Chapter 24 Killer, The Dredge. Power and Perks | Dead by Daylight

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#DeadbyDaylight #6thAnniversary


17 thoughts on “Chapter 24 Killer, The Dredge. Power and Perks | Dead by Daylight”

  1. People are dogging on this so hard at just purely a leak that just came out lol. Some of you are way too quick to judge. I’m keeping my hopes up cus from what I’m reading if this is the new killer he’s definitely unique and we haven’t seen jack shit on gameplay yet lol.

  2. You can teleport to a locker with a survivor in it and instantly grab them. There's also allegedly a new map (with a god window in main building). Map layout is similar to The Thompson House.

  3. In my opinion darkness revealed is just a better lethal pursuer because imagine the coverage of a radius of 16m around all lockers on the map…you could easily get one or two survs right away, and you can do it every 30 seconds if you want to drop chase bam, darkness revealed, also possible synergy with iron maiden i guess and huntress/trickster


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