Best of Wesker PTB – Dead by Daylight Stream Highlights

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42 thoughts on “Best of Wesker PTB – Dead by Daylight Stream Highlights”

  1. actually, there's a reason all reporters talk the same way. they're trained to do so, in order to avoid the reporters having "regional" or uniquely identifiable dialect traits. this ensures that the people involved are seen as a neutral source of news, that is objective and not affected by any particular bias or belonging to any particular region, for example

  2. damn those sounds when a message from chat come on screen, that is the sound your phone plays when you get a message – is super cringe. we just want to watch the gameplay. don't become one of those gen x new age youtubers who add stupid sfx and pop up messages throughout the video

  3. after the fifth time you played the error sfx, i just closed the video. so cringey. your gameplay is good enough without the attention seeking sfx added. just. dont

  4. im always happy whenever behaviour decides to focus on making a killer actually fun to play instead of just giving them a sleuth of cooldown bars and status effects that bring the game down to a crawl

  5. 6:29 I read the comments but I've got a bad habit of not reading who they are from so if Skrump hadn't pointed out it was the same person I'd probably not have noticed.

    Thanks for the video content Scott.

    Thanks for the editing Skrump.

  6. the 20% distance addons don't cancel each other out, instead you are stuck with a permanent -4% distance for both. this is already a thing with other modifiers in the game, and how it calculates multiplicative boosts.


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