Busting Subtle Wallhacker + How to Detect Cheaters in Dead By Daylight

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In this video we get ran by a cheater for 5 gens and call him out on it.
I reported him after stream and got him banned for good. Hope you enjoy the video!
I stream 5 times a week at https://www.twitch.tv/hens333

Community Discord: https://discord.gg/hens333


44 thoughts on “Busting Subtle Wallhacker + How to Detect Cheaters in Dead By Daylight”

  1. I've been tanking my mmr all week. While it makes games less competitive it's greatly cut down to encountering multiple cheaters daily (I'm not exaggerating I have 9000 hours and you know when a someone behaves outside of the game's normal limits) to now only encountering one every other day.

    Plus the ban wave that happened yesterday hopefully will help out.

  2. I had a Twins cheating last night. She had a level 10 twins with two tier 1 perks – claustrophobia and light born and she was fast as fuck boi

  3. 3: something, the TL walls in general are not really mindgameable honestly. no matter at what corner he is he can see u through the window, "Behind" The corner of the longer wall side and the short side

  4. Said this on Coconut's video, this game frustrates me to no end, but imagine being that pathetic to have to cheat on a stupid game like this. And you are spending actual money, in order to cheat. Humans are so pathetic sometimes.

    I think that's what BHVR needs to do next, make a reliable anticheat. Cause people have already circumvented the anticheat that is in the game already.

  5. It's not just subtle Hackers and the obvious Cheater. There are so many "legit" Players playing on hacked Accounts. These Players are let's say on Level 30 Devotion 0 and got every Survivor on P3 with every Perk and every skin…that's ok (actually not, but nothing game breaking). BUT they got 2000 of every item, add-on and offering on every Survivor. In theory they can play their map of choice 60K times in a row with the best items+add-ons.

  6. Thank you very much Hens for your lights

    Recently I've been dealing with many survivors who all seemed to know about every move I made, never being able to catch up with them, whether looping, or just running in a straight line, so much so that I thought I was just terribly lame, next time i'll try to watch out for that sort of thing

  7. Idk man he reacted kinda slow to that double back on the l wall for having wall hacks. Maybe he just sucks with movement even with wall hacks but anyways, you never really know.

  8. its sad he was gaslighting saying “so bc i looped you for a long time im a cheater?” like yea thats what made you a cheater literally winning every loop without a single mistake LMFOA

  9. Had a game a week ago where a survivor was outrunning me while I was carrying another survivor. Not sus? Oh, forgot to mention I was running Agitation and Play With Your Food. She was going at least ~4.34.

  10. Some people just NEED to reinforce the thought that they're good at games even though they're usually alright but could just use practice to get better. Instead, they like to cheat and act like they're just better at a game that they need cheats to even have a chance in. Like a stream sniper I had the other day that sniped the random streamer in my lobby because she was live, the streamer literally told them "yeah I can see that you were in my stream during the match." The sniper denied everything of course and chalked it up to experience. Cheaters are just bad at the game but have the biggest egos.

  11. Had a guy who won every mind game perfectly, no hesitation… to this day i cant tell if he was hacking or not… we need server sided checks to thin out the number of cheaters..

  12. It wouldn't be so sad if you knew for a fact it is cheater or you are just not that good at game yet. I had a few games where I was destroyed and was like "oh, need to be better". But thinking about it know, I feel that something was very sus about those god-players.
    (I'm not telling you shouldn't become better, it's just lose isn't always your fault. Sometimes you just don't have a chance. And it is kinda demoralizing)

  13. Cheaters are probably the only reason I'd prefer not to play in high MMR. I can deal with sweaty games, with great survivors, but the amount of cheaters… Absolutely unbearable, I rarely play this game now only because of cheaters.

  14. Winning twenty 50/50 mindgames in a row is just statistically very unlikely (in this example, 1/1048576 chance of happening), but that is exactly what happens when going against a wallhacker; they win every mindgame at a loop that involves line-of-sight obstructions, but the second they loop on an unobstructed tile (e.g. 3:45), they go down just as quickly as anyone else would. Always keep the probabilities in mind when going against survivors that seem suspiciously good.

  15. Had my first guy like this morning. I don't often like looking for cheaters etc esp since i don't really call it out and id like to think my subpar killer gameplay where i just really want to farm BBQ isn't in cheater leagues… But i never even got a single glimpse. I also had a cheater trickster the other day who was so blatantly cheating its rediculous. LIterally throwing knives across the map kinda shit, as to in your face go "yea im cheating, what about it".

  16. i wish you showed his perks n equipment because keys are a thing to see through walls and also theres loads of shit that makes you run faster…
    so even tho he was banned (you could faked the profile) idk if hes a hacker because you purposely hid the load outs, which is abit sus on your end now cuz all you did was complain n give no evidence.

  17. kind of obvious. You see right when he gets to that unsafe pallet, he turns into an average joe and just spam vaults it. But, when there were walls covering him, he made all the right guesses each time.

    The aura reading pretty much tells us here, but, add up these situations and you can decide if you aren't running an aura reading perk or add-on. Being good doesn't remove the 50/50 aspect. Someone who is guessing correctly that many times is more than likely cheating. Doesn't matter what game you're playing.

    He basically sandbags himself to avoid getting caught by running to that unsafe pallet and ending the chase on purpose. Its all for show, smoke and mirrors.

  18. BROOO HENSSSSSS, I'm a Killer main and I usually get the same people at high MMR, and I remember a guy called "Sick Cunt", I got him like 3 or 4 times.
    He was god-like, he played very well and he once ran me for 5 gens, I was almost sure that guy had something sus but I couldn't figure it out, his gameplay stood out from everyone else I played against.
    I also remember that the very next game I got him again and completely destroyed him.
    I haven't played against him in a while but, I remember him from like ~4 months ago, so I guess he has been subtle cheating for a long time holy shit.
    I have 2K hours in the game and play since 2016, but even I couldn't for 100% be sure that he was cheating, but I knew he was sus.

    Subtle cheats are terrifying man.

    Thanks for catching him.

  19. I wouldn't say "to pretend to be good at looping", I'd say "to protect the account they don't want banned". Their account is set to private, so if you got his main account … oof.


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