Best Builds for a Beginner Hillbilly | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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Showing off some builds that would be good for a new player who is interested in playing Hillbilly! We use only perks available by default, or teachable perks from non-DLC killers. Enjoy!

Whispers Guide โ€“

Billy Guide โ€“

Thumbnail render made by Ev3ntic! Check her out here

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35 thoughts on “Best Builds for a Beginner Hillbilly | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. I mained billy for a bit and I must acknowledge that bitter murmur isnt the worst pick. It has ok synergy with tinkerer and nets me at least one cross map chainsaw. Its not the best perk but for budget bbq it gives decent knowledge and lasts long enough to at least know where people are going imo

  2. I feel like they should make the base game f2p. Then they have more reason to raise the DLC by a dollar and make the money back. It'd give it some more life, and make the Q's shorter.

  3. Try using only the teachables of the killer you are playing with and free perks(non teachables) for beginner videos. Newer players don't level up other other killers too fast.

  4. I think you should give more variety for builds. Not necessarily play them, but at least show them. As in: "Basic build for Billy is Enduring, Tinkerer, Shadowborn, Whispers. If you want you can replace Shadowborn with your comfort perk. If you have Barbecue it is an amazing perk on Billy. You might be tempted to use Surge if you have it, but Surge only works if you down using your basic attack. It doesn't work with your chainsaw, so I wouldn't recommend it." etc. I feel like this wouldn't drag out the video at all, maybe 5 minutes tops. But it would help people who only have one or two paid DLC's. I only have 450 hours in this game so I couldn't think of many examples. But I'm certain you have the knowledge and experience to know what perks work amazing, what perks don't work at all, and what perks seem like they would be amazing but don't work at all.

    Other than that, you managed to make this series entertaining and educational at the same time, so sticking with the current formula wouldn't hurt either.

  5. I bought all the DLC at once after playing the freebie game for 2 months and deciding I liked it well enough to make the DLC a present for myself at XMAS. Then Patch 4.5.0 came out and I was thinking i had just wasted my money on a broken POS.

  6. I โ€œonlyโ€ have like 200 hours in the game, but I have never connected a hillbilly chainsaw. It just seems so easy to take like two steps to the side to dodge, my only 4k with him was a game where I just….never used it. I swear, I have an easier time playing spirit or nurse.

  7. For all new players:
    When someone tells you, Whispers is a good Perk, you know he is a Noob, no matter how many hours he has..
    A Waste of a Perk Slot and still the worst detection perk in this Game…
    And yes "i KnOw hOw tO usE WhiSperS"…still garbage compared to EVERY other detection Perk…even F ing Stridor is better…

  8. Tofu your last tier list was over a year ago! You should make a new one with Demo, Oni, New Doctor, Deathslinger, New Bubba, Pyramid Head, Blight, Twins, New Clown and Trickster (when he comes out). Also make like a favorite tier list too like your favorite killers to play to least favorite

  9. Wait? Huntress is free now? Huntress was the first DLC I ever bought when I started? When I first started playing it came with Trapper, Billy, Wraith, Nurse, Hag, and Doctor

  10. i seriously don't understand this killer, hence why i find him extremely unfun to play.
    Every time i start a chainsaw sprint he seems to pull to the right so fkin hard, that, if i were to follow a straight line, he would just turn to the right as soon as i move past an obstacle, only to hit it like a dumbass (keep in mind, that i am not the one giving the input to turn right; it's doing it by itself)

  11. "I don't think anyone is going to buy this game and then immediately buy every dlc"

    Meanwhile last November "Oh my god playing killer is so much fun, but the base killers are boring I want more" proceeds to buy every dlc after a few days of playing the game

    You see I don't play dbd cuz it's fun to play, I play it because if I don't I just waisted 100+ dollars for literally no fucking reason.

  12. I think it would be cool if for the free killers we only used their perks and the ones that show up in the boodweb of all killers and then for like the DLC killers you're allowed to use the teachables of all the free killers. that probably simulates how a totally new player is going to play.


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