Breaking Killers Ankles & Thoughts on MMR and Q&A – Dead by Daylight

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Dead by Daylight You wanted more survivor gameplay, well here it is and of course some of my thoughts on the MMR System, how its working, and my opinions on the most recent Behavior DBD Q&A.

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Survivor Gameplay!
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36 thoughts on “Breaking Killers Ankles & Thoughts on MMR and Q&A – Dead by Daylight”

  1. The Whole MMR Debate would be much better if there was a ranked mode and MMR system was in there for try hards to have at it and let the more casual player base play in a casual que. They liertally have other games out on the market at the moment to take exampes from like LEague of legends. They don't have to copy it exactly but if you incentivize people to play ranked ppl will que up for ranked and same thing for casual play.

  2. Honestly I think Patrick is purposely stoking the toxic flames and embracing the toxic dbd community. I think he thinks it brings good publicity but ended up backfiring on him and may hurt the game's reputation. I mean the guy seems like a complete mind fucker.

  3. Here's the thing though you could be a good survivor but you get hit with noed or you make a mistake and get facecamp. Or as a killer you could be the guy that refuses to camp or tunnel and then you two hook everyone but everyone escapes I mean that guy is better than the dude with two hook states but two kills. I'm not the greatest player but if I'm outplaying a killer and running them at some point you're gonna get hit. This comment isn't with anger or anything, but really if I die to noed does the really make me a worse player than that killer

  4. Hey red I want to play spirit, love your videos and recommend your channel to my friends. Can you please post or make a video on strongest spirit build not using purge hooks please 🙂

  5. your opinions are spot on. In a multiplayer game, communication with the community is important, your game's longevity depends of the community, you rub them the wrong way, people are gonna leave faster than new people joining the community.

  6. I'm not sure many people are talking about the state of a new killer to the game. I feel like new killers aren't having much fun with the game purely from a difficulty and learning curve standpoint.

    If the survivor team is really bad then the games are fine, but when you have competent players it becomes a problem for new killers. Not even good or great just competent. There is alot of additional complexity to playing killer, along with the mechanical complexity of some characters powers. The punishment for a failed chase is out of wack. If you fail a chase after a minute, you could lose 2 or even 3 gens. If you fail a chase as survivor, you waste probably 30 or more seconds, and you get one hook out of 3. The killer then has to look for others as well. A killer has to look at gens and check their progress to GUESS where a survivor might be if they're not caught out on gens. A survivor holds M1 and moves to the nearest pallet or window after the killer gets within 32m. Nothing is more demoralizing than seeing gens popping left and right, and the survivor ahead of you just reached another fresh pallet.

    After watching people t-bag and click you at end gate, a new killer either quits or starts facecamping the first survivor they see. If they find that they actually get more hooks this way another facecamper who will hate BT, DS, and DH is born. The learning curve for a new killer is brutal, especially if they go against an SWF. Playing killer requires keeping track of so much information that new players can't keep up with it. Along with Borrowed time base kit, some type of information perk for the killer needs to be base kit. Either lethal pursuer, bbq and chili or maybe an altered tinkerer. Easing the mental load of killer and giving them something to target so that they don't facecamp will go a long way to helping new killers not feel terrible.

    I also feel that the basics of spreading out pressure, how to guess where survivors are using gen progress, and how to force survivors into a deadzone around a loop should be concepts covered in the tutorial. Currently, the tutorial teaches you how to CONTROL killers not how to play killers. Some character specific tutorials such as using shock therapy to deny pallets and vaults would also be nice.

    That's my main concerns for the game, being newer to the game. Can't speak too much on balance, but I think nerfing situations that can start to snowball will also be healthy

  7. Right, I agree with everything you had to say on MMR. A lot of people mistake being at a spot in MMR where they aren't ready for, with being at top MMR. Which are two, very different things. If I go into a match of killer, and I get my butt kicked, it's not because I'm playing that top 5%, it's because I was in a match that was just a bit beyond my level of play.

  8. 42:32 back when I used to play WOW Ion hasacostis (I’m butchering his last name) had that exact same effect on me even when he was saying good things (which when you start trying to tell people what they think is fun is a big mistake) he just let just say it would have been better to have someone like Lore who was a former YouTube and streamer that they hired to be public relations, let him deliver their latest WOW news but no sadly they kept on rolling out Ion which wasn’t helping them when they were giving out bad news to the players.

  9. The curse of the healing build, nobody wants to be healed by you.
    Your thoughts on the mmr and q&a was also refreshing.
    Problem with clarity is that they got burned in the past by saying something and having to go back on it.
    The problem sadly isn't just with the devs. It's also part how our community responds to things. And no matter what they do they will always recieve negativity.
    I agree they should be more clearer but tbh i can 100% see why they don't want to

  10. I've been playing dbd for almost a year, every day sense then it's been a ride it was more fun back then but I definitely agree, them not answering questions doesn't help it feels that they just give us points & cosmetics for the broken things about the game

  11. I agree with most of your analysis of the Q&A. Though I haven’t seen it myself, people being overly negative or targeting the devs aren’t justified. But neither do those bad apples negate the actual constructive criticism that people are levying in response. The main dev’s snarky and patronizing attitude definitely put a lot of people on the defensive, and BHVR’s team needs to find better PR representatives with actual substantive responses

  12. I think what made people antagonize Patrick so much is how out-of-touch he was (in a lot of times in the Q&A). The Q&A itself was overall bad. They took the questions that were popular, not ones that are important. Even though they are the ones who selected the questions, half of them were a complete waste of time since most of their answers were "SoonTM", and even the "SoonTM" answers are flat, no "We're doing solid progress" or "We're currently testing it" or "Man, we don't think its going well". Ones that were answered differently were extremely hit-or-miss, and the misses were complete disasters.

    Great example to illustrate my point: they nerfed Twins hard this patch, a Killer infamous for how little they are played and how rare they are to see. Just to give you an idea of how bad it is for Twins, they are the third lowest in Kill Rate (higher than Nurse and Trickster, but one of them is free and extremely hard to play, and the other is also hard to play), and the LEAST picked Killer with a rate of 1.15%. That's lower than Clown, Oni, Demogorgon, Deathslinger (post-nerf), Pig, Plague, and Hag, and all of those are some of the lowest in terms of pick rate.

    To justify gutting Twins at this point, he said: "Twins are monsters at high MMR!". Its rare to see a Twins player at any level, let alone high MMR, and (the worst offender): "We've already buffed some add-ons to make up for it." They buffed the Blindness on Victor removal and the Exposed Iridescent add-ons. The add-on that does nothing and shouldn't happen in the first place and the Exposed Iri add-on. To make up for the nerf to the most used and much needed add-ons. Without any sort of adjustments or compensations to base Twins. Let that sink in.


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