Behaviour Heartily Endorses NFTs as Steam Bans Games that Allow Them – Dead by Daylight

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43 thoughts on “Behaviour Heartily Endorses NFTs as Steam Bans Games that Allow Them – Dead by Daylight”

  1. For the record, the official statement from Steam on games not allowed involved "applications built on blockchain technology that issue or allow exchange of cryptocurrencies or NFTs." Behaviour has allowed NFT generation to occur by working with NFT companies and giving them the Pinhead model, but the game itself features no blockchain technology so it will probably be fine, at least in terms of Steam's rules.

  2. I strongly urge everyone to stop playing DBD and uninstall. If you continue playing then it literally tells them that you are okay with this change.

    It does not matter if the entire playerbase is yelling in the wind about how bad NFTs are tbh because their player count numbers need to take a hit for them to realize this a bad decision

  3. With how many of the devs on twitter are surprised at this, I can only imagine this part of the deal was supported by someone who has next to no involvement in the actual development of the game

  4. Could someone please dumb down NFTs, I'm having a very tough time understanding them, and also how a lot of power is needed for them? I mean like, full on ELI5

  5. Sadly this is the inevitability of all gaming companies. They start out receptive and caring about their community and game. But eventually the call of money gets to their heads and it overshadows everything else.

  6. VHS and Propnight need to give Behaviour a cold hard shake from reality that we are tired of being treated like shit. The fact that DBD costs money to access and then the hoard of dlc and cosmetics that are overpriced, and now they try to pull this crap? When VHS comes out, I'm hopping onto that game and deleting DBD because these devs dont deserve a playerbase anymore.

  7. The thing that baffles me about people spending money on NFTs is like, why not just buy prints from an artist or buy commissioned artwork? Then at least it's something either physical you can hang and appreciate or that's entirely your own (or mostly your own)

  8. BHVR will lose so much money. Any penny's you made will be a waist. Meanwhile all the fucking problems dbd has and they try and dip their toes in….pretty much the scam scene to make some "easy" money.

  9. probably shouldn't but im gonna play devils advocate. maybe the Pinhead license guys said they had to say something or theyd pull the deal all together, they clearly had control taking away the voice lines. its semi safe to assume they have control saying "support us hurting the environment so we can get a massive amount of money" granted i may be just in hella denial about this whole damn thing.

  10. started researching nft's and discovered that the transactions occur in the most transparent, easily detectable pyramid scheme I have ever seen in my life. just flipping a jpeg over and over until the price is too high for anyone to care about or consider. its true that if you get it early enough in the chain you can make some money, but you will NEVER get it early enough because the people getting them for low prices at the start of the chain are the people who set up the whole scheme in the first place, have all of the lists rigged so they are the only ones that get to buy an NFT as soon as its minted, get the first version of every jpeg that gets minted, and flip them to whoever's stupid/desperate enough to keep flipping it down the chain. each jpeg continues until whoever's got it last at the bottom can't find a buyer for whatever ridiculous price the seller bought it at, and the last guy to buy it eats the loss and is left holding the bag. one example I saw was one that cost $24 after being minted, was flipped over and over until it cost six figures, and never flipped again since the guy who bought it last couldn't find anyone to pay any more than that, and got stuck with a license to a stupid jpeg instead of a house, education, or literally anything else of REAL value. sure, you CAN make money but there its all based on the pure, dumb luck that someone else wants to pay more for the stupid thing you bought than you just did. its seriously some of the most braindead, valueless shit i have ever seen and seeing how many people fall for it deadass make me lose all hope for humanity because even if I lost half my brain cells I still wouldn't be dumb enough to fall for this stupid shit

  11. Hey, want a super secret password that gives you authority over something with zero inherent value? …What why? -Oh you see, the password is very complicated… Yeah, blockchain is cool, but the way it has been applied has been hilariously dystopian.

  12. Oh man, BHVR did something stupid and took an L?

    Who could have seen it coming?

    Also the absolute confusion you have at the end of the video basically sums up how I've felt about BHVR as of late. It's like they want to fail.

  13. So eco-friendly bros, have you stopped eating meat? How about denouncing China and other countries like Mexico who are pumping and pumping high level emissions oc CO2? No? Then the "nature destruction" angle is just an excuse for you to bitch about a glorified TF2 hat linked to a decentralized currency that maybe perhaps some banks and other institutions want you to be mad about

  14. Artists are reporting their work turning up on NFT websites without their permission, being bought and sold off without them being involved. Plagiarising works from artists is possibly the scummiest thing you can do. BHVR supporting this makes it all the more clear that the team do not care about their own, or other, communities.


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