BHVR is Transforming Dead by Daylight into a COMPLETELY Different Game

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0:00 – Intro
0:14 – June 2022 Developer Update
0:19 – DBD’s New Progression System
0:33 – Teachable Perks
0:58 – Prestige & Item Loss
1:26 – Endless Prestige Update
2:02 – Shrine of Secrets
2:20 – Prestige Rewards & Transitioning
2:50 – Matchmaking Incentives
3:54 – Gameplay Updates
4:14 – Killer Pressure Update
4:26 – Basekit Killer Change 1
4:53 – Basekit Killer Change 2
5:38 – Basekit Killer Change 3
5:59 – Basekit Killer Change 4
6:37 – Survivors w/ Camping & Tunneling
7:01 – Basekit Borrowed Time
7:18 – The 39 Reworked Perks
7:38 – BBQ & Chili
8:15 – HEX: Ruin
8:43 – Pop Goes the Weasel
9:14 – Corrupt Intervention
9:44 – Tinkerer
10:06 – HEX: No One Escapes Death
10:33 – Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
11:08 – Dead Hard
11:55 – Decisive Strike
12:53 – Borrowed Time
13:36 – Iron Will
14:09 – Self-Care
14:31 – Spine Chill
15:01 – Overcharge
15:17 – Eruption
15:35 – Knockout
15:55 – Coulrophobia
16:12 – Dark Devotion
16:31 – Jolt
16:42 – Lethal Pursuer
17:11 – Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain
17:22 – Thanatophobia
17:35 – Scourge Hook: Monstrous Shrine
17:57 – Calm Spirit
18:12 – Saboteur
18:33 – Botany Knowledge
18:42 – Off the Record
19:29 – Lucky Break
19:52 – Pharmacy
20:18 – Sole Survivor
20:41 – Distortion
20:58 – Lightweight
21:15 – Deja Vu
21:31 – No One Left Behind
22:04 – Dark Sense
22:32 – Tenacity
22:53 – Hope
23:37 – Overzealous
24:02 – We’re Gonna Live Forever
24:51 – Closing Statements
25:44 – Outro


49 thoughts on “BHVR is Transforming Dead by Daylight into a COMPLETELY Different Game”

  1. Can someone tell me if Bubba camping is getting nerfed after this?
    It seems like it'll be even stronger, 10 seconds more on every gen and as someone in comments mentioned, dead lock didn't change, so camping with Bubba just got buffed?

  2. Wouldn't that mean that getting every perk on every survivor or the same for every killer mean getting prestige III on every single one? That seems very scary, but in contrast to what we have now its crazy good

  3. I think they should have 2 types 9f prestige, the first you get to keep everything, well call it base prestige, the 2nd type is where you lose everything but you get to unlock a insane new skin , achievements, call it only originals prestige OO

  4. yay less grind on levelling characters, because that's definitely where 90% of the grind is.

    Totally no grind for iridescent shards. Nahhh.

    Because unlocking a (random) perk doesn't take ~40 hours of gameplay and unlocking a character doesn't take ~100.


    TLDR: Base game and casual players fucked, yet again. Just another year of the same with DbD at this point for us. Grind 'reduction' might make leveling worse instead of better by 300%, already guaranteed to make shrine of secrets much much much worse. Community still in denial, as always. The re-work it's entirely geared for competitive play, they're straight up not even hiding it anymore.

    That aside they've probably actually just increased the grind overall if you main one character, which let's be honest is >90% of the community…

    IF you can not upgrade a perk in the blood web past what the teachable's level is currently at, which is what it sounds like to me, they've increased the grind by 300%.

    (e.g. you prestige trapper once and unlock agitation teachable's for all killers, it sounds like you can not level agitation on another killer past agitation level 1 until you've prestiged trapper a second time)

    Even if that's the case or not, they've made the shrine of secrets WAY more grindy by adding (more) duplicates. There's no two ways about that, it's just outright worse even in its best scenario.

    So now if you're hunting for a perk and don't want to spend on micro-transactions to buy the 'clearly totally absolutely not unbalanced because it's effectively or literally is pay-walled' perk; the average time has gone from ~1000 days to 1000(+1000 every non-maxed teachable perk) days.

    Not sure if it counts non-fully leveled teachables you've obtained from prestige (probably will, let's be honest, as it already does contain duplicates) but even then it's still 1000(+1000 every non-maxed shrine of secrets teachable perk) which isn't much better. Basically, even in both cases, when the update hits if you have teachables that aren't fully leveled, get grinding because shrine perk hunting just became effectively impossible until you've prestiged 3 all the characters you currently have.

    Which just so happens to have handicaped the base game players into the ground to the point where it's going to take about a month…of non-stop max BP potential play (so ~1 year for most players and that's not even an exaggeration) to catch up to whales that can just skip right past the shrine of secrets and start grinding that perk that they want instantly.

    Interesting that.

    Rework is definitely interesting but not in the direction the game needs. You straight up can't play casually anymore without being punished heavily by the game, now it's even worse. Great.

    At least a lot of it seems really interesting on paper, but only if you play the game competitively – solely competitively – otherwise there's nothing to really do with any of these. They're powerful but sound boring/annoying AF to play against, literally anti-casual TBH though that's nothing new.

    Going to call it now, someones going to say "if you're not prestige 3 by now you're not going to be doing the shrine of secrets, blah blah blah, whine whine whine, you're just a #insert passive aggressive insult#. Stop complaining (they'll actually mean 'criticizing' but that's not demeaning enough and doesn't de-legitimize my points)" so on and so forth.

    So let me say this:

    Your game 'died' (or at least lost a SIGNIFICANT number of players) because most of the casual players left, saw the game for what it really became and because of people exactly like you, and the base game players have been constantly betrayed for 4 years straight – I would know, I'm both of them. The only time the game sees pretty much any activity is during an event or hyped update, a tell-tale sign of dead (by daylight) game – especially one with a lot of 'base game' players with either nothing to do or everything is just too grindy. Why do you think events and 'big' updates have been happening so much more regularly as of recent – yet so few balancing updates or re-works? It's not because the game's coming back or a bigger team, I'll tell you that much.

    What's a good way to make the metrics look way better than it actually is? Release or tease something almost every 2-3 months, an age old tactic of any market and it's one Blizzard know real well.

    Accept it, grieve it and do what I've been trying to do and fix it by calling out BHVRs false advertising, blatant lies to the community, shitty practices and horrid game design & YouTubers that perpetuate these issues by willingly ignoring them or reinforcing them.

    Or just move the fuck on already, you're not helping anyone – you're hindering and only helping the constant increasingly toxic levels of denial.

    I'm done, have been for a while, tip-toeing around the deluded people of this game, the incredibly arrogant game designers included. The fact that it took me a literal year to get one youtuber to say "Ok, MAYBE the game isn't casual at all anymore" just…tells you everything you need to know about the state of DbD AND the community AND the games' influencers TBH.

  5. makes the game unfair, till now it was ok.
    get away with dead hard or decisive strike, both nerfed to hell. self-care is useless now and more people will use circle of healing. spine chill is nerfed too cuz why not? now it will be almost impossible to escape the killer, good job!
    there will be 2 perks that do the exact same thing: dead hard and the one that inflicts a deep wound (forgot what it's called). even iron will be nerfed. less people will play survivors

  6. I'm a super casual player of DBD that tends to main survivor, but with all these changes and the blood point incentive I may play as Ghostface more often to see how they work out!

  7. Ummmm you see loot hoarders using calm spirit? You must have missed the part where you open chests much slower just to make them silent now? Your not going to open a chest right near a killer anyway so this "buff" to calm spirit is actually a nerf. Same goes with the totem part it's nowhere near worth the trade off. Is opening a chest quietly so OP that it needed a trade off?

  8. Kinda wondering how demo will be affected. The perks are now general perks but what if you got all three levels. Are they no longer attached to demo thus the new system might not work. What if you get demo to prestige 10? Your not allowed to give it new cosmetic items so no rewards for the demo players?

  9. So basically they're making the game less fun for casual survivors since we already get stomped now with the new MMR system. With the anniversary event I don't think I escaped once in any game I played and I've been playing since beta and know my way around. Sure I'm rusty but God damn every killer sweats like crazy making the game just not fun to causally play with friends.

  10. Although, I am a killer main but I also play survivor too. I love the changes that are coming to the game. These changes will be fucking huge as hell. I love using the meta perks on some of my survivors but I hate it as killer. This change is what the game needed. I am a long time player this is needed big time.

  11. I still think the blood point grind is stupid plus now they have removed BBQ and WGLF bonuses. Now to get our perks we need to prestige our other killers or survivors instead of just hitting 40 for the teachables. Even more of a sink for our bp which we get less of and still no better system to get good items in blood webs still filled with garbage I presume

  12. I was really going to come back. Fuck that now, this is terrible. Literally one perk turns you into an invincible shield FOR A MINUTE AND A HALF. Stop fucking kissing their asses you pathetic fucking boot licker

  13. Gotta give them credits where it's due, many times we would ponder that their reservation to make drastic overhauls of a large portions of perks or base mechanics was caused by intimidation of our, community's, reception. I certainly welcome they actually went with this, and, it would seem, they indeed listened to the voices from the community, because this shuts down tactics that leave one side or another feel the most powerless in countering. Albeit, some changes begets concern and questions, such as off the records, which clearly will be used to, I dunno, forcefully blocking killer mid chase to protect other survivor, since 90 seconds of endurance is basically the gen speed, it is concerning. While some selective killers such as Nurse, Cannibal or the Shape will be able to avert such a tactic completely via ability to lose collision by blinking, stalking or using chainsaw, others do not have such a luxury, so this might get out of hand. Of cource, the drawback is that one more survivor does not work on a gen, but it might still be hugely disadvantegeous to the killer in some scenarios.

  14. They're nerfing a useless perk like Self-Care. Are they nerfing We'll Make it? A lot of people will most likely turn to that perk. I use it every match I'm in and it makes a big difference in healing teammates.

  15. The only thing I'm hearing from all this is dbd saying "hey were changing it up a bit in the game but were still favoring killers over survivors" I'm definitely going to drop this game for sure once this goes live I love playing dbd but not that much were I'm going to torcher myself with it SMH it's sad it's such a good game too RIP DBD this is definitely not going to increase there player count


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