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My reasoning about why thrill isn't a problem is because counterforce exists. I've been running it when I play survivor and every single time I run into a hex build the killer ends up perkless and it's a free escape. Counterforce by itself counters the scream builds, singularity cheese, and gets stronger as thrill gets weaker. You yourself said that thrill is fine outside of cheese builds, but I don't see many people talking about counterforce in the discussion. The only downside is when the killer doesn't bring a hex build, but it's kind of like when you bring DS and the killer doesn't tunnel you; DS isn't bad because you don't always use it.
that guy is the definition of killer main.
New killers have it soooo hard guys, not survivors tho.
I remember not understanding to save, my little baby ass stuck on the gen.
I ran into everything, was first to be tunnled, felt bad bc i was literally useless to my team. I would get unhooked and not know what to do, running away and not healing. Both sides have struggle, the talk that one side is worse is so pointless.
Content creators are not ruining the game, but the game balance, since most of them are really good and suggested changes will often make low to mid MMR comically unbalanced.
80% of DBD players I know rarely/never play killer because in low to middle MMR ranges, you will absolutely get bullied 9/10 games as killer unless you decide to main 1 specific killer with a fitting build. Meanwhile as survivor, you can get mid to high MMR being a total potato simply by pre-running and you will win at least 3-4/10 games.
To make it clear, survivor is so busted that in mid MMR I'm still winning 20-30% of my games with 1 DC teammate, because 3 average survivors vs 1 average killer is only slightly tilted towards killer, but 4v1 survivors will stomp the killer 80% of games. And I'm a soloQ player that isn't even particularly good.
Killers try not to complain while almost every popular killer has a 60+% kill rate and even the lower end killers are 50+%, challenge level impossible. When will killers be happy? When they have a 75% or maybe 80% kill rate? What do you guys need to help your fragile egos from being hurt? I seriously don't think killers will ever be happy until they have the win rates of a top 1% nurse player.
There's no way Content Creators are THAT powerful. Neither are they saying things others aren't. The echo chamber can go super hard, but to think that Otz speaks, and the Devs obey is to clearly not understand Otz and how frustrated he is.
When developers make NOT tunneling just as effective as doing it, because it does not benefit from certain advantages in gens, then the whole problem of tunneling will disappear or will be less problematic…but they want their game toxic,as their community 🤷🏻♀️
When homie is a 21 wins kill streak on a specific killer, but also complaining about how hard killer is……. If homie lost his 22nd game, he would be sitting on a 95% win rate… Yeah man, nerf survivor, because I don't have a 100% win rate.
This guy has such a killer sided POV, what about the nerfs to survivor? Less distance from speed when injured, same update killer got faster pallet kicks basekit, also 5% base gen kicks, gens can't be tapped to stop regression.
Both sides has stupid things yes, but overall, if you look at patch notes from the last year, killers has gotten a lot of buffs where survivors got way less.
It does not matter what side has broken stuff, it needs to be addressed. Thrill is stupid broken if used in the right build. Shoulder the burden is broken on a 4 man sweat SWF, but kinda fine in solo queue.
Isn't his point on Shoulder the Burden being Otz's idea a little silly anyway since Otz is a Fog Whisperer? The Fog Whisperer program was made to have creators promote the game AND give feedback
Any time killers get any oppurtunity for a viable unique/niche build it has to be nerfed into being unusable. Then everyone wonders why all killers run the same ~8 watered down perks.
6:00 not mentioning that Weave was bugged and sometimes you had this perk icon for the rest of the match.
It wasnt that strong but most players who used this combo with franklins played with map offering, slug everyone etc. Games were terrible on soloq against this. And the nerf is not that strong neither because survivor still need to go and look where the item is (because aura of item is revealed in 8 metres) and waste time to put it in the corner of the map
He sounds like the typical killer main who plays only one role and thinks he's entitled to win every game
dont forget what hens took from us (that stupid inner focus plot twist aura read combo)
I haven't watched the video in full yet but this guy genuinely sounds like all those reddit posts you'd see being like "[my side] is so weak they keep getting nerfed and [other side] is still complaining, tell me again how [other side] isn't entitled again."
Edit: Finished the video, yep he's definitely one of "those" people. like if he actually played solo queue survivor he'd have a massively different opinion on Shoulder the Burden and maybe he'd do a little research on how survivors have been negatively changed over the years because he seems to believe that survivors have only ever been buffed.
Wake the Fawk up
The higher MMR the worst the game is for killers. They necessitate Survivor mistakes to get kills😂
Remove MMR; at the least add a mode where there is none. Not just for this game, but EVERY game and watch how much better the gameplay gets 💯💯💯
Maybe controversial, but the issue with DBD is that devs keep introducing "win more" mechanics or gutting good killers/perks because many survivor-ONLY players are really bad at games in general + complain vocally about stuff they don't understand.
All of the anti-tunnel/anti-camp basekit stuff they begged for hasn't really worked to improve the quality of soloqueue survivor matches, and punishing killers for hooking + nerfing gen regression has ensured a slugging meta.
Just make it so your progress slowly decays if you’re interrupted. It’s not fun to be doing a totem cleanse for 59 seconds and get interrupted over and over. No perks should so actively make the gameplay boring for either side.
The conclusion is that the balance is starting to get very close to the middle, which is what most players were asking for, and it turns out that suddenly it's not that great and like people want to have some broken things on both sides but at the same time they dont.
12:25 its copium. A lot of killer got nice qol of small buffs, how killer mains don't remember that lol? What about nerfs to DH and others, what about finisher mori, hook respawns, what about shorter cooldowns, boons nerfs. You cant see only one side. Kicking gen ONLY 8 times? Count in how many games you do this. You can still play 3gen but the match wont last 1 hour at least what is good right?
Bye Hens Lmfao
the content creators led there army to nerf killer perks to their doom..
How is this even a conversation they most definitely are the only thing keeping this game alive
He does have a point by stating a new killer meta is already getting nerfed.
Tunneling gets nerfed, Thrill is going to get nerfed, and next slugging will likely have some shakeup. Survivor complaints are overabundant and lead to immediate changes while killers have to live with buckle up+ftp and old back ground player for far too long.
Tell behaviour to make middle east servers
Uh…yeah ok I’m calling cap on what you said about shoulder the burden. It’s literally the exact name and exact functionality of what Otz suggested. Let’s not pretend it’s a coincidence. This just feels like gaslighting. As someone who’s worked on a live service game before, content is reworked and modified up until it releases. With the case of shoulder the burden, considering how buggy it is, it definitely appears to have been rushed.
So like do people forget that counterforce exists or are we just ignoring that because we absolutely need every perk slot for boring second chance perks?
Thanks for getting Chucky butchered what a waste of my money that’s a fun killer gone 🤙
Does shoulder of burden effect cages, condemn locks, or mori's?
Hens can you use your streamer powers to make bhvr rework sabotages into reverse scourge hooks 🥺