Best Killer Build in New Patch? Dead by Daylight

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Is this one of the best perk combos for the new patch?

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #bestbuild #strong

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20 thoughts on “Best Killer Build in New Patch? Dead by Daylight”

  1. basically you can go to the totem and come back to the hook. its impossible to repair gen. I think 1 tanatho + 1 pentimento is something like 139s to repair a gen.

  2. How is this game even fair or fun for killer mains? Jesus Christ you're not even trying and you're wrecking everyone… This patch needs to be rolled back, this shit is ridiculous.

  3. No brine no overcharge no eruption, an over reliance on the team cleansing or getting no value out of one of your perks on top of another perk that just blocks a gen for 30 seconds making survivors just work on multiple gens which is their objective anyways.

  4. Worst patch ever. Now way too easy as a killer and mostly impossible to win as a random survivor. After six years of continuously playing dbd I will do a break. Maybe one day this game will be fun to play again as it was all the years before. GG

  5. When tru3 become such a entitled killer main. He really thinks this update didn’t kill solo queue? Always whining about the top percent swf Blabla…I play both sides. If I play so sweaty like him, even with a lower tier killer like demo or wraith, I get constant 3-4ks. What is he showing an killer that got an insane buff with the iron will nerf, performing well with a 140 seconds gen build, massive mobility and insane anti loop. Tru3 you are really a fucking genius…

  6. Would you consider Spirit with oppression, eruption, overcharge, and jolt? I’ve ran it a handful of times now and it’s been sickening for the survivors

  7. This is my dredge build, it's a good build but def won't work on all killers.
    Probably okay on most M1 killers though that like hit and run, I feel you need map mobility to make it work though always you have to go out of your way to lite totems… I don't like this build on Deathslinger, he's too freaking slow.

  8. I'm a huge nerd with oppression and dead man's switch combo. It's somewhat rng considering after hooking a survivor, if you come across a gen with a survivor at it, you won't get to kick the gen to get oppression value with dead man's switch potentially blocking 3 gens at once. Then the other 2 perks: I personally love running save the best for last especially with this new dead hard and dissolution because I'm lazy when it comes to kicking pallets. I've ran this build on half of the killer roster and only lost with Trickster and nurse (I DC'd as nurse because I embarrassed myself trying to down someone and I simply have never played since her rechargeable blinks nerf a good while ago)


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