BEST Mentality Against TOXICITY | Dead by Daylight

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#DBD #Toxicity #Rant

Video Song: Forever by White Bat Audio

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19 thoughts on “BEST Mentality Against TOXICITY | Dead by Daylight”

  1. haha I can relate honest, I love it when I point my cursor over dbd and am loading it up and am saying to myself why the f am I playing dbd lol Its addictive not sure why

  2. Best Killer advice: don't feel bad for them ever. Most of the games I lose and get bullied is when I cut Survivors slack. That's the truth. If you want to enjoy Killer, be a Killer and do WHATEVER it takes. Nothing feels better than a 4K on a team who attempted to hide in the bushes, pre drop everything, 3x deadhard, 3x borrowed time, 3 gens done in the first chase, flashlight experts, breaking hooks in your face ect. There's only one way to beat that meta and it's called fishing: you force their ego and altruism and you camp it out. That's it. They will appear and they will lose because of it. I won a match today where I had like 2 hooks at one gen left. They wanted to "teach me a lesson" but they quickly realized that I'm incredible at manipulation.

  3. That comment from Ihmislehma sums it up clear as day in my eyes. Years of LoL has made me a bit jaded about using 'gg' because it feels like it's lost most of its meaning to me. But you don't have to explain yourself to anyone. If you wanna say gg in the end game chat and they start ranting and bitching about whatever delusional notion of how you cheated, or broke a rule, or whatever, you don't have to reply at all. You can just click Continue and move on. That's what I do most of the time, I try my best not to fan the flame if I can. Sometimes I slip up and say something snarky but I try very hard not to drag it out cause at the end of the day it was just 1 match of a stupid cat and mouse game. If it's really gotten under your skin, or it happens repeatedly? Just take a break. You don't have to subject yourself to it.

  4. Whenever someone calls me a camper or tunneller normally I’ll just agree with them because 9/10 whatever argument they have after calling you that falls apart however if they start to get a bit more colourful with there language I’ll just ignore them

  5. For me, as a Killer main, I'm a Killer. I kill. That's it. I don't give Hatch. I just Kill, break pallets, and most importantly — other than being a Killer, you're a Generator Protector. Camp the Gens, as you would if they clicked at you. They won't win. Instead of beating them up, go to the Generators being worked on and kick it.

  6. my simple advice:if you are the type of person who just dosn't want to have the "respond with kindness" bull crap give them a little bit of their medicine and leave and enjoy that little bit of rage you gave them. is this advice going to be viewed as sombody that loves getting people mad yes. if their willing to give you their energy just retern to sender and make em keep that shit.

  7. The actual post is actually hilarious if you read it. Typical killer main stuff, I'm the victim because everything i do I get "villianized and bullied" no matter how I play. Meanwhile he lists all survivors and survivors actions as toxic. I flashlight save I'm toxic, I crouch I'm toxic, I do a gen I'm gen rushing toxic, etc. Do people really not see there Hypocrisy? I can make the exact same argument that everything a survivor does is viewed as toxic by someone.

  8. I’d consider myself a pretty high skilled killer but someone’s you just literally CANT do anything to win with more than a single kill where you can down survivors quick or the survivors aren’t very good just everything is very safe and gens just churn out pretty quick and I just accepted sometimes survivors love to get out in 4 minutes 😂

  9. I think as long as you're not going out of your way to bully people and you're just playing for yourself, whether thats competitively or just for fun. Then do whatever you want. If you wanna camp, tunnel, t bag, click your flashlight, go ham at it but if you're going out of your way to hurt others then there's a problem. End game chat is prime example

  10. It doesn't matter how the match went, I always expecting people to be toxic in the afterchat. It makes me sad that I started to think that way and seeing toxicity as the norm for this game I love.

  11. Just saying "gg wp" and not responding to their bait makes them even more upset because they aren't given the satisfaction or closure they were looking for. I always try and keep that in mind, it's pretty funny when you think about it.

  12. How do I continue to play killer despite all that? I just like killing. It's illegal to do it irl so you unless you wanna ruin your life, you gotta find legal ways to do it.
    Do survivors still sometimes escape? Yeah, it's a game of cat and mouse. The thrill of the hunt and the rush of delight when you hear their death scream and the ominous sound of the entity claiming them just feels good to me.
    I tried being "nice" and for a time it worked, everyone had a good time. Until I encountered one person who didn't understand what being nice was. From that point on, all mercy, kindness, and any care of other people's feelings was thrown out the window while playing DBD.


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