Attempt at a Macro Gameplay Guide – Dead by Daylight

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46 thoughts on “Attempt at a Macro Gameplay Guide – Dead by Daylight”

  1. 12:11 – Could someone explain what's up with this Claudette outfit? I've seen this exact outfit dozens of times and it seems very unlikely that it's just a coincidence that so many people are using it, especially considering that the leggings have to be acquired for 1800 shards.

  2. Thanks for making this video Scott. It’s so frustrating to play a high level macro game and just have people go “these survivors are bad they didn’t even do a gen”. Macro level decision making is one of the hardest things to describe and showcase to someone who isn’t ready for that level of thinking. Hopefully this helps people a little

  3. 1 most of this is basic knowledge not hard to know at all
    2 this barely counts as a valid video since there's restrictions on perks that can be used. I say barely because obviously you change strategy for different kinds of game ie your ament vs casual/ranked so still semi valid.
    3 there was a lot of time that they could have been on gens with the first and even second hook.

  4. I’d honestly rather watch you comment on your own macro than tournament macro. There’s so much you can’t relate to in tournament play to your own gameplay but I do think this video was very well done and I understand your reasoning for why you chose a tournament game over your own.

  5. The most insane thing about this game is that I didn't see any crazy Blight tech on KnightLight. Like, he was just playing vanilla, god-fearing, working-as-intended Blight and still got these results.

  6. So it seems like macro play is really based simply off of the knowledge or attempt to gain knowledge of where survivors are. From there the macro gameplay narrows down to circumstances, whether it be "is this "the weak link", "what are their perks", "what playstyles do they have" and generally predicting what they will do by trying to predict the optimal play (at least in this scenario)- then trying to play around all of those scenarios for good macro gameplay.

  7. does anyone actually enjoy these shitty tournaments?
    i just dont see how this style of gameplay is bareable to play, no matter watch back to back to back…
    so can someone start an actual fun dbd event that doesnt insensitive camping and instead makes killers chase and survivors loop? (im down to make the whole thing up, just need others to test it)

  8. Dude this was awesome info that I feel could really up any killers game. Super entertaining video format I love how humble and kind you are while explaining the incredible pros in depth. Would love to see more gameplay breakdowns of high skill

  9. I really like these analyses type videos where you explain what and why the killer does what they do, or what the correct play is. It really helps. Ty <3

  10. I think literally just watching pro matches is something that will tremendously help people improve at killer tbh. This is true for all games and especially for a game like dbd that involves less mechanical skill it's even more effective in theory.

  11. This analysis really shows the value of high level macro (even without worry about stuff like picking out dead zones) and the reason Blight is high tier. When you see how easy (relatively) a Blight can exercise control of the map off of moderate information, you really start to see, "What the hell can even the best players do when you don't let them bring you to loops?"

  12. 12:30 claudette getting hit by melee without blight using his charge or fake turns before entering a corner! In shack. I rly like the way he played but those survivor (at least claudette) were utter beginners. Still nice macro gaming 👍

  13. People still won't like this video because you tell them that the best macro decision is to camp/tunnel sometimes, and no one likes doing that.
    Unfortunately, that's how Dbd is.

  14. I mean, it could be described easier. Camping and tunneling that’s it and it’s not that hard to implement as ppl here want to make it sound.
    It’s just a shame to do do any tournaments for this game.
    It doesn’t make sense at all.

  15. I feel like people need to stop using MMR as an excuse in this game in any way shape or form because of 2 important factors of how MMR is gathered – firstly – how it’s scaled solely based on escapes and kills – secondly – how it gathers players for a match from the available base . IF (if) it works the way BHVR says it does – it supposedly calculates the likelihood of a 2k according to the MMR of the survivors vs the killer. So there are, presumably, 2 lower MMR survivors and 2 higher MMR survivors. (You may see now that MMR calculation based on win conditions immediately corrupts the efficacy of the entire premise of a 2k probability analysis.) MMR might as well not even exist because it doesn’t work and, in fact, works to the detriment of the community most of the time where high skill soloQ survivors end up against low skill killers and high skill killers end up versing soloQ teams with maybe some medium to high skill survivors and some very spookied locker Dwights and bush Claudettes. Where the stealth players are determined as the higher MMR survivor compared to the others. You also get face camping bubbas at high MMR because… I don’t care what anyone says – soloQ survivors be diving on that Bubba hook or the one who got hooked forces hook death instead of allowing their team time to get out.

  16. Something to add: at 6 minutes, knightlight knew the ace didn't have bt because otherwise he would've saved when knightlight was on the hill, that information from earlier allowed him to tunnel straight off hook


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