Basic Things You Aren't Thinking About | Dead By Daylight Gameplay Review

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In today’s Dead By Daylight Gameplay Review – we take a look at a console player who is averse to using their ability. So we really dive in and help newer players to understand some basic tips to start practicing before it is too late


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Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10am – 4pm cst


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About Me!

My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

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9 thoughts on “Basic Things You Aren't Thinking About | Dead By Daylight Gameplay Review”

  1. Thank you for reviewing my game; believe it or not I was either iridescent 2 or 1 in this video. I dont typically like using my hatchets since Im extremely used to playing Legion and having enduring+spirit fury which is why I always tend to jump into pallets and take a stun

  2. You don't really want to use StbfL and Franklins, or other M1 only perks on Huntress.
    Remember, if you M2 into M1, it's just as quick as having 8 stacks of StbfL.

    I main her since 2017 on Xbox and still she's the only killer i really can enjoy in high MMR, or before in red ranks..
    Learning her on console is totally worth it, if she fits your playstyle. It only needs more playtime and practise.
    And by that i mean… A LOT OF HATCHETS! o/


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