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Join Red in the 30 Days of Chucky as he unleashes chaos with a blind build centered around the Monster of the Shrine and the Blindness status effect. Watch as survivors are left stumbling in the dark, trying to escape their inevitable fate. Don’t miss out on the mayhem – subscribe now!
00:00 Build Breakdown
01:57 Chucky Gameplay
Nice video red enjoyed watching 😊😮😰
Slip'en slide
Cool, I love Third Seal in the current meta because Windows of Opportunity is by far the most used survivor perk (all four survivors had it in the second match for instance), not to mention all the other aura perks (like in the first match, two of the survivors had Bond which is hard countered by Third Seal). Also I have to feel a little bad for the Zarina in that first match who brought a red Map. 🙂 Shutting down Windows and all those other auras is pretty sweet, even when you aren't slugging much.
One of my favorite Third Seal things is a pure Hex build in fact:
Hex Third Seal
Hex Undying (makes Third Seal last longer, and it often gives you a free aura ping early in the match to get the ball rolling)
Hex Thrill of the Hunt (Significantly slows down totem cleansing and blessing. It's very common in this build to have survivors spend time trying to cleanse the hexes, so you get a little bit of extra slowdown and opportunity to interrupt the cleanse when that happens.)
Hex Pentimento (With three other Hexes in the build, you almost always get one to three Pentimento totems during a match for slowdown)
Loved the comments at the end 😂
At least you done oblivious chucky now lol. Now we need a pallet chucky build
My №37 favourite streamer is back. Thank you!
Nice!!! I remember posting a pyramid head build based around monstrous shrine and ultimate weapon, glad your putting it to use 😊
I love it when I play with Ultimate Weapon and people hide in lockers. Because sometimes you pull someone out of a locker while you just want to activate the Park 😀 I often feel sorry for those people. Or when 2 players are hiding in 1 locker (wounded) and you fake 1 locker then the other comes out you can down them and still grab the 2nd out of that locker who should have jumped out the moment you downed the other one 😀 And yes even P100 Survivors do that sometimes.
So, Mikaela, are you saying that you face these clowns on repeat and still haven't learned how to get any better? Interesting
Basement hooks should count as Scourge Hooks for all Scourge perks.
This looks like a very unquie build granted it's for blindness but it's cool seeing a different Bubba perk than Barbecue & Chili combined with a Xenomorph perk
Redm could you do a forever changing obbsesion build please I would love to see that and it would probably be fun for you
LOL i was surprised you didn't get any salt for the first two games
Chucky is way too OP
I tried this build on wesker it works too some good grab’s and do you know why flashlight got disabled 😊
Balance wise it's terrible. Survivors should not be able to run in a straight line and avoid the killer entirely
Você joga muito bem de chucky mano
That spider thing you said is both hilarious and terrifying because that legit happened to me. Was in a match with my brother, had just gotten away from the killer (think it was a ghostface, can't remember now), when suddenly a spider drops down and lands directly on my mouse hand. Freaked me the hell out especially since I was already slightly on edge. No clue where the thing even came from either. Nothing was in my room then boom, suddenly spider.
21:50 that was perfect line chucky
Mikaela p100 bringing full genrush build and then complaining
I’ve been away for a while. Did red decide not to go forward with the fancy Intro?
22:05 cats on the table or demanding attention cats are assholes.
This build is just pure evil. And I LOVE IT!!
Nice build! I’m gonna try this play style/perks on blight and run the purple add on granting him undetectable