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these are the BEST custom perk ideas for Dead by Daylight survivor AND killer
Thumbnail DBD Perk Icons – credit goes to these talented people (please contact me if you would like it changed):
– key–doodles on Tumgir (
– hex: potato on Tumblr (
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Survivor Perk: Thrill Seeker.
Every 15/12/10 seconds during a chase thrill seeker gains a token. During any of the following: Healing yourself or another survivor, repairing a generator, or opening an exit gate, you can use the active ability button to expend a token on the action. This action can be repeated multiple times and each token grants and instant 10% progression to the task. Thrill seeker has a max of 5 tokens.
Hex instigation would be completely broken if used properly. If you can block three generators and camp the survivors can not win
Killer Perk: Grip of Death
When carrying a survivor, all other survivors suffer from the exposed status effect. Survivor wiggle progress is increased 50%.
Punishes some SWF teamwork/body blocking and can help the killer snowball after the first down, but can be countered by sabotaging hooks.
Connected Technology’s(killer perk) When a survivor stats opens a exit gate you can see that survivors aura while they are opening it
Trade off : Survivor
Once you start the trial, if you gain the “Reunited” effect with any survivors in the trial, Trade off activates.
When Trade off activates, gain the following effects.
You’re able to see the aura of that reunited survivor in white.
That reunited survivor is able to see you as well.
If both of you are not in chase, gain 1/2/3% bonus on every action speed.
If one of you are in chase, you won’t gain the bonuses above.
If the person in chase lose a health state by any means, transfer the injured health state effect to the reunited survivor.
The health state transferring will exclude these following effect “Deep wound, any buffs, any debuffs” (If the person is losing a health state with any of the following effects on, they will not transfer to the reunited survivor.
However, Trade off will not transfer the health state in these following scenarios.
-The person who isn’t in chase is injured.
-The person in chase lose 2 health states immediately. (Insta-down).
You can only affect “Trade off” with only one survivor.
Once the health state transferation is completed, Trade off deactivates.
We have to make it balance, if not then no ‘ol’ woo would be disappointed. – Jackie.
Killer Perk: Death is not an escape – Whenever a survivor is killed in any way, gain a token. 1 token – Generator repair speed is slowed by 5%. 2 tokens – Healing speed is slowed by 50%
3 tokens – Gain a 5/6/7% haste effect and the aura of the hatch is revealed to you. (10% slower exit opening speed and 30% slower hatch opening speed)
Tokens are not gained when the Perk insidious is active, or when you have been within 5 metres of the hooked survivor for a total of 60 seconds.
"The Entities words remain fresh in your mind after all these years – Death is not an escape"
Survivor Perk: Boon: Optimism
"Even in the toughest times, you can evoke a sense of hope in others"
When in the radius of the boon totem, if hooked, gain a 50% chance of unhooking yourself, unhook others 30% faster, heal others 25% faster, if injured, gain a 6% haste effect, pallets will reset in the radius of the totem every 30 seconds.
If two survivors die, all boon totems automatically snuff, and this Perk is deactivated.
Killer Perk: Don't toy with me – "You have had enough of toxic survivors, and the entities whisper tells you the solution. When either exit gate is opened, the other is permanently blocked. A Perk such as noed will not work when within 16 metres of an exit gate. If a survivor rapidly crouches or uses a flashlight when you are within 16 metres of an exit gate, the survivor will be affected with exhaustion, hindered, blindness, and exposed for 20 seconds, that survivor also cannot escape for that time. When the survivor is downed, they cannot move, recover or be healed for the rest of that time. (This Perk feels overpowered but it can be countered by just not being toxic)
Survivor Perk: Hands of Fate
"You know all will be lost in time, but you seek to treasure every moment." – Every time you open a chest, you will either get a common or very rare item, every thirty seconds, receive either a positive or negative status effect for 10 seconds. If the killer is chasing you, at the start of the chase either you or the killer will receive a 10% haste status effect until the chase ends
Perk : joe
Killer perk: Fine Focus
For every survivor hooked, skill checks pass by 2.5/5/10 (how ever fast it is lol) faster, and each token can be stacked to a maximum of 10/20/40 (measure of time appropriate)
Killer perk: Punishing grasp
At the start of the trial, 1/2/3 generators are highlighted in white to the killer. Every time a survivor finishes a gen highlighted in white, they suffer the incapacitated status effect for 15/30/45 seconds
Hex: Restricted Access: When this totem is cleansed, a 30 meter ring circles around the totem. Any survivors inside the ring at the time of cleansing cannot leave for 30/40/50 seconds
Tweak the perks for balance, idk anything lol
🥕can't find the banana
PERK: Agression
Everytime a gen is completed all survivors scream and gain following effects: All survivors can't hear the Terrorradius for each gen that's completed by 5 seconds. The Killer gain a 1%/2%/3% haste bonus for each gen that's completed for 40 seconds
If all Gens are completed the Survivor hears for 40 sec everywhere the Terrorradius.
Survivor perk : Shoot for the stars
When a generator is completed, the aura of the nearest generator is revelead to you for 30 seconds and your repair speed is increased by 8%/9%/10% for 15/20/25 seconds.
Boon : Heaven generator
-Whenever a generator is in the 24 meters boon radius, this effects will apllies :
-The generator can no longer be blocked by any means
-The generator regress at only 40%/45%/50% speed
-The generator is repaired 3%/4%/5% faster
Survivor perk: recorder
you know misinformation can give you the upper hand, and you know just how to mess with the killer's senses.
when repairing 85%/80%/75% of a gen, you can craft at a locker a record player able to be placed anywhere on the map, and the effect change depending on the object. the recorder can be activated remotely with the use object button while empty handed. after use, the record player is destroyed.
nothing: fake scream
generator: fake explosion noise
totem: fake cleansing, the hex totem aura and hex perk will be deactivated until the hex itself is 8 meters away of the killer, if the totem had tokens, all tokens are restored.
pallet: fake throwing down.
vault: fake vault.
Boon : Counterattack
Whenever the killer enter in the 24 meters boon radius all his perks get desactivated
This effect stay for 2 seconds after he get out of the radius
Survivor perk : Determination
-When this perk is active, each time a generator is completed you gain a health state
-If you are already full health you run at 150% speed for 2 secondes
-This perk have a cooldown of 190/185/180 secondes
Really hope foresee becomes an actual perk
any injured survivor will scream every 40 seconds until they get hully healed.If a survivor is working on a gen they will not scream until they hit 1 greeat skill check,but if the obssesion hits 2 greeat skill checks,the obssesion will scream and not beeing able to repair the gen for 20/30 seconds and the generator its going to be hailighted in yellow for 15 seconds,and if a injured survivor stuns you,the survivor is not going to scream until you put the survivor into the dying state
YOOOOO I got a new idea over suprise when you been geting chased for 60 50 40 second the perk on when ITS on you can but a blast mine in a pallet and if the killer get stuned the killer get blinding or if the pallet is alr drop you can still place it and if the killer kick it the killer Will get blinding again
Pls rake my build balanced landing iron will street wise and borrowed time
not trying to be rude but you said this is a killer perk to a hex xD
Surv: Decisive strike, spine Chill, Dead hard, BT
🍌 perk: oblivius curage you have the endurance effect (including levels)but are onlivious for the entyre game
Killer: Hex Ruin, BBQ, Floods of rage, NOED
Idk a name for this but a killer perk
After downing a survivor any other survivor in your terror radius loses a health state can not be put into the dying state but there pools of blood scratch marks grunt of pain are hidden for 30 seconds
My mate also has a perk
A survivor perk
Boon optical awareness when in the boons range you can see any pallets windows gens chests etc
I got an idea for a survivor perk, stand your ground; you start the trail with 1/2/3 tokens, each time you take a protection hit for a survivor the killer is stunned for 1.5 seconds and it consumes a token, it only works if the killer is not carrying a survivor. Idk if it’s balanced, but then again, how balanced is dbd already