Are The Twins Dead? – Dead by Daylight Developer Update

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Here’s the patch notes!

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Tags: dbd, world record twins, dbd twins, dbd pro team, high mmr, dead by daylight, rank 1 dbd, victor dead by daylight, lynxi, lynxi dbd, lynxi twins , twins main, #thetwins, dbd gameplay, dbd funny moments


40 thoughts on “Are The Twins Dead? – Dead by Daylight Developer Update”

  1. I can’t wait for their rework! I really hope they listened to Twins players like you and Pixel instead of the people who hate them. We don’t want a Freddy situation, we want Twins to still be Twins, but more fun for everyone!

  2. This isn't related to the changes but I had a kinda goofy idea that would allow Victor to be controlled while on a survivors back. The killer could slightly alter and affect their movements not unlike Left 4 Dead's jockey, and would be able to leap off of their back and potentially hit another survivor and could theoretically do this to injure all 4 survivors, or injure a altruistic survivor before leaping onto an injured one and scoring a down.

    If Victor misses an attack by any means by leaping off a survivors back he would be instantly killed, to prevent him from just leaping off onto the floor and then just downing the survivor. Lastly, an instant cooperative crush action could make for risky situations where the second survivor could potentially throw Victor off of their teammates back or Victor could react quicker and leap on them too.

    I don't think it would really be too strong as long as survivors are smart and actually crush Victor, but it could be interesting manipulating a survivor into running towards Charlotte and punishing survivors a for grouping up against Twins and especially for holding Victor hostage, which imo is fine as the idea of keeping a demented mutant goblin on your back as an effective form of counterplay has always been hilariously weird in my eyes.

  3. I am glad they are giving us this unbreakable update possibly 2 patches ahead of when it really comes out. This is a change that could be as bad as original boon healing. I really hope they do a twins pass because they are really fun to play but I would like to see them also buff via add-ons the killers that are about to be hurt by this possible change which is mainly the M1 killers…. also I would really like a rebalance to the insane gen speed they have introduced into the game but that can wait for the other stuff first.

  4. I’d want shared aura reading on twins, it makes no sense how they are connected but I can’t get value from perks like discordance, call of brine, bitter murmur, etc. when I’m playing Victor. Also, i think Charlotte should get a rage bar, where if Victor die 3 or 4 times, her hit will auto down healthy survivors for a limited duration ( plus the speed boost).

  5. I completely agree with your QoL changes on twins but, i have to say, i think you downplaying the Unbreakable situation quite much. I started playing Twins because of you and i have seen (and played) a considerable amount of matches with them. The problem with the infinite pickup is not only that the can pick themselves in 20something seconds, but the fact that you have less pressure on your slug. Previously you needed another person to pick you up so essentially you have 2 people who dont do the objective and even 3 if you're in chase in one of them. Now not only the slug can pick himself up but the other 3 can continue doing gens. Also you didn't mention the Power Struggle problem that arises with those changes.

  6. Survivor main, I don't want the Finishing Mori because it's just gonna make slugging worse. As you say, you can just switch back to Victor and down them again. The change just encourages killers to slug harder for a win, now "slug rushing" will be a thing (Infectious Nurse anyone?). All they needed to do is make Cypress basekit. That's literally it. We don't need all this other bullshit.

  7. A well thought out take that isn't rooted in sensationalist howling in the streets. As expected from Lynxi. Glad to hear other people making some sense around here.

    Edit: I find it hilarious that so many people are freaking out about new unbreakable. If it even works the way ppl assume, it most definitely won't survive whatever PTB features it. Too many YT montage reels of how broken that would be will kill that, and you can bet there will be many. I suspect that UB will either be a one off perk like it already is, or give diminishing returns on recovery speed.

  8. I used to play twins because Charlotte is the only killer who uses sickle as weapon , but after the 3s to 5s nerf, it feels so bad to play them, especially being kicked in the 4.9th second is very frustrating

  9. What if they removed the feature that victor gets automatically killed if he pounces on an obstacle that he shouldnt be able to and INSTEAD you could just kill him manually? That would encorage people to snipe more often with him and it would be really crazy to find specific spots on some maps just to place victor there to snipe.
    example: you jump on the roof of the shack and you can try to go for some snipes! just like space billy! Also they should remove that timer that kills victor if he stays idle for too long, sometimes you just want to protect devour hope and you have to keep switching back to him so he wont die

  10. I honestly cannot see twins be good when the base kit comes to the game if it actually does though we already know the devs hate the twins and they hate slugging we already know cause the base kit ub but I feel oni won’t struggle as much cause he actually could end a game instantly with one use of his power or any killer that can actually slug better the twins currently. But I’m a fan of the base kit ub it’s healthy for the game and being bled out is not fun we all been their.

  11. I'm begging for this twins rework to go well. Ever since I asked them if changes were coming I've just been so curious about what they change. I just want a way to carrying survivors to some degree as Victor lol

  12. Here's the thing, this is also a buff to Twin's because people aren't going to run UB every match and that's a longer time to pickup at a base, even with help. People won't be running UB all the time because it's not really OP if survivors aren't getting slugged for more than 20 seconds

  13. My chief concern is how Exponential and UB will stack. Cause if those two are used together, the problems with exponential become much stronger when the range in which you need to be shrinks dramatically. Heaven forbid they mess up and make the bonuses multiplicative. Obviously the PTB will determine a lot but im WATCHING THEM

  14. Im a twin Main, and i can Tell u, hooking one and downing the guy who comes to unhook, is one of the basics.

    U will see how twins will be F Tier After this change. Dont lie to yourself, unbreakable will go meta

  15. Hey, i played with you and against you 2 times🥺🤍 i am the P100 Nancy. We played on midwitch as your twins and on ormond against a bubba. You called me a hacker at first😭 i play on console on ps5 ( you can see my channel for the p100 video i made )

  16. They are gonna make Twins as they were when they were released in th PTB which was very weak. They will need an overhaul or a rework which will probbably happen in the next mid-chapter update.

  17. The way I see it, this change is going to be terrible for Twins because with how long it takes Charlotte to capitalize on Victor getting a down, adding basekit Unbreakable, even if it takes 45 seconds, basically forces Charlotte to pick up the person Victor got, because if you spend even a few seconds doing anything else, they’re going to get themselves up. But BECAUSE it takes so long it’s a lose-lose situation; forcing Charlotte to pick up slugs wastes an insane amount of time. The only ways to avoid this situation are to either keep Victor and Charlotte relatively near each other often in which case you’re sacrificing a lot of map-wide pressure/juggling capabilities, or get the downs with Charlotte in which case you’re trying to secure your downs with an M1 killer that has literally no power.

    No matter how you look at it, basekit Unbreakable gimps Twins because of how long it takes Charlotte to swoop in and help her brother out. I’ve been saying it forever now that making Charlotte better at responding to Victor’s antics would make them less clunky, more versatile, and much healthier and more fun to play against because that slowness she has right now quite literally forces the Twins player to slug.

    TL;DR: Slugging is Twins’ only option at the moment due to how slow Charlotte moves after Victor downs someone and basekit Unbreakable removes Twins’ only option.

    As for snowballing: You get that snowball by slugging everyone with Victor. It’s a domino effect; Twins snowballs by slugging, ergo nerfing slugging nerfs Twins’ snowball.

  18. I gotta be honest, I have a somewhat wild change? Why not in addition to Toy Sword being basekit also have Stale Biscuit be base kit too? I don’t think it’d be that strong and its barely noticeable in a lot of situations so I think it’d be fine

  19. I still really like Twins and how unique they are. I don’t think the base unbreakable will be as bad as people think. I mean, just look at Lynxi, and how she plays. She can play them without slugging for super super long. And with some buffs and probably some inevitable nerfs to the base unbreakable changes, it’ll be ok.

  20. If you ask me, I think they should make Victor slightly weaker (very slightly, like move just a bit slower or leaping not as far) but give Charlotte something in return.

    To me, one of the worst parts about Twins is the switching lockout mentioned in the video, but it's a close call. It's almost just as annoying to me that Charlotte is an M1 killer with zero power of her own.

    I think they should mess with the idea of Charlotte being stronger or weaker depending on if Victor is either attached or nearby. It would add another layer of decision making. Perhaps there would be the upside of having Victor gather info while hes idle (that killer instinct thing) but if Charlotte calls Victor back, or something, maybe Charlotte gets a small Haste status or something. That way Charlotte would be viable to try to go for the kill with too.

    It's just a rough idea, but I would just personally enjoy not always feeling like I'm forced to down people as Victor. Plus, you wouldnt be as pressured to slug as often if you could just immediately pick up after downing with charlotte

  21. You get the ability to instantly win with everyone down and your complaining that survivors can get up faster. Whiny entitled killer get over it, survivors might want a chance to actually live lol

  22. The time is 11 seconds if they are using a full build, without help from others. ( Edit, by full build I mean a full anti-slug build. The full anti-slug build still allows them to do gens still very fast so its not like it hurts that for them. You will NOT be seeing survivors not taking advantage of this at high end. Low and perhaps mid tier wont probably be a problem for a while. Since it often takes a while for both areas to catch on to things like that. )


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