Ayrun | The TRUE BABY KILLER Experience! | Dead by Daylight

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Playlist to Ayrun
#dbd #dbdAyrun #dbdKiller #ayrun

Not a lot of people talk about these videos often, so I thought I would use it as an oppertunity to dicuss Killer mistakes and how you can avoid falling for some of these old tricks and information you might not find anywhere else.
Playlist to Ayrun
01:51 – First Match
11:26 – Second Match
20:27 – Third Match

TimeZones for Streams
2:30 CST
3:30 EST
12:30 PST
20:30 UK
Every Day.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


39 thoughts on “Ayrun | The TRUE BABY KILLER Experience! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. 8:36 his teammates probably took hits for him. 9:00 he mentions "great teammate though saving my life like that" may also refer to the pallet save though.
    17:47 "This is such a tough game" for the killer yes for Aryrun no, he's the one hanging around the hook and killer when he could be off doing a generator. They virtually gave up their advantage as a team to run around a teammate on the hook absolutely reeks of SWF.
    23:35 You need MFJ Nemesis Alarm Build but yeah trees on swamps are so bad for Zombies.
    26:07 "Picking up a killer", Survivors confirmed the real Killers of DBD.

    I want to say he hides a lot of details in his videos but I can also understand that he removes the boring bits so it's entertaining to watch killers getting "juiced" for content, he also dies in 2 of these trials against mediocre killers that drops his MMR like a rock.

  2. Really enjoyed this type of video man! It's a change of pace and reminded me about a thing or two to keep in mind in game instead of letting it do the dial up sound lol. The second story flashlight blind is something that's never happened to me so I was surprised to see that's possible, definitely had a few TILs. Would love to see more of these!

  3. Why does it matter? I feel like this is a pessimistic way to talk about someone that plays a video game just like y’all do, you don’t have to break it down like you’re suddenly a pro lmao

  4. Survivor mains are full of sh*t,they upload content of them going againts baby killers because againts good killers,they wouldn't be able to pull all that sh*t.

  5. This comment section is rough… Let the haters hate and watch it pile up. Still trips me out. That you are making content about another streamer. For what purpose? Besides Getting a mob of angry Haters all in one place to complain.

  6. Yeah, I've never been a big fan of Ayrun and his ego. However, you sound just as condescending towards people who may be new to killer and come off as someone who is trying to boost their ego just as much. I've never watched a video of yours and I am sure this was not your intention, but be careful about your reputation and how you come across to your viewers….

  7. Great video as always Jay, I think a series on less experienced killers where you watch their gameplay and give them tips and advice to help them is a great idea and would help a lot of people. As an average at best killer myself I know I would welcome any advice on my gameplay and loads of others would also.
    Keep up the good work mate

  8. Noone post them losing, Noone gonna wanna watch that, and also he's a comp player so his skill isn't a question.
    It's just fun content to watch.

    When do we get the ManFaceJay vs Ayrun 1v1?

  9. In that Nemesis’s defense, towards the end of a high intensity match like that the adrenaline can make it difficult to think clearly. Though definitely not the best killers, I might not consider them “babies”

  10. I'm sorry but I really don't like AYRUN, he promotes toxicity against killers and from what I have seen from the few videos I have seen he never gives props when the killer is really trying or actually does make a good play on top of the fact he knows he's good which isnt bad but damn dude he overkills everything. I myself am not a superstar killer. In fact I am mid tier at best and I am just fine with that. Its absolutely no fun playing against these types of players when you are not a pro level player and don't even want to be. I get playing to win ok but when you are at this level is it really necessary to make sure the killer leaves the game feeling like he's trash. This is why I honestly think the devs need to create like a tournament mode or something for the players that like playing in like they're getting paid to play and will not get paid of they loose. Give those of us that are genuinely trying to enjoy the game have some decent chases get a few hooks a mode away from MMR. I hate sweat games personally and once I see the team I am against playing like that I let them go. I have zero interest in sweating and try harding and really don't care about MMR. Thanks for doing this videos I did pick up some tips from your commentary on things I do wrong. THANKS

  11. The video can actually be somewhat educational so I don't get why so many people care and are crying in the comments defending their "leader" ayrun or just commenting hate in general. He's bad for this game In my personal opinion. Yes I said it. He's a huge dbd influencer who promotes entitlement and that is bad for the game. I used to watch his streams and when he gets rolled by a good killer, like yourself Jay, he throws out the entitlement card.

  12. I don’t personally find it funny to bully baby killers, it makes me feel bad because that could easily be anyone when starting out. I just feel bad for even watching. 😬 Like do the gens, loop normally, and just leave. Put them out of their misery already.

  13. to say u always say like dont go to other streamers and talk shit, but yet ur here making a 30 min video about ayrun. kinda sad and kinda hypocritical.

  14. Ayrun really thinks he’s a god player just because all his little jukes and fakes work on baby killers. I would like to see him go against a killer as good as Jay again just to see what would happen.

  15. Honestly after seeing your first video on him I started avoiding him like the plague lol. I used to watch him a lot but after seeing your videos I just can’t bring myself to watch him anymore


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