Behaviour Logic – Dead by Daylight

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45 thoughts on “Behaviour Logic – Dead by Daylight”

  1. And this is one of the many reasons I’m taking a break until the anniversary. I know there are good devs that work there, but the constant let’s take 5 years to implement a feature or the let’s take 1 year to realize that this bug is in the game is really annoying at this point. I know there are devs that want to solve these issues immediately, but the higher ups who just want to make money based off cosmetics and not have these problems fixed are complete pieces of garbage. I know there are dedicated teams to certain aspects of all games, but the higher ups make all the decisions and unfortunately for people who love the game and want it to be better they have to suffer just so bhvr can make a few more bucks off Feng’s 1,058,976th outfit

  2. Ask yourself: how did the shop overhaul result in 0 bugs/glitches/issues to that portion of the game, but the very same patch that did it broke a significant portion of the actual gameplay?
    Why do they use FOMO as an excuse for not doing shit that won't make them money, when it's one of their most relied-upon sales tactics?
    Why do they make promises (badges and banners won't be paid cosmetics), and break them flagrantly (95% of the badges and banners in the game are locked behind a pay-wall)?
    Why do they clearly not have any idea of wtf this game is even supposed to be; making changes to the most basic elements of gameplay nearly 8 years after launch?
    Why do they use low-effort anti-cheat that has been proven to be cracked, and make victims build a case that could hold up in a court of law before they take action against cheaters?

    When it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck…

  3. I'm just guessing but maybe it has to do with licencing. Maybe they can't remove hawkings from the pool because that isn't possible in the contract with Netflix. But that's just a guess

  4. Does the desync make it so someone can soft-lock the game for another player until the server shuts things down? Because that's what going out of bounds as Survivor does. I watched a video about someone loading into a map out of bounds on Garden of Joy and they disconnected so as to not force the Killer player to wait for the server to shut the game down.
    I can totally see some people going out of bounds and then just going A.F.K. to force the Killer player to either D.C. or wait it out.

    I see the "logic" in this, the desync is annoying and a problem but not a true kill switch worthy problem as games can still be played on the map and come to natural conclusions and not have to wait for the game timer to run out and be forcefully shut down externally. They should still totally kill switch the bugged map but probably don't want to use such "heavy handed" means for a "minor" problem.

    Bad logic is still bad but I can understand it. Unless I'm missing some information which is likely.

  5. What sucks is all of this happened immediately after I came back and had my first thoroughly enjoyable night of DBD I've had in a long time, so then it was like "Well, see you next year BHVR"

  6. I honestly do not understand why they havn't just reverted the game back to before this patch and made a PTR for it in it's current state and work on fixing it

  7. describe bhvr in few sec:
    remember its the same dev team, who balance the game and dosent lissen to Veterans with 10k hrs, 15k hrs and and, i have also 10k hrs but dont lissen to me, lissen to Otz (Fog Whisperer) and other Veteran players…

  8. From a business standpoint this makes sense BHVR is so scared to use the killswitch. If they keep turning off parts of their game that break, it scares off investors, who probably dont actually look at the game and see how broken it already is

  9. My guess is: Garden of Joy literally prevents the killer from playing the game, a survivor can hold the game hostage (at least for an hour)
    Hawkins affects both sides equally but can be avoided by just guessing which exit is the correct one?

    But Potential Energy is ok (I assume it's still bugged, I don't read patch notes)

  10. Imagine having a killswitch feature so you can quickly eliminate any issues that may pop up until they're fixed and then not actually using it. It's truly the most big brained move ever, i am in awe at the staggering logic they possess.

  11. My personal conspiracy theory is that BHVR has an internal policy of only killswitching something they already know how to fix because they have this warped idea that content being killswitched for, say, over 3 months presents a worse public image than just leaving it broken. Case in point: the bug with Potential Energy.

  12. I really like how you don't even need to say a word to convey a point here. Like if you ended the video with no comment at the end, it would have conveyed the same message. I find this two minutes the utmost hilarious.

  13. what if BHVR are reluctant to inform the ST license holders that they have kill-switched their intellectual property because they're hard to work with? they failed to reach an agreement to renew the license last time around after all


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