Casual VS Comp Hypocrisy [Ranty Video] | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #commentary #rant

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►Video Song: FSM Team – Midnight Room
►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring

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19 thoughts on “Casual VS Comp Hypocrisy [Ranty Video] | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Some people think that this game, that is explicitly marketed as a game, and that thousands of people play like a game, is in fact a game. Seductive fools. Their sensual lies attempt to tempt us away from the real truth: this game is hexadecimal warfare. My eye of Mia Khalifa sees through their hips.

  2. Casual people like winning but don't care about losing whilst competitive people love winning and vehemently hate losing, that is the difference, at it's core dbd is competitive but people have the ability to mess around and do demopup friendly killer and afk killer, and survivors can play how they want all that matters is the sweet escape but how they achieved the escape is up to them, when i play survivor i like messing with the killer how you may ask i hide from them whilst making sure they know im in the area😑

  3. If everyone in this game took your stance on DCing, there wouldn't be a game at all. It's not about casual vs competitive, it's that you literally can't have a multiplayer game survive if people leave just because things aren't going their way in the match. It ruins the game for the other people you're supposed to be helping. Every killer in the game is hated by someone, so if everyone left the moment they came across the killer they didn't like "Because it's just a silly game, so who cares" then no one would ever get to play a full match. It's an entirely self centered mindset that luckily most players don't share.

  4. Everytime I read about a person playing this game who reliably plays the most boring strats (tunnel, proxy, max slowdown) possible because they "play to win" I think I die a little. I love that this game allows for such variety of matches, but going against the craziest meta stuff is pretty much when the game is at its least fun. Nothing to do about it, just makes me cherish all the silly players I see even more! Very wholesome Mikaela moment in the background, too lol.

  5. I just try to have fun & if im killer I try to make the match as fair as possible for the survs.

    Uhh, until I get the sweaty 4 man squad that tea-bags me at gate & i feel like dying cause ik I'm not that good at this game…(I just straight up stop playing killer for a month straight)

  6. What feels confusing is the lack of consistency sometimes. You flat out called it a "hide and seek freeze tag" type of game only to then turn around and call out people still treating it as a hide and seek game? As for the disconnecting personally for me it feels more about just not being a dick to your teammates. A bot is not going to be as good as a real person and if people wanted to play with bots they would have played custom games. When you disconnect regardless of whatever reason you have good or bad you are screwing over your team.

  7. Wanna know the funny thing bran? I'm pretty sure DBD just conditioned me to hate losing because of all the horrible experiences I've had with playing poorly. Like when it comes to events and stuff I'm more than happy to just meme around and I'm capable of it, But I'm usually trying not to lose. Why? Not even because i like winning, I've just had so many painful Losses that were Discouraging, that i try to Get as many kills as i can every time to avoid another one of those…Ok maybe that is more sad than funny, but you get what i mean.

    And my experience with the Old In-game community is at least part of why. So many cocky Shit-talking teabagging clicky-clickies back then, that every time i lose a part of me is always expecting them to sit at the gate Gloating, even if they were Nice players. I also DESPISE the fucking "DING!" Generators make when they're done and wish i could opt to either mute or replace it with something less annoying.

    TL;DR DBD conditioned me to be sweaty and I'm not proud of it.

    I could say more but I'm not in the mood to get that bitter and you probably don't wanna read THAT much.

  8. I appreciate this video. I don't think the community will ever settle on which part of the spectrum that DBD is. I want to be better at the game and am working on not taking loses personally and realizing when I am no having fun to stop playing.

    I play this game casually and probably will for as long as I do. I already dislike the us v them mentality I think comp styles of play exasperates in the community.

    This is a good discussion to have and think about.


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