Best of the Knight – Dead by Daylight Stream Highlights

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49 thoughts on “Best of the Knight – Dead by Daylight Stream Highlights”

  1. Seems like to use his power in a way that isn't just The Artist you have to use it as more a control/area denial power instead of a chase power.

    Set a Boy to patrol an area and then leave. If it triggers and you aren't already occupied with something, go back to defend the banner/pincer the survivor.

  2. I need to be honest, this killer looks miserable to verse if all he does is just this every tile 24:51 It's just Artist/Dredge again, where they just put shit down at every pallet and all you do is hold W to the other nearest tile, repeat again and again until you get hit because there's no more shit to shift+W to. Looks so boring, no skill involved, no sick play, no mindgame, just hold down the button until you die because there's nothing you can do

  3. With the knight, is his power best used as like a deterrent rather than to actually chase, like ideally the summon chases someone and u chase someone, sure the chase mightn't be very fast or u might not even down with the minion but the fact 2 people are off gen's is very good it's built in slowdown, which makes me wonder if you're better off making the knight be as good 1v1 with perks as possible

  4. Surprised you actually got them to go through vaults. That was so bugged on the PTB I never saw it happen for anyone else, despite the fact they're meant to phase through them.

  5. I really think the best way to tweak his power is make using it work like how using pinhead's power works, near exactly. Draw it while moving and inherently make it more difficult to use around short loops, but easier to use long range for pressure. Not sure how much that would improve his "w" ""counterplay"" but it could be a start

  6. You should be able to see survivors when you're pathing the guards.
    The guards should instantly begin patrolling once they've spawned with full sight range instead of growing to full over a few seconds.
    The guards should put down their banner instantly when they spot a survivor where THEY ARE when they spot the survivor instead of slowly traveling to where the survivor was spotted.
    All 3 guards should chase for like 5 seconds longer then they do since they'll usually be far away from the spotted survivor.
    The guards should be able to lung.
    To discourage taking a hit for someone else the guards shouldn't end chase if someone takes a hit for the chased survivor, the guard should get some or all of it's time back and continue chasing the original survivor.
    The banner shouldn't give a speed boost or endurance to the chased survivor when they touch it (btw it gives them endurance when they grab it for some reason.)

  7. they could have made this killer into something really good and interesting but nope, they overdid it adding way to many things, just another killer i wont be playing or be interested in going against

  8. I don't understand why it matters how fast carnifex breaks the pallet.

    All of the guards can break the pallet, and while breaking the pallet the survivor can't use it, so it doesn't really matter how fast they do it as long as they disable the pallet right?

  9. You're punished for using his power in the fun ways due to a bunch of random downsides so you're forced to play him in the most boring way possible and he's not even that good.

  10. I really hate how they pre-nerfed the knight because they were too scared that his power was to strong like bro, you wont nerf nurse and the knight power litterly doesn't share anything with the top three, Nurse, Blight, Spirit.

    It's closest to the Artist, which is a fine killer but if they did to the artist what they did to the knight she'd be even not even B tier.

    There are so many nerfs that just add-up and make his power feel like an insult, never, NEVER have I played a killer which power was more harmful to me, EVEN TRAPPER, is better then the Knight right now, let that sink in.

  11. The 3 unnecessary caveats of his power:
    -Why can you not see survivors while summoning a guard, there’s no reason for that
    -Why can survivors see your orb, it makes it so easy to just avoid patrol paths directed for you
    -Why is there an acceleration while summoning a guard, imo it makes him feel annoyingly sluggish. It’s something no one has mentioned, but I’m sure he would feel 10x better to play without it

  12. Only thing I can think of as a use for the guards in the long patrol path, aside from checking things like exit gates, is having the guard walk back into a spot rather than meeting the survivor where it starts. For example, maybe have it walk around shack and back towards pallet so that you can loop the other side and force the survivor into an unfavorable position.

  13. I still think the knight would be better was as a trap killer. Let him place all 3 guards on patrols throughout the map, they only disappear after their flag gets removed but their patrol path is hidden. Of course with limitations like patrol must be max length (to avoid people from just leaving the guards by the last 3 gens)

  14. That wall of text is giving me League of Legends vibes.
    League back on 2013 Garen: Big sword causes silence with Q, Spin with W, Shield with E, Big Powerful Ultimate with R.
    League now in 2022 with most modern champs: A freaking essay of no less than 800 words.

  15. Carnifex: Hunt Time, Hunt Banner Delay, Break Speed.
    Assassin: Hunt Speed, Deep Wounds.
    Jailor: Patrol Time, Patrol Speed, Patrol Detection Distance.
    These are the excelling points of each guard. BHVR doesn't tell you Carnifex chases for longer, or that his banner takes longer until the hunted survivor can take it.
    I wish BHVR actually communicated most of a killers power in a better way.

  16. The new pallets honestly look really bad last year they reworked the pallets around the same time of Pinhead’s release and they looked good not as good as the current ones but still looked nice but the community complained so much that they reverted it I kinda hope they do it again cuz these new ones blend in so well making loops kinda hard to see like Scott said and they look super ugly while doing it, the doors are ok tho they’re not better or worse just different

  17. Idk why but I keep thinking that having a top-down view when using the power could be helpful to actually try to get the paths going instead of just dropping the power at your feet

  18. I just wish The Knight didn't have emo hair coming out of his visor. I am really putting into consideration buying a cosmetic just to get rid of it but I don't want to fall into their trap to get more money out of me… .

    Thanks for the video content Scott.

    Thanks for the editing Skrump.

  19. i keep seeing comments say it, and they're absolutely right.
    this power should've been the Legions rework. you play as Frank and the other three have specific uses, breaking faster, chasing better or whatever.

  20. Maybe they should make the guards like nemesis's zombies but instead you can summon them at your position to survey the area you summoned them in. Maybe limit the summons to 1 or 2 so its not to powerful. And make it so the survivors have to find the banner to banish them still.


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