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Thanks again to Dart Runner for guest editing these of his own free will!
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Thanks again to Dart Runner for guest editing these of his own free will!
Peak content
Wait why is the word “Myers” censored?
how are they gonna filter “meghead” but they forgot to filter “shit” bhvr there’s not that many fucking curses to remember
we need John madden football back 🙁
5:07 how did he get out of the stun so fast?
Thanks Dart Runner for the edits, these are the best 😀
Can't wait for an eventual Wraith rework so the highlights video can be called "best of Philip Ojowo"
Stream highlights that are more than 3 minutes pog
"of his own free will"
scott you know that sounds like what a dictator says when they claim their people want to live in their country
3:52 – 4:02 That's how my cat 'hunts' as well, so passive.
Lucy is so FLOOFY <3
Best of [REDACTED]
Hey I know you get a lot of shit for your opinions Scott, but people are wrong if they say you are not a great entertainer
ive not had such a laugh like i did at 8:25 and the following running into basement in a long time. Very funny to the simple mind that i have
Why isnt there a pirate killer yet? A map set on a ship in the high seas? Old salty yank as a killer?
Dart Runner, are you still doing this on your own will, or that's what's scott wants us to believe?
Thanks for your time man.
God that Jin skin is so hot
Yes im a fucking Coomer
5:25 that man had the elodie looting perk and was probably looking for a key. Deserved a tunnel
7:30 lmaoo
I'm looking for any comment on that one….haven't found what I was expecting.
Thompson is censored too
Holy shit Dart Runner, 18 minutes? That's a pretty impressive effort
Scott: Trickster is bad.
Also Scott: Bad at Trickster.
Hilarious 😎👍
why are they censoring an over 18 game
why are words censored in this game? are people really that sensitive?
8:18 damn dats so good xD!
As a big streamer, can you not call them smol pp builds? This is the only game that people playing to win has earned insults. It's very confusing to me. That isn't even the optimal "smol pp build" either. Like, I run DS, DH, UB and flex the 4th perk and traditionally prove thyself. I assume you'd call me a smol pp build gamer when I'm just running optimal perks. I should not have to tie my shoes together in order to not be harassed by people that learn from you.
Post Traumatic Strike Decisive
1:16 wait… you can see BOOBA's Pog
im so angry they wont let you swear anymore the only reason i play this game is because i say the n word all day in post game chat after going down to a rank 20 trapper :(((
Scotty? I always thought it was short for Scotthua
Hey! Do you want to see more full games, loopings, escapings, flashlight saves and more fun stuff? Pls take a look at my channel and subscribe if you like what you see. I will appreciate it! 👏🏻
I dont mean to insult you but 70% of this is you laughing at your own jokes. It would be cooler to see highlights of good gameplay.