Artist has a useless but hilarious bug | Dead by Daylight

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Forced Penance triggers when a Survivor takes a protection “hit” for an injured team mate, but what exactly is a hit? According to the game, Artist birds totally count as hits so you can inflict the Broken status effect with the, even when they are healthy for some reason! 😂 The Severed Hands add-on spreads birds easily which makes this even more consistent.

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38 thoughts on “Artist has a useless but hilarious bug | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Honestly I'm glad Broken doesn't actually force survivors to be injured because then Deathslinger would be able to oneshot any survivor who is near another one with Forced Penance. Broken not actually injuring you is also why Second Wind + Adrenaline still works.

  2. another strange interaction: Dredge still technically has a terror radius in Nightfall if you use Dark Devotion – survivors can't hear the obsession's Terror Radius but are still affected by TR perks, allowing you to use perks like Coulrophobia and Infectious Fright even in nightfall

  3. Honestly I hope BHVR leaves this in. Healing is WAY too oppressive currently. This make a less used perk quite viable and fun and actually forces Survivors to play the game as intended…Fleeing the Killer over the usual "Ha Ha! You hit me but I heal in 8 Seconds like you did nothing to me!"

  4. I discovered this a few months back. Forced Penance works on Legion and his power, Deathslinger and his harpoon (even just hitting the harpoon, you don't need to land the actual m1 after.), even Twins with Victor causes Forced Penance and is perhaps the strongest use of this perk as survivors take TONS of hits when you play them. But it works on ANYTHING any power or attack as long as someone else is close by it will count as a protection hit and make Forced Penance to work.

    This is not a bug and far from useless. If you are playing with Forced Penance and you hit someone that caused Forced Penance but doesn't do any damage that doesn't mean you won't do damage to them in a matter of seconds.

  5. Otz if you are looking to investigate bugs(or anyone interested), I may have found a BIG bug on legions frenzy.

    While playing yesterday I stumbled upon being stuck in a frenzy mid-chase and the whole entire game after.
    Recollecting I believe I could not vault windows and any pallets, but still was able to gain his speed.
    However, I also could not down people without them going through the regular "frenzy mode" as this mode did not have the effect of putting them in the status effect.

    Another phenomenon is that I gain the effects of vaulting windows, but I could only break pallets. Later as well I could down survivors.

    sorry for any grammar mistakes.


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