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Can't wait for a Steve build cause the new season
You should do a Cheryl Mason build next. Any love towards Silent Hill is needed.
I think a good ol Leatherface build video could be good! Because of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game coming out next year
So I would like to know, which game do you prefer? Evil Dead or Dead by Daylight. Do you like the faster pace deadite killing or the gen repairing looping
Steve Harrington Build:
No Mither cause Steve is always getting beaten up
Lithe cause Speve can Z O O M and Sprint Burst is big cringe
Prove Thy Self cause he has to prove to Nancy that he is better than Goblinathan (he is)
Parental Guidance because Speeeeeeeve are those kids Dad pretty much. I also wish Speve was my Dad. Cause I know Speve would've been home with the milk already… 😭
Ash solos dbd
Scooby doo build
Groovey video
Everyone who watches the streams knows he plays dbd to get views and LOVES evil dead
huh mine is little bit different my ash build is from evil dead the game, it's leader, Bond, dead hard, and built to last you think I should replace it with flashbang?
Man, i don't know. Ash needs his chainsaw and boomstick to really be complete.
They should add his chainsaw and just say it's out of gas
The End Of Both Games Had Me On The Edge Of My Seat 😂
I meaaaan, you can break his will pretty easily if you tell him that you’ll take him to Jacksonville.
I love how much Ashy Slashy hides the flashbang quite well. Unironically a buff for the perk through cosmetics.
let's try Laurie Strode next!
Hey Stalky, I'm a big fan, and am a fellow Myers main, you've taught me so much. Would you ever be interested in playing together?
I'm surprised you didn't use one of Ace's luck perks since Ash gets really lucky most of the time
no hate towards evil dead but DbD is the best. DbD has the better story and it continues. Much lore to explore
do Laurie Strode next
But I always run legion with bloodhound..mainly cus I lose Surv even with scratch marks and 90% of run iron will 🙂
They are completely different, you can always find similarities between things when your aim is to do so. Apples and oranges are both similar because they are fuits… except that they are also not alike at all even if they are in the same category.
Laurie strode next pls
You should do the baby doll face robot from the movie 9. The creepy babydoll dredge could be the right cosmetic
I love the puppet.
Lots of games have bars filling up, doesn't mean that they are all just like DBD. Both games are cool and both are unique. The Evil Dead game is more like Left 4 Dead rather than DBD.
I like using head-on, flashbang, blastmine, and represed on Ash it seems fitting making it harder on the killer.
Defo do an accurate Jill Valentine build pls dude, love ur vids btw 💪
What about a Joker build? Use the Clown or the Trickster as the character. You know what? Pennywise would be fun too.