Attempting 5 Stacks of Hex: Pentimento with Demogorgon | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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We back at it, trying to get to 5 stacks of Hex: Pentimento. We decided to go with Demogorgon this time, since he is a pretty mobile killer with a lot of good chase potential. If you have suggestions on other killers/builds to help get our goal, let me know in the comments!

Thumbnail render made by Ev3ntic! Check her out hereโ€‹โ€‹โ€‹

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44 thoughts on “Attempting 5 Stacks of Hex: Pentimento with Demogorgon | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. As cool as getting 5 stacks is, I'm almost more interested to see a couple of games where you actually just play with Pentimento normally without trying to get 5 of them. Basically to showcase a good strategy for effectively using the perk versus handicapping yourself trying to "shoot the moon" and get all 5.

    Also, while Pentimento is the only way to get 5 hex totems simultaneously, you don't necessarily need to do that to get 5 destroyed totems because survivors do sometimes run perks like Inner Strength that require them to cleanse a totem. So as an alternative to Plaything you could instead try running Undying, Haunted Ground and Ruin plus Pentimento, for example, and just hope that the dull totem happens to get cleansed by a survivor looking to power up one of their perks. (I'm not even sure it would take longer to do necessarily since so much of it with either strategy depends on having a survivor who wants to naturally cleanse totems in the first place.)

  2. Until they add a perk that allows the killer to destroy – not snuff out – totems, getting 5 stacks of Pentimento will only be possible against the absolute newest of players who havenโ€™t heard of boons. That, or if they nerf boons to the point where theyโ€™re no longer super desirable all the time.

  3. I think you need to run Hex: Ruin instead of corrupt intervention. My reasoning is that if a survivor has a boon and blessed Hex: Devour, then you wonโ€™t get all five stacks of Pentimento. But if you run Ruin along with the build, youโ€™ll practically have six hex totems, one being Ruin, one being Devour, and four being Plaything. That way if you lose a hex because it was blessed, youโ€™ll be able to replace it with Plaything and still have five hex totems to be cleansed. And also Ruin will help with gens while itโ€™s up and be another hex that will make survivors have to look for totems.

  4. The sad part of this video just is that shows how lame SBMM is. You cant do fun builds, or try new things. You just face sweaty survivors with the same perks who gen rush. I miss old dbd ๐Ÿ™

  5. Yeah, wasn't burned but had a douchebag Feng who would stay in the top corner of the library while booning the totem inifintly next to her. Wouldn't leave that corner so I would down her, come back and down her again. Had to slug her to death because she wanted to keep struggling away for free rather than play the game normally.

  6. Does anyone know if undying works for hex totems or is it just dull totems? Anyways, it could be good to combo with Devour. You want to force the survivors to cleanse devour as well as undying. Plaything can get you the other 3 totems. Set up a portal on every totem (or the general area) and quickly teleport to every totem and rekindle it. You can try to send yourself to a good 3 gen map or a map with a really good centered basement such as Wreckers' Yard (Autohaven Wreckers). Wreckers' Yard has no main building other than shack (which always contains the basement) and can severely disadvantage survivors if you hook and kill a survivor down there early in the game. The other 3 survivors can live to activate plaything (you only need 3) and if you secure a 3 gen, the survivors have nothing else to do besides cleanse totems. Make sure to find your 3 gen early on (try to force survivors to cleanse totems in that area in the early game to avoid unbroken totems in the end game). Once all totems are broken and your 3 gen is secure, rekindle all 5 totems. You now have secured the strongest 3 gen in the game with a 30% permanent gen reduction + the ability to teleport to/ between gens with demo. If you can pull this off, let me apologize to the survivors in advance.

  7. Love your vids! I wanted to make a recommendation that might help. The matches I've seen pentimento get the most value are for killers that give survivors other objectives. So plague (cleansing), pinhead (box), pig (puzzle boxes). These people are more inclined to cleanse totems because they don't want to be oblivious while working on their other objectives. I would also agree with corrupt or maybe pop or scourge hook. Good luck!

  8. Try Pin Head (to keep them busy with box)
    Perk combo: Hex: Petimento, Hex: Devour, Hex: Ruin, Hex: Playthings.
    So you only need to hook 3 survivors for Playthings, and in case 1 of the totem gets boon-ed. Playthings will re activate if you haven't hooked the 4th survivor ( for the 1st time ofcourse)

  9. I think the moment you saw nobody on RCPD and things were looking bad you shoulda flipped the switch in brain that told you it wasn't going to happen the safe way and just lit the Pentimento. 30% slower gens is way better than holding onto a pentimento that isn't gonna work. Yes, getting 5 stacks of pentimento is hard without doing it all at once, but you can salvage some games that look like they're aren't gonna go your way. No point getting a 5 stack if all the gens are done. If I played killer and I was trying to farm a meme build like this for content, I'd allow myself to use the slowdown, especially if the totem is in a spot survs aren't going to want to go back and cleanse.

  10. First game at 5:58 as you're looking from the railway to the lockers on the top floor, there's who I think to be Zarina next to the burning rubble running towards you as you shamble off into the building again. It's okay though, I hate RPD too…

  11. Ever since they've buffed Boil Over, I've heard the stories. I've heard the stories though. I've heard about RPD burning survivor players. I've heard so many horror stories.

    "Hey guys-"
    "Guess what I heard?"
    "What's that??"
    "I've heard the stories!"


  12. I think Hex: Ruin is the best fourth perk for a few reasons:
    1) Helps with the gen pressure issue
    2) Incentivizes survivors to cleanse earlier
    3) 1 less hook required before you can use pentimento
    4) If it does work, permanent ruin with slow gen speed is broken and hilarious


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