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IntotheFog #deadbydaylight #dbd This video talks goes over legitimate Dead by Daylight Chapter 21 new killer theories. As of right now, based on the new leaks …


45 thoughts on “CANDYMAN THEORY DISPROVED?!? – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Honestly the thing that pops into my head the most is something we already partially have: Scream/Ghost Face. The killers have changed gender throughout the movies and I know a lot of people (myself included) want Sydney Prescott into the game. However there's no reason they would make this a whole new chapter killer and not a mid chapter update and if it was a mid chapter update, I would expect it later 2021, or January 2022 with the new scream movie release.

  2. I would love to see The Witch from Left 4 Dead 2 as a killer in DBD. She could also have a bride skin and it could add another female licensed killer which we only have one.

  3. Is it normal for DBD to add two licensed survivors into the game? Or was it just a one time thing with Resident Evil? Because if they we’re gonna add Chucky to the game they could always have both Andy and Kyle in✨

  4. I’ve been thinking (since speculating for the next chapter) that the next license we would get would be penny wise. Going from Nemesis (and attracting a larger fan base for DBD) and following it up with an original chapter would push people away. But if you throw in penny wise they’re a literal horror icon.

  5. If it wasnt a movie license it could be springtrap from fnaf. Fnaf was on the survey, the skin could be for any other animatronics or possible it could turn him into his human look(purple guy), and scott currently owns all the rights because there his charcters.

  6. Pennywise or SPRINGTRAP!!!!! Springtrap is a video game so that is a pretty big con. Any way springtrap a male and the pick up animation is gonna be weird because he is a freaking robot!!! Also the legendary could be a different animatronic or scrap trap( a broken version of springtrap) or scrap trap could just be the very rare!!! I think it's very possible for spring trap!!!!(edit the very rare skin could also be a skin for him from fnaf ar)

  7. What about a possible Venom or Carnage as the killer to release relatively close to the movie hitting the theaters if DBD can get a license like that I think that they could definitely make the Symbiot (Venom/ Carnage) into a very playable character. I just don’t know if they would go for a back to back tentacle based killer

  8. Killer coming is Candyman the killer will be solo that was confirmed and ties into a movie they done business with universal before over Halloween franchise this makes the most sense

  9. i feel like a chapter we could see in the future in a fear street chapter(spoilers ahead for the trilogy) i could see it happening with the major success of the films and it being tied to netflix bhvr could easily contact them for a possible deal i could see deena as the main survivor (with sam,kate,cindy and ziggy legendary skins down the line) and one of the killers being in the chapter (not sure who as skull mask is so similar to ghostface and nightwing is too similar to jason and ruby wasnt a main villain and the other killers were side characters i could see goode from 1666 being a killer and his power being to curse survivors and give them debuffs but i dont think they would do that as it could spoil the whole trilogy) and the map could be the shadyside mall even though we’ve only see a little bit of it they could probably make it work

  10. So just wanted to point out that Pennywise is just a form IT takes, and the guise of Pennywise is male in both adaptions even tho IT is female, so the Pennywises could be considered male.

  11. Chucky could just drag you across the floor instead of picking you up. When it comes to hooking he could jump up and grab the hook, hook you and pull a chain that elevates you up. and as for the gender issue with chucky. Adult andy would be the survior. You said a different animation for breaking palets. Chucky jump on them to break them instead of kicking.

  12. Legan has skins that not only change gender but idle animations as well so I don't think they are bound by that. I'm hoping for candyman or an original, not sure why so many people are trying to make chucky work. Me and a friend have a theory that the twins were a test to see how chucky could work. They only way I could see chucky hooking survivors is if they lower the hooks then once he hooks them it raises up automatically and he could drag them.

  13. Maybe if we get Pinhead from Hellraiser, we could have a Chatterer set, a Butterball set, and a legendary "Female Cenobite" set…? I kinda hope the Chatterer set makes the chattering noises in menu and on match… Something like the Trickster when he's chasing survivors, hooking and getting stunned by them. Different chattering noises… We could add Uncle Frank and Julia, but we already have a Frank and Julia… The League of Legions…

  14. The Legion is a prefect example as to how Chucky and Tiffany can work. Two genders, similar body types. Tiffany is Chucky’s other half, she’s could definitely be a Legendary outfit. Licensing from Universal would better fit the cosmetic side. There’s more iconic looks to Chucky. Stitched face, sliced in half face, his generic evil face, cut up overalls, knife for his hand. MGM wouldn’t have much going for him cosmetic wise. And DBD would rather work with Universal so to not piss off the original creator who works with Universal. Chucky himself is a brand, Just like Leatherface.

  15. Now that I think about it, what if its a Hybrid chapter like what they were trying to do with Kate in the Texas Chainsaw chainsaw DLC when it was supposed to be a full chapter instead of a paragraph?


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