Can you guess my Survivor perks? | Dead by Daylight

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Another round of “Guess my perks”, this time playing survivor. I made this one really hard as well, so props if you manage to figure out all four of my perks without chat’s help. 😊

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


35 thoughts on “Can you guess my Survivor perks? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I didn't even see Fixated even if I use this perk sometimes… My brain is so used to see them while playing killer that I didn't even saw them 😐 It was like it's normal

  2. Hi, nice to meet you, i have been learning the game tricks from your videos probablly not many since there were very few survivor gameplays, could you maybe upload more survivor or mobile survivor gameplay/tricks? i have checked some that were mentioned by you on previous videos but i don't like their attitudine and yours is easy to gasp and learn from, it could help me alot since i play on mobile as survivor and im stuck at rank 5 almost all games i get 3 to 4 gens done then i die every game because i keep the gens and killer aggro on me while also saving my useless team that either dies trolls or griefs me all games, very few actually even healed me as wounded let alone aid me, i have around 200 hours as survivor played on mobile for the past 2 months i played.

  3. man i was so close i thought maybe tenacity or leader but never played with distorion thats why i couldn't know that you dont leave scratch marks for 10 seconds

  4. Here’s my guesses of time stamps when I pause (possible spoilers below)

    1:45 Ok looks like you can see the scratch marks and heal someone off the ground quickly but not to full, so my first two right here are Fixated and WGLF
    11:49 And the only thing I noticed is he doesn’t have iron will. Damn dude

  5. i guessed fixated, we're gonna live forever, visionary (bc of the gens lighting up but that was some other survivors perk lmao), and power struggle (bc when u got to the basement pallet u looked a bit disappointed)

  6. I’m at 7:07 as I’m playing this, I’m betting Balanced Landing (at shack it looked like Otz was tempted to drop into the basement steps for some unknown reason), Premonition (cause Otz read a comment asking “why aren’t you looking at the killer.” Just a second ago from this point), We’re Gonna Live Forever (speedy pick ups on the downed survivors), and Fixated cause you can see Otz’s scratch marks.


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