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Here we try to utilize Jill’s Blast Mine Perk along with Leon’s Flash Bang Perk to have some explosive results with the killer! Enjoy and try it out for yourself
RESIDENT EVIL IS CONFIRMED to join the Dead by Daylight franchise June 15, 2021 and we will get a sneak peak as to who the confirmed Survivor(s), Killer, Map, and Perks are.
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Flash bang steals the show in this one but man was it a fun game none the less! PS – Zombies are soooo scary! 😀
The zombies are too much..
Zombies are cheaters 100% 4v1 becomes 4v3 right there at the basement big rip
This chapter is amazing 😍 I don’t think I’ll ever care for another chapter ever again because my favorite game is in my favorite game
You know what would be a good build ds flash mine, flashbang, and the locker strike perk from Jane like a killer attack build
I love the zombies, I wish there were add-ons to make more of them.
Nemesis has a perk name nemesis from oni makes perfect sense to me
We do love our homegirl Steve
I just want to be to able to see Leon’s re4 outfit cause I’m maining him
love your content hope i can be a content creator like you some day
I instantly perked up when I heard you call the one zombie Misty. Glad someone knows her name :3
Call it a flashbang build cuz blast mine was nowhere to be found. Love the clickbait.
Whats better the flashbang or blast mine? Cause i think blast mine is better it wastes a lot of time for the killer like 4 seconds and a blind then he has to kick the generator again where flash bang is situational and kinda hard to stun the killer.
So far killers just stopped kicking Gens for me so never get anything off Blast Mine