Boon Totems are Good for Dead by Daylight

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Boons are good for Dead by Daylight.

0:00 – Intro
0:11 – Objective Perspective
0:30 – Boon: Circle of Healing
0:38 – Boon Totem Radius
0:43 – CoH Pressure Problems
1:29 – Time to Kill Mentality
1:58 – CoH Tweak Suggestion
2:20 – Boon: Shadowstep
2:27 – Shadowstep Incentives
3:20 – Problems w/ Shadowstep
3:59 – Is MMR a good thing?
4:24 – Low MMR comments
4:47 – Addressing MMR to BHVR
4:51 – Boon: Exponential
5:06 – Incentives Exponential
5:35 – Fixing Exponential’s Problems
6:06 – Boons & Killer Issues
7:13 – Endgame Playstyles for DBD
7:47 – My Opinions on Boons
8:12 – Outro


31 thoughts on “Boon Totems are Good for Dead by Daylight”

  1. "good"? weird cause now there's like a 20 minute queue time wait for survivors and a five second one for killers,
    which means there is a killer drought. Just after boons were introduced.
    Overall playerbase seems to disagree on them being a good addition to the already survivor-sided game.

  2. With the concept of Boons being to give survivor another objective that takes time away from doing gens, BHVR completely mucked that because survivors can just boon and then infinitely heal, giving themselves more time for gens.

  3. Instead of using a kills chart I would want to see a hooks chart per killer. I feel that if we are using the data for kills chart to balance then you cant just be like oh well ignore nurse since shes clearly the best killer in the game but at the same time has the lowest kill rate. The reason a lot of these killers have higher kill rates is stuff like: DC's and people giving up on hook

  4. Boons are fine on paper. In practice, I very much agree.

    You can also see this time to kill issue in Eyrie Of Crows. Pallets, pallets, pallets, pallets, safe loop, pallets.

  5. Undying, Haunted Grounds, Devour Hope, NOED. My Wraith build, its fun, its fast and you get salty endings if you win or lose :D. Circle of healing has made regular wraith gameplay super frustrating. The 3 other survivors should definetly not get the healing speed increase. 1 Perk out of 16 countering the killers slowdown perk is crazy.

  6. ugh. Just stomp the totem, just like Devour Hope, the defense of Ruin/Undying NOED and Devour Hope is just ClEaN TeH tOtEmS so now killers have annoying win more perks they have to find or lose the game to, just like survivors! Killers will always just sit in mud puddles like petulant children and cry about it until it gets "fixed" but dont change Devour hope or NOED cause then it makes the game TOTALLY SURVIVOR SIDED. Its so Survivor sided that hatches, Keys, D-strike etc all got obliterated Its just so survivor sided. They need to just make AI Killers that have a decent AI to keep the queue times down while a new crop of killer mains who don't want to be spoon fed 4ks for 50 streak games.

    What you are proposing is that Boon totems only be good if they basically act as a killer perk and slow down gen progression. the premise of your point is flawed.

  7. Here is my thing about Boon Totems IF THERE IS LITERTTLALLY no way to counter this perk other than Stoping another Player from playing the game aka Killing them and taking them out of the game THERE IS A MAJOR problem with the perks deisgn and it needs to be addressed.

  8. I'm a Hag main. Yes I am… And once boon circle of healing came out playing Hag is definitely harder if boons are on the map. A survivor will take a hit and run outside of my web to the opposite side of the map and if I chase I'm going to lose and if I don't she will heal. My pressure as killer has dropped a lot so I switched to Starstruck and Agitation. That way I have a better chance to get a down faster and avoid their fast healing. Circle of Healing and a medkit is to fast. The survivor will heal mid chase before I get the down if she's outside of the web.

  9. CoH is really the only issue in my opinion. So far I haven't come across anyone whose used Exponential, and Shadow Step isn't too much of an issue for me since I don't use aura reading perks too much, it's only an issue when I'm chasing someone and lose sight of them and then their tracks disappear. But CoH makes it so Killers are discouraged from trying to snowball and go after multiple survivors, basically if you don't commit to a single chase at a time you just waste your own time with no benefit.

  10. I mean am I good at the game for not having to use endgame perks as killer? Granted, I don't play certain specific killers for example here is the list of killers I play versus the ones I play versus the ones I stopped playing with the reasons next to it. I also agree with you that they should nerf Boon totems just a tad bit having 100% healing on top of everything already broken especially if they are using self care, botany, etc the game becomes tedious unless you play specific killers.

    Killers I play:
    Trapper- I main trapper no matter what I hope he continues to get updated but I love him since its as close as I will get to Jason which I HOPE THEY NEVER ADD TO DBD I HOPE TO GOD THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN.
    Legion- I main legion now since he is a pretty cool player to play as I love how you get to injure multiple people chase multiple people playing legion makes me feel engaged into the gameplay.
    Ghost face- To replace Pig since she is too weak and slow at gen pressure, and with the high mmr bullshit your sweating every game.
    The Artist- because she's new and actually fun I want to play her before they nerf her into the ground.
    Michael- I am getting back into playing him since there are new perks and new builds I want to try on him.
    Doctor- I have new build ideas to use so gonna try doctor again.
    Nemesis- still have to level him up, get his perks and so I can try him out properly I would like to use him if I can learn his power.
    Demo- because its Demo Fuck yeah I love his portals and I have perk build Ideas I want to run on him.
    Trickster- I don't like this killer but I like how he can down survivors with throwing knives over hatchet throws, I feel once I get used to his playstyle I will be alright with this power, they have cosmetics so I will most definitely change his stupid look when I get around to it.
    Hillbilly- since they came out with nemesis's perk lethal pursuer I want to try it out with Corrupt intervention and some other perks.
    Hag- I don't like hags design but I love her power I want to use her and learn how to get better with her.
    Phead- still leveling him up not sure if I am using him in the future as his power can be pretty boring at times.
    oni- same as Phead.

    Killers I stopped playing-
    Pig- I feel her power is still WAY TOO WEAK for this gen rush meta, her chases take to long as she is a shit garbage looper and her traps have hardly any impact on survivors there is no risk for reward playing her and its sad cause I used to main her. I cannot win with her unless I am forced to run an endgame build which I try my best not to do since it makes the game unfun to have to suck all game and then I find it cheap to win in the game rather than if I earned before gens or the exit gate are opened.
    Freddy- They nerfed his power into the ground and most games it feels impossible to gain any good pressure like we used to have with him.
    Plague- I don't really care for her playstyle but I may return to play her now that she has that buff.

    Killers I don't play:
    Wraith- I really don't like his playstyle and he has too many counters.
    Nurse- I am not a good nurse.
    Huntress- I will admit I am not patient or skilled enough to be a huntress main despite trying.
    Bubba- he is a yinyang killer he other one shots you or doesn't so boring to play as.
    Blight- he's just hillbilly with extra steps and no instant down.
    Twins- not really feeling her power but I will buy her with shards eventually to get her perks
    Cenobite- I am not spending real money on something that should be free with ingame currency.
    Gunslinger- he is way too weak to play as.
    Clown- I don't really care for his power
    Spirit- I find her power boring, she's the same as nurse but more meta.

  11. Boons are good for DBD, it's literally just Circle of Healing that's problematic. All that perk needs to do is allow you to Self Care and that Healing Speeds in general should be capped

  12. I think they might be good if they had a risk/reward to them eg circle of healing would stay as it is but the person who blesses the totem is injured and broken for a little bit, essentially sacrificing a health state for the team to have faster healing and self care.
    For shadowstep the risk could be that the killers red stain and terror radius is hidden while within the boon radius so both sides are sneaking around
    Just an idea

  13. Boons make the game less fun for both sides, killers are put in a stressful time crunch even more so than before, and survivors have to deal with what was considered BMing before as a main play style because killers don’t have the tools to keep up, it just ends up making both sides experiences miserable.

  14. I actually think Exponential is a bad perk tbh.

    At least, in my experience, I've always either seen it snuffed before it was useful or snuffed it before it was useful. It's so situational. Alongside the other boons, pretty solid, but that's 3 perks in your build.

    It's new, ofc, I just think it's easily the weakest boon, and by a long shot when compared to CoH and SS.

  15. Making CoH self care speed would make it the worst perk in the game. Now you don't just have one dipshit spending half an hour healing themself, you have the whole team doing it and having to run halfway across the map to do so.

  16. I dont understand why they need to the boon effects speed to 100%, isnt 50% strong enough that it will annoy the killer but at the same time, not too strong to the point where all survivors can quickly patched up within 20 secs. For each health state return, you are actually increase the chase time for the killer, so it pretty much increase 30 seconds for each killer. I guess they just want a lazy way for normal medkit self care speed with some heal bonus for healing other survivors, thus combining the implementation into 100% healing speed bonus


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