Biggest Problem With The Masquerade Event | Dead by Daylight

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44 thoughts on “Biggest Problem With The Masquerade Event | Dead by Daylight”

  1. 4:35 It's definitely not entitled to want an event to be balanced. One side can farm the entire event casually because they have so much in their favor. Whereas the other side if they want any of the event stuff have to sweat

  2. Insta-hook is like the least troublesome part of the event. What I want is for BHVR to disable map offerings for event queue because I'm so tired of people sending me to RPD.

  3. Remote hooks are not op lmao
    It feels really nice for killer, and affects basically nothing as survivor
    It’s just the community complaining at the smallest things once again

  4. Almost every single survivor match I played was against a killer using Pop Goes the Weasel, Pain Res, BBQ and Chili, and Lethal Pursuer with only minor variations along the way. They'd then proceed to play incredibly sweaty and tunnel people off hooks. For a game mode that's supposed to be an anniversary party event, people are treating it more like a ranked mode in League of Legends.

  5. Well in regards to te remote hook, I've heard people say that it proc'd sometimes before DS proc'd (which people are coming in to win as others had mentioned) so that could be an issue. I had a friend I trust say that the remote hook worked before they could get powerstruggle to slam the pallet and someone said there was that bug with flashlights and flashbangs which they can remote hook before the survivor drops. I can see someone getting mad at this and refusing to play the game mode because the killer powers are pretty weirdly strong. Like the remote pallet break which is just free zoning. So alot of it can feel unfun in a mode thats supposed to be laughs and giggles so I can understand where they are coming from. Personally I don't want to play it without my friends because I know it won't be very enjoyable without them. Most people would probably be alright with remote hook if it took 1 second before you could use it.

  6. I really like the game mode it's super fun and enjoyable on both sides I love using the quiet mode as survivor just saying "going dark" and overall just goofing around with all the fun little modes especially the superspeed one one of the best if not the best event they've had

  7. Many people are scared of the remote-hooking (and many event-only mechanics) for one simple, and valid, reason: They are scared this is the dev's way of testing a potential future perk which would effectively negate entire perk categories, sabo, as well as most forms of saves (as the remote-hook, if used quickly enough, can be used to bypass DS and pallet/flashlight saves if they don't time it perfectly to take advantage of the buffer period for saves). The event queue, despite being intended as a "fun" mode, is arguably even more of a sweatfest than normal mode, I've seen more team-bleedouts (hard-tunnel one, then goes on to frantically slug the other 3 without hooking) and 17m-camping (which can be filled in 5-2 seconds depending on the Killer) since the event started than in the last several weeks.

    I share this fear, to some extent, as I firmly believe that such an effect would be beyond broken if it was available in every games. The current state of the game is already among the worst it's ever been, with the sweat being ungodly common and perk variety & viability only getting smaller every update, there is no need to add something which removes even more things from being useable/viable outside of gen-speed and reduces the viability of teamwork.

    By refusing to participate in the event and/or complaining about it, some of these people hope to make sure this effect never makes it outside of a limited-time/separate queue event… Although some are merely blowing it out of proportion and aren't really thinking beyond what's happening right now that they don't like and aren't worried about the possible long-term consequences.

  8. Seems a lot easier for killer, played like 15 killer games and 2 survivor, the insta hook seems to make it incredibly hard for survivors to get saves and sabotaging is impossible.

    But yeah as a killer main I’m loving the event, Franklin and Weave is also an amazing new combo but on the other hand not enjoying the event too much on the survivor side and hypocritically despise playing against Franklin/Weave.

  9. I’m just sad they didn’t make party pallets have a stun time that can’t be effected by enduring, you can kinda just bring perks that negate the event when there is stuff in the event that they should be incentivizing instead.

  10. Playing the event on Survivor is dreadful but on killer it's fun.
    When i play survivor i play normal matches because the haha funny mode, isn't very haha fun on survivor.
    When i'm playing killer i cant help but notice how stupid the insta hook thing is. and idk why no one is talking about the insta pallet break thing. Its so busted how you can break a pallet without doing anything, while simultaneously stopping the survivor from vaulting it, giving you a free hit pretty much every time your in a chase. And if its off the 20 or so second cooldown.
    Another thing i've noticed is that it takes ten years to get a match as killer on the event because survivors aren't playing it. And i don't think i've ever seen the bonus BP off of survivor.

  11. I've noticed a lot of sweating from both sides in the mode, which is fine! People want their max bloodpoints. This happens every anniversary. Survivors are slamming gens hard with Hyperfocus Stakeout, event toolboxes with wire spools and BNPs. I'm tunneling if I'm on 2 gens so I can have a chance of slowing down the game. BHVR made a great choice of making the event mode a separate queue. It allows them to go really crazy with it.

  12. the only problem for me in this even is the way to trigger the powers as a survivor sometimes i want to create a fake pallet but when i press the button i go to quite mode instead ..happens every time 🙁

  13. You're making no sense, dude. People complaining about it and saying they aren't going to play that mode…

    Are doing exactly what you said. They're NOT signing up for the nonsense. They're just ALSO telling BHVR why they're not queueing. Feedback is a good thing, actually.

    I don't understand what you don't understand. People still expect there to be a reasonable chance. But with a bugged effect that can kill you when you flashlight/flashbang save, no way to sabo, and no way to try and counter it…? I can see why they wouldn't enjoy it.

    I'm playing for the BP bonus, though, so. Not worried.

  14. Killer mains ruin this event, they are the number one complainers of this game ten fold…. they ruin the game with 89.53% of them tunnel now…. slug and bleed us out… ruining the game for new players, older players…. killers will always make this game awful with being a toxic pos to players… killers need way more nerfs to make the game harder to play, like surv is now.

    Killers complaining non stop to get survs nerfed, are trash players… they get surv gutted to hell and back do to skill issues. Then they get them gutted znd then they still complain about survs to keep getting nerfed.

  15. I get that the community often takes the game too seriously and complains too much but if there are genuine problems with the mode then it is valid to bring them up. I personally think the remote hook is fine but I really don’t like the killer having the ability to break a pallet by pressing a single button and not having to slow down or anything (I’m pretty sure this is bugged since the event description says you can only break far pallets but in my experience you can break a pallet with the invitation even if you’re right next to it). This has kind of soiled my fun with the mode as survivor so I just play the normal game instead. I understand that this is just meant to be the fun game mode where you don’t take things seriously but that shouldn’t take away from the actual criticism. If there’s a problem with something, then somebody should be able to bring it up without being called entitled.

  16. people complaining that the insta-hook is so unbalanced and that the goofy party mode is unbalanced are the mashed potato brains that believe survivors should have a 95% escape rate. Like what is so unbalanced about it, most times the hook is already 5m away and saves about 8 seconds of time and I've never had a situation where someone was trying to get a flashlight save and the insta hook still happened, so I don't know if it can happen. But for the quiet power, I find it only mildly annoying, I've actually seen people play Dance with Me and other scratch mark hiding perks to combo with it

  17. Killers insta hook ability does counter sabo squads and boil over builds but for some reason this twisted masquerade event makes playing killer fun then just playing normal.

  18. The point of the event is to be fun but killers are absolutely just ruining it by playing extra sweaty. I have no problem with the instant hooks but seriously it is supposed to be a FUN event for ALL!!! Why do killers always bitch about the other players asking for fun games and now complaining that we are asking for some decency and actual games. The game itself has gone off the rails for any sort of balance. So i can absolutely say that the regular game and the anniversary event was and will continue to be ruined by this tunneling and proxy camping nonsense. I honestly don’t care if the game allows it it frankly should not be allowed and completely discouraged. If a killer wants to play that way then zero blood points because it isn’t fair for matches that all survivors have 3-5 K and killer 40-50 K. Also please spare me the whole get better bull crap that keeps coming back as justification for bad sportsmanship. This crap is ruining the game and no excuses like ( swf bully squad) is a reason to play like that. How often are bulky swf happening? Like maybe once a day. I get tunneling and camping sweaty killers every match for every day regardless of any anti tunneling perks I have. So please stop putting videos out on this crap and address the actual issue. News flash: it isn’t the survivors being the issue .

  19. How I would describe my experience with this event at least for survivor. ''Tunneled off hook, While you stay at five gens.'' I've been through a lot of events and they always bring out the bad and mean players but this is like almost every match more so than most events I can recall. Definitely worse than last year. After I'm done the challenges back to regular que.

  20. I don't even understand how remote hooks are overpowered? Like genuinely if someone could explain it to me I'd appreciate that. From my experience all it really does is punish survivor mistakes much more harshly and give you an answer to the new busted sabo. Other than that I really don't see an issue with it.

  21. I’m not complaining but I played a game with a pig who slugged and tunneled on 3 gens come to find out it’s a twitch streamer, I just want to have fun but so far I’ve been playing sweatier games on this mode

  22. I absolutely disagree with this take. This is a case of good intention, bad understanding. The anniversary is meant to being people back to DBD with a fun, and nearly unequivocally great game mode. The fact there is a possibility of a lesser experience is damaging, because if you want these big point gains and to not let the event cosmetics pass you by, you do HAVE to play it. Yes, you could choose not to play the event. But then you endorse people just playing the same regular game mode with even less people who are all looking for something new, but strongly dislike what theyve been given. With, in my opinion, good reason.

  23. I cant play the event with huntress. Its obvious that the event uses the basic mmr. In normal game mode the matches kinda balanced but with this quiet mode ability the survivors disappear and genrush like hell. With others killers its okay and if im dominating i let 3 go. Its for fun for me but if the survivors tryharding instead of farming and having fun…

  24. Dbd players are a different kind of people 😂 they will literally complain about ANYTHING. I stopped playing the game, yet I always come back to news videos and normal dbd videos just to hear how ridiculous the things are that people are complaining about 😅.

  25. i see the complaints but i ignore it because I noticed since joining dbd that everyone has a opinion and it never matters. if you enjoy the game play it if you hate the game quit. but let me play and have fun. at the end of the day that is what dbd is supposed to be. fun.

  26. I played a lot of videogames in my day.
    But DBD is the only one where people are constantly like:
    "They are playing to good! and are using to good stuff! What assholes! They should let me win!!😠"
    Like honestly, I get it. It's not a competitive game. But in my opinion, the problem is NEVER the other side when losing.

  27. I can’t stand that people are complaining over the PARTY mode being unbalanced. If you don’t like it, just go back to normal queue. It’s a masquerade mode with invitations and modifiers, if you expect that to be balanced, I’m sorry but your asking too much cause the mode isn’t meant to be balanced. Can’t believe we gotta tell these people in the community, it’s like explaining to 5 year olds how to do basic things. 🤦‍♂️

  28. My issue with the event is more that people are taking it WAY too seriously, so the remote hook is just kind of a slap in the face on top of everything. The bugs surrounding the remote hook are also a pain to deal with (getting hooked while healthy because you flashlight saved is not really my idea of fun lol). But overall I've been having a lot of fun with the event, that constant 150% bloodpoint bonus is sweet

  29. Seriously???
    BVHR finally offered a power that cuts out the most boring and tedious part of the game, and they think it's OP?
    Like you do get that this a CHASE game, right?
    Sabotage and hook blocking is just a niche strategy, not the core gameplay loop.

    Fluff forbid you actually have to learn how to loop.


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