Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
I combined the New Alien or Xenomorph Screaming Perk with Dark Devotion on The Shape / Myers to instill mass FEAR when I do anything with the Obsession in terms of damage! You’ll see in the matches that every single time the Obsession was hit or downed, I went on a snowball reign of terror!
Thumbnail Render by ME 🙂
Is the Alien aka The Xenomorph Mori too op? (lol)
Wanna STALK me? My Instagram’s Right Here! —
Wanna purge your insomnia with a full autopilot dbd playlist? Here ya go! —
playing Dead by daylight also known as dbd with every killer trapper wraith hillbilly nurse huntress hag shape aka myers doctor trickster dredge artist deathslinger ghostface demogorgon pig onryu aka the ring clown cannibal aka leatherface nemesis plague freddy spirit legion oni executioner aka pyramid head blight twins cenobite aka pinhead alien xenomorph the xenomorph and survivor many people play this asymmetrical horror including tru3ta1ent otzdarva jrm and ayrun! (Just seeing if the algorithm will eat this up)
#dbd #dbdkiller #dbdkillergameplay #dbdnewupdate #alien #dbdalien #dbdptb
22* video streak of our boy wearing a shirt on his video!
Do you recommend this Diabolical build for Michael Myers
giant myers vs small ghost face
also, the bots can 360 now
Your favorite Miguel Myers moment?
You don't have a choice. You will love this build
Yeah a lot of people don't realize the Hair Bow's stalk rate penalty applies only to the first time you tier it up, making it one of his best addons.
This seems like an rpd build, holy
yay new vid from my favorite twink
That, was, beautiful😭😭
He can't keep getting away with it!!
I wouldn't mind seeing another few games of a build like this, as you were still learning some of the aspects of it while playing. I'm a Myers main, and i always love a new build concept!
I'm unsure about the time efficiency of all the set up though. I think a perk to replace face the darkness may be better.
It's a very flowchart build. Down obsession with tier 3. If a survivor screams, chase. Otherwise head to gens.
Brutal str could be good to manage those pallets that just shut myers down. Surveillance could be good to know where to take your tier 3.
You’ve been releasing some very good content recently, I’m subbed!
What a plot twist lol
Mikey obsessed with Feng? Two matches in a row? He's cheating on Laurie??? 😱
To be fair, I would probably be obsessed with Feng too, so I can't speak against him lol
I loved it!
And I had an idea for a hunting-chase build: Rapid Brutality + Save the Best + Infectious Fright + Play with Your Food (or Fire Up, or something that give us even more speed) with Fragrant Tuft of Hair 😼