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#dbd #trickster #bug
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they have kill switched for much less yet wont kill switch this BHVR is legit ran by morons
I think that the main reason they may have trouble reproducing it is that it is so rare, and it very well could be caused by a certain addon or only be caused by regular knives or main event knives ON TOP of the rarity would make it very tedious to test for.
Okay, I want to address some things here that are not done so in the video:
1.) There are reports that people HAVE been seriously affected by the bug, as in hospitalized, but I was not able to confirm that before making this video, so I did not add it in.
2.) There has been a very disrespectful take in the community going around that, for some reason, creators are making the bug up. Why they are making it up, no one can tell me, but that's something that's spread around. So, VIEW AT YOUR OWN RISK, an example of the bug occurring. Once again, please do not view this if you are photosensitive or have epilepsy, but if you are in a position to do so, the proof can be found here: or if that first link doesn't work.
3.) I cleared this up in a previous video, but the b-roll footage being played is months old and was recorded before the bug was present. If you have noticed, every Trickster related video I've made in the past couple months have had this match on repeat.
3.) As I say in the video, please do your best to protect your fellow gamer until BHVR (hopefully) reverses their decision. DC against Trickster if you have these issues, and do not play Trickster as to not accidentally subject someone to these issues who is unaware.
Thanks everyone.
This has been very irresponsible of Behavior to take this very lightly. In this world when someone tells you lets say for example a guy was seen holding a gun. You would instantly be taking it seriously and do what you can to see if its true and stop the threat. Doesn't matter If Its only one person or not that's talking about It. It's the fact that there could be a guy running around with a weapon. That's enough to be taking percussions to ensure no harm will happen. You don't wait until It Is too late to take action. Behavior needs to take action about issues like this when they arise before something awful happens. I don't want to hear that behavior gets sued because someone got hurt or worse from their game when they could've easily prevented It by locking the killer (I know the game warns players but still doesn't change my point). Idk about making games and stuff but I do know that for both the company and the community you have to ensure safety and do your best to protect your players. Great video MrHeadache and thank you for keeping everyone updated.
You’re literally playing trickster in the background using his knives
"Kill Switch is our nuclear option"
Also them "nuking" Nowhere to hide for a month cause there was a bug… reported once… half a year ago…
I think the Killswitch option stopped working after UE5 update.
the devs be like: just walk it off!
How are they going to fix it if they themselves say that it's not an issue and cannot "find" the visual bug.
Hasn't even been a minute and I already disliked the video and closed it. Fuck your Newspeak.
I have never been more pissed off at and disappointed in BHVR than right now, I am sick to my stomach with how BHVR has handled this
Jokes on you, I'm dcing against Trickster no matter the bug /s
Knight got kill switch for almost three months but trickster dosent get kill switch while he needs to be kill switch to keep people save like this is very dangerous in my opinion
Knight has a bug that allowed him to summon multiple guards and be too strong: IMMEDIATE KILLSWITCH!
Trickster can kill players: Nah…. it is fine….
Idk how having a bug that could legitimately KILL someone and get sued isnt a Nuclear option but bhvr looks like they want to handle this situation in the WORST way possible
It's so scary I've been getting so many tricksters in my games and every time I'm just worried about whether it will happen to me or my teammates. I haven't seen it yet, but the amount of fear has been more than enough to irk me away from this character D:
They don't understand how it's happening That's why they are not going to kill switch it yet.
There is no risk for behavior , From their end trickster is fine
It's honestly been super hurtful for this to happen. I told one of my friends that I needed a break from DBD because this negligence is absolutely disgusting and infuriating.
They called me dramatic…
I don't know what to do with them…
I don't have epilepsy, but sometimes flashing lights can make me nauseous; I watched the video in the pinned comment because I always like to know what these bugs look like as long as I won't get hurt, and it made me nauseous; AND THEY WERE SLOWLY throwing the knives. I cannot imagine having that happen in a real match.
It makes me sick because I have heard other people saying that they've faced more Tricksters, and that makes me feel even worse.
The fact that BHVR reguses to killswitch this character is beyond irresponsible. It makes me fucking sick.
I hope no one has been harmed because of this bug, and I will refuse to play against a Trickster if I see one. Instant DC; and I don't even DC EVER.
Ahhh the DDOS indicent once again. BHVR is a special company
Seriously can only play Man With Bat for so long, really need either the knives fixed or send him to the void
The Waterside Massacre collection releases today! Not sure what inspired me to bring that up, but happy shopping!!!
Are they only confirming it with video evidence? Hang on, let me just edit this video while I have another seizure.
Hey this is Sable. The person who showed off the clip that is in Kaisers tweet that you have linked in the pinned comment. I want to clarify that it wasn't our own clip. We did try to recreate the bug in customs but so far we found nothing. A streamer called knifyyy36 on YT was the one put that clip on YT. The reason why I had it downloaded and put onto the discord was because I wanted it to be easier to show off and put a spoiler tag on the discord. I was never trying to take credit for the clip at all and myself and a couple of Kaisers community members were unable to recreate it ourselves. Regardless the point still stands that this bug can indeed be recreated, we just haven't found the exact cause of it. And that the Devs are indeed lying about the amount of confirmed reports cause that clip isnt the original video. There are other clips as well.
It has to be because of cosmetics right? Like people who played knight or pinhead don’t usually spend as much on cosmetics as trickster.
Like I’m just trying to make this make sense in my head. When they say they only use a kill switch for nuclear reasons, while lying to us why a deadly bug isn’t worth a “””nuclear””” response
I’ve been so mad that this has been going on. Chey has been putting in so much work. Every weekday she responds to DBD tweets begging for warnings or killswitches for trickster. BHVR has noticed her several times and have yet to do anything substantial. Fucking sickening.
The knight had a bug that was not very consistent to summon multiple guards to chase survivor. BHVR: Nuclear launch detected. Trickster bug having a very real possibility to hospitalize people on top of dipshits wanting to play him to cause such issues to people. BHVR: Fake news fake reporting clout chasers.
It's really disappointing because BHVR has been doing a pretty good job lately, but they're fumbling this so badly, just frustrating. I've done what I can do and informed those who I can about this issue, hope BHVR does something about this, anything is better than nothing.
I got a theory. They didn’t want to kill switch Trickster because when a character is kill switched you can’t level them up. BHVR knows they would get a lot of hate because people would want to get their anniversary offerings. BHVR can only do like 1 or 2 minor updates after a major update. They can only do these updates once a week for a maximum of 2 weeks. We were already over 2 weeks after the chapter patch so they couldn’t have an update ready to fix the bug. Meaning Trickster would be kill switch until July 16th.
I put in 4 tickets the last 2 weeks. it's an issue with trick and cut thru u blades. everytime it happens to me that's what the killer had. I tried it in customs and it's incredibly consistent. BHVR once again seeming so absurdly incompetent
My guess is they're just unable to recreate the bug on their test rigs for whatever reason.
Epileptic issues have been a problem for a long time in the game. However if there is something that spikes over the edge. Taking that risk is far to serious. Doctor has had many changes over the years for this exact issue. The flashing doctor face in tier 3 madness has been removed for that reason and on multiple instances he has his effects changed! I hope that everyone will stay safe in dbd and a game should be a place you can go to safely.
is it even still act a thing
I made a post about this same thing in a DBD Facebook group yesterday, and you would not believe the amount of people trying to DEFEND/PUSH back against this and advocating for Trickster to NOT be killswitched, with perhaps the most egregious argument for that being “It’s not fair for people who want to play Trickster to not be able to play him just because a few people have this issue!”……..They think being able to play a certain character they want is more important or has a higher precedence than someone potentially DYING of a seizure induced by the character?! WTF?! How f***ing selfish do you have to be to think something like that?
Give it a rest..loser
Apperently its not tricksters power but certain add on, the bouncing knives
This bug has occurred to me EVERYTIME I play trickster, I even have screenshots of it. And I'm a casual player idk why they're straight up lying
For the first hour of all my dbd streams I put a warning up a the top of the screen noting the trickster bug and telling people that I will personally not be playing trickster as I value the safety of my fellow gamers.
Trickster is one of my mains, so thank you and Kaiser for highlighting it the past couple weeks because I would have never known I’d be hurting players otherwise. I hope they kill switch him soon so other Tricksters that are unaware of this don’t keep playing him
No wonder I’ve been seeing more Tricksters as of late, like before this was even a thing? I would never go up against Tricksters. But two days straight this week, I had three.
I really hope those three, and any other person who casually plays this character, are completely unaware of this and not intentionally trying to hurt someone
After all the bullshit BHVR put the community through (DDOS, cheating hacking scandal, health concerns like this and their inability to respond fast, false bans and etc.) It mounts a massive lawsuit. I just hope some group can do this so these mfs dont take the community for granted.
First time I watch one of your videos just wanted to say you look a lot like Critikal
Idk just look at the trucker bug few minutes ago for the first time and still don't see it. Thought the brightness be going up and changing colors. Probably need to look at more videos or something
“We only have 1 confirmed report” my ass. People are literally hospitalized bc of this. I really really hope BHVR gets sued for this