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Hillbilly gameplay where I only use my ability the whole match! I hope you all enjoy the video!
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Hilling my billy rn
Hillbilly used to be my jam back in the first few years of this games life. I even saved some screenshots from 2017 when a TTV'er complimented me on how well I played. Felt good to be recognized for an inkling of skill.
Stopped playing him when they added that stupid reheat mechanic and by the time they unfucked him with his current buffs I had fallen too far and just can't get used to him anymore. Sad times for what used to be my main killer.
Billy is awesome. And this skin is my favorite, though I dont like the weapon and I think all standart hammers are matching that skin perfectly
1:40 We love Slippers in this household.
I absolutely love Billy, as a Billy main myself who only relies on his saw, he's a blast and is awesome to play hitting those curves are so satisfying along with crossmaps undectable is so fun, ive been getting better and better at Billy and hitting curves tbh I never thought I could hit.
Can you do Tail-only Xeno and Whip-only Nemi?