should be "Spasmodic Breath"
    Hitting a Survivor with a Blink Attack causes the following effects for 60 seconds:

    Increases the Movement speed of The Nurse to 4.6 m/s.
    After 60 seconds she should be able to blink again. Still 1 EASY first hit, then she has to work for it, like most of the other killers.

  14. the reason why they haven't been nerfed is because killer players (the most dedicated players, with an ego the size of the moon) would completely lose their shit.
    nobody cares if they touch the pig or the hillbilly because no one plays them


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