Background Player Makes Killers FEAR Pallets! ft. not Otzdarva Classed & Ev3ntic

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Join not Otzdarva Ev3ntic and Classed Witness an insane Dead by Daylight gameplay featuring the killer fearing pallets like never before. The new exhaustion perk, Background Player, activates whenever the killer picks a survivor, providing them with a sprint burst that is perfect for making pallet and flashlight saves. With the added power struggle and flip flop perks, the downed survivor can even save themselves after being slugged for a few seconds.
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40 thoughts on “Background Player Makes Killers FEAR Pallets! ft. not Otzdarva Classed & Ev3ntic”

  1. I really like the idea of an exhaustion perk thats designed to have utility outside of chase rather than in chase. Obviously it won’t be nearly as popular or powerful as the others but its a cool concept and looks fun to use.

  2. In my opinion, only the new survivors and their perks can so much redeem that sorry ass Walmart Predator looking knockoff really needs to fuck off back to Fortnite.

  3. I honestly preferred it the way it was before, but once again BHVR listening to the idiots in the community. 😮‍💨 I mean this is good too, but it will definitely be annoying to go against.

  4. In game everyone has pretty standard names like Eventic, Otzdarva and Tyrone which, while technically not real names for those first two, you then have WorthlessBug333 for Hens which just made this whole stream funnier. It's like having Jim, Elly and Bill walk into a bar with their friend UsefulCockroach420. Seriously funny stuff.

    Honestly we might see Power Struggle get changed given the videos that'll come out of this situation, but for a short while it'll be funny.
    EDIT: Random guess: We'll probably see animations overriding the falling be changed over a change to any perk, but that's just me being hopeful. I really hope they don't end up just neutering Backroom Player cause it's basically DOA for solos and similar with Power Struggle.

  5. Did they really make a bully perk… Is this a joke? We have flashlights and flashbangs needing literally 0 timing anymore and now picking anyone up gives sprint burst. Do behaviour just want every killer to slug 24/7

  6. I used to welcome beamer squads. There was good counterplay available to killers and it was fun interaction for both sides and I could usually still get the pickup off with a bit of awareness and skill despite the ridiculous 89.9 degree blind angles. Now, with Background Player and more forgiving flashlights, what used to take a lot of balls and skill to pull off now becomes nearly an automatic flashlight save, often from a healthy survivor. As killer, I am going to give flashlights much more respect than they likely deserve. I've run Lightborn a handful of times and swore never to run it before now to considering running it every game (replacing former favorite Mad Grit), if I play at all. I will pay more attention to lobbies. I will DC-dodge from loading screens after 7 second switches if I don't have Lightborn on. I will hard slug. I'm already conditioned to camp and tunnel SWFs anyways, I may as well make the transition to pure evil. It must be what BHVR wants, after all. I very much doubt that I am the only killer who will take such an approach. Also, if I want to DC I just go AFK to prevent moments like 13:32 and waste the survivors' time.
    Get your content and fun in now lads, because this cannot last. This will contribute to less killer players staying to play DbD and those that do stay will play nastier. It's going to be a fun 3 months for survivors as what's left of DbD's player base learns the hard way and the gnashing from killers will be glorious.


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