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#IntotheFog #dbd #deadbydaylight
This video overviews leaked Chapter 24 killer visuals from the DBDLeaks discord.
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Oh so resident evil fits dbd but fnaf doesn't lol if the devs are doing chapters for money then I can guarantee a fnaf chapter would bring many money too
At this point the devs might aswell confirm the next 2 chapters during the anniversary in order to secure the hype train
At this point the devs might aswell confirm the next 2 chapters during the anniversary in order to secure the hype train
i can't decide whether i think this is real or not. on one hand it's super convincing and would have to have a lot of effort put in to faking it. at the same time, something feels "off" or like this is purposefully misleading. i'm fine with haddie being the survivor but i'm really not on board with the dredge killer, at all. part of me thinks it's a bit of both – i think that haddie is real, as well as her map, but the dredge isn't. ready to put my foot in my mouth though when this drops.
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The schmuckles way: “guys this is from a really reliable source!” Two months later “guys this guy wasn’t actually a reliable source but this new one is!”
Don’t worry FNAF fans he will come out soon
I hope eventually we get a RE 7 chapter. You could do a lot with it and it would be cool to see
It would be awesome if Wesker has a voice in this chapter!
Why do they need to make the survivor so ugly
I still can’t for the life of me find a Gen in RPD, takes me so damn long
wondering if it's a genuine leak or if DBD and Behaviour are just feeding things out to get hype and conversation happening
ummm were is fnaf ummmm
As long as you know the layout of RPD survivors have a very small to little chance of survival if they aren’t gods and also know it’s layout
Please no more, Resident Evil, it’s not that it’s bad, it’s just, ugh.
Gonna be amazing if that leak about a killer knight is true. Because I actually mentioned the idea long ago and the so "vibrant" community yelled at me and called me names. Said it doesn't fit for the slasher theme of dbd, despite there being two bad slasher films about a magical killer knight hunting teens that came out in the early 2000s. lol.
Surprised you didn’t say, sorry about your hair.
Kylo Ren Is Better
If wesker is killer that has to be so lamest killer ever
I swear to god the resident evil characters are fake. They just wouldn’t work at all.
Remeber when artist power « leaked » and it was fake? I think its the same here, the killer and surv model is real but maybe not for the power
The RPD but three of them… all w/ different Layouts..?
Time to retire DbD for a bit
You can’t seriously be leaking someone’s hard work and think that you deserve credit for leaking the “OG IMAGES” shmuckles=Clown
So excited! Looking forward to this new map and killer! TY for your as always informative and honest information Schmucks!
Yo he talked about the comment i made and he liked… IM FAMOUS
It's not going to be a licensed killer. New leaks have sorta confirmed that.
Resident evil is my favourite video game franchise of all time, but I really don't want wesker as the killer, there are much better options both RE and not RE.
Assuming the RE leaks are true… Why didnt they go Lady Dimetrescu and use the castle as the map?
The big question these massive leaks brings is: what the f*** did behavior so their employees would reveal so much of the anniversary chapter? They must have pissed off some of the people working there. It is cleary not for the fame because no one is going to know the name of the people leaking these infos, so this is the only reason to me. Any other explanation?
It’s fnaf
Why another resident evil chapter so close after we already had one recently.
stop crying about RPD and get good
Why does the perk icon have a token? It looks like it's the "Residual Manifest" perk from the leaks, and it looks like it functions like Pharmacy, so why a Token? IIRC Pharmacy doesn't have a token on it (the "Unlocking your first Chest guarantees an Emergency Med-Kit" part)