BLINDING FURY LEGION! – Dead by Daylight

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#redsgaminggears #dbd #Legion
Dead by Daylight New Killer Legion Gameplay, Today is a requested game where we do our best to get the most value out of the requested build! Dead by Daylight Resident evil is here with the new killer Nemesis! I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Wraith Gameplay!
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26 thoughts on “BLINDING FURY LEGION! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Thanks dbd you lost a another killer main…
    The game is already heavily one sided in the favor of survivors.
    you guys go and nerf my spirit…
    That’s the last straw
    Why not leave spirit alone devs?
    We get it most of you are survivor mains and hardly never play killer anyways.
    But are you kidding me!
    Any key changes devs? Nope
    A lot of the community that plays killer been trying to bring that to your attention.
    Heavily been survivor sided for the past few years now.
    Keep this up dead by daylight team
    I guarantee that you will lose a lot of veteran players from both sides
    Majority of killers are fed up with this dbd was intended to be a killer game with the killer feeling like he is in control of his match.
    The killer having a advantage over the survivors.
    For my veteran spirit mains that are going to continue on.
    Good luck hope you guys survive these dark times Killers are going through.
    No matter how many nerfs they try.
    Always remember
    that good will always triumph evil

  2. After the next update, you won't even need the Blindness Pin: Third Seal will proc on special attack! Granted this would be a lot more hype if Blindness had an actually good effect, but hey, it is kinda neat! One day maybe Blindness will get rid of the hook bubble, one day!

    Also, I've been thinking: why does an edgy switchblade, a tiny toothbrush razor from Clown, a mallet, a greataxe, a katana, and the horror equivalent of Cloud's Buster Sword multiplied in length and girth by 5 all do the exact same amount of damage? And why does Myers' and Legions' knives do varying amounts of damage depending on whether they're holding it above their head or not? From a gameplay perspective it's normal but now that I'm actually thinking about it it's making less and less sense XDDD

  3. They should give legion a buff that you can hit the same survivor twice but it doesn’t affect their mend time and just resets the gauge bar for you so you can actually use his power to hit survivors from a distance

  4. It honestly annoys me to no end when people start complaining about bugs. I understand, having bugs in the game can be annoying. But when people start saying "fIx YoUr GaMe" without specifying WHAT needs fixed is frustrating. Bugs can be annoying; let's take the sound bug that happened this match for example. Now lets try to fix it. First what caused it? Does ANYONE even know? Second, WHAT in the code made it decide starting and stopping is a good idea when every other time it was perfectly fine? Lastly, how can it be fixed?

    This is usually the general process for debugging code. Everyone says to fix this, or fix that, but identifying the source of a problem is much more difficult than what one thinks. When I typed "lets try to fix it" in the previous statement, did you notice I didn't add an apostrophe to lets? In coding, something like that can be the difference between everything running as intended, and nothing working at all. Now imagine doing that with a group of 10-15 people, all needing to work together with different ways of doing this. It's not the easiest thing ever.

    Lastly, many people wonder how something can just break when a patch comes out. It's not spaghetti code. What many people forget, each chapter comes with roughly 7-8 folders; the map, killer, killer cosmetics, killer add ons, survivor, survivor cosmetics, killer perks, and survivor perks. These are referred to, in programming, as private classes, or bits of code that can't affect other code, only be pulled out and used when needed. There is no way the developers can tamper with a killer for chapter 22, for instance, and have it affect chapter 7 (for example) without going into chapter 7 and changing the code. If something isn't working, it isn't because it's broken; it's working EXACTLY as intended, just not the way we want. And methods are updated as time goes on; there is no one way to program something, take the different programming languages as proof. The developers are usually changing the way code is created to find a better, more compact creation of something. If they do this, it may need to be adjusted in previous files to update it. How are they supposed to know if compacting a previous bit of code will break something unless they test it? They have to do that with EVERY PREVIOUS CHAPTER. Coding isn't easy; it gets more complicated as time goes on. It's not because of spaghetti code; it's not because "The devs don't care." If they didnt, they wouldn't have PTB's to try and fix things before a final release, or even bother with the surveys. Plain and simple, sometimes adding something new to the game makes new things happen unexpectedly. Stop saying "fIx YoUr game," stop saying "the devs don't care," fill out a report that specifies WHAT needs fixed and believe that the devs who KEEP UPDATING THE GAME care enough, more so than many other devs, to keep the game alive and fresh.

  5. The chase music bug is so weird because even as a studying game developer, I can't really come up with a way they'd manage to break it like they do, especially due to UE4's blueprints making things easy to separate out and avoid spaghetti. My only guess is that since it happened with Nancy and no one else, it may be due to unreleased code in the game related to Stranger Things' removal. Either that or the multiple changes to pallet visuals messed up the hitbox calculation for line of sight and that caused the music flutter but those aside, I can't give a reason how this would go unnoticed


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