Chapter 25 & Chapter 26 LEAKS and RUMORS – Dead by Daylight

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This video overviews leaked Chapter 25 and 26 leaks from the DBDLeaks discord.

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49 thoughts on “Chapter 25 & Chapter 26 LEAKS and RUMORS – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Honestly a RE chapter 2 seem alittle boring. I was never a fan of RE anyway and the RE chapter we have now is just lack luster at best imo. Really don't like the idea of revisiting licenses.

  2. I'm skeptical about any leak for upcoming content about any game, but I really am hoping the Dredge is real. Even if the power is completely changed because of this leak, I love the look of it. Although I do like the idea of a terrifying monstrous killer that travels through lockers. It's unique with a bogeyman vibe. You did bring up a good point about Sadako though. This power does already sound like it would make Sadako obsolete by comparison. There'd still be people who play Sadako just for the fan-fair if nothing else though.

    Honestly thinking about it, Dredge is very similar to Sadako, but is probably better at anti-looping.

  3. For RE Part 2, although it has been leaked that it is Wesker, i would like Heisenberg, a magnetism power would be incredible, his hammer could be a great weapon and maybe the soldats could be minions that help him like the zombies for nemesis. Ethan and Mia could be the survivors. The map could be heisenbergs factory. Idk but that would be cool.
    Does anyone else like that idea?

  4. DBD: adds knight from For honor
    Me: mains all knights and knows all combos for a knight
    Survivors: gets thrown on ground by me as LB
    Me: Here comes the 3 top heaves

  5. You know I've been hearing about a second RE chapter for a long time. Is there an original point of origin for that? Or was it just speculation that turned out to have some credence to it?

  6. 2 things.

    1) I hope Lady Dimitrescu and Ethan Winter for the next RE chapter.

    2) Does anyone have a link to the DBD chapter hints in the form of an Emoji on Discord? 23 was Fire (Onryo) 24 was a spider web, but it's apparently The Dredge. So can anyone link me a vid with them?

  7. a knight being original would make more sense but i would love it being licensed from scooby doo (i know it's not strictly the kind of horror in the game but! i think scooby doo has been on the satisfaction survey)

  8. Mr. X feels like more of a Skin for Nemesis… what about The Licker? I mean it’s name is already right there. It’s pretty iconic. I haven’t seen any speculation about that, despite it being such an iconic moment in the game.

  9. The killer is definitely Lady D from RE8 we were supposed to get some RE8 dlc but we never did I’m guessing capcom thought that another successful collab with dbd would be best

  10. He's a lot like Freddy power wise and how useful would teleporting to lockers be same speed as Freddy? would make him pretty underwhelming. A Knight would be ok but might be to much like The Oni. Was hoping we get a Vampire like the one The Observer Saw drinking Blood.

  11. You know your right, why would they release this chapter when we just got The Ringu Chapter and your right about Haddie not having a Boon, because they did say they were going to add more Boon Perks&Scorge Hooks Perks but it still looks cool. And to be honest I don't want to see another Resident Evil Chapter I'm fine with Nemesis, Leon&Jill, A Knight killer would be cool to

  12. Two things my mans

    One is I hope you are to making content that you are happy with. Don't allow someone else to dictate what is your content and what isn't. Seems sad that you feel the need to justify yourself. "This fits my niche" anyone watching you regularly would know my man you're good 👍.

    Two please try playing as huntress or trickster. You will feel the lack of lockers in a map. There aren't enough lockers to make that type of "mobility" good, and unless someone tries to meme they will never get into a locker on purpose(even if they do you may never feel there being any value from it). If you need further proof of lockers being sad image that Behavior already made a perk that makes jumping into lockers deadly (Ironmaiden) and that hasn't made killers that can teleport overpowed in any way!

    P.s. I would like more lockers

  13. God I hope this is real. I wouldn’t complain at all about another RE chapter, and if that’s even being rumored, I want it, and I want it now. Please let this be real!

  14. An original knight killer would be really cool. Plus, a castle map coming with it would make total sense and I know that’s been rumored. Wouldn’t be as stoked with a For Honor knight, but I’ll be the odd one out for that I’m sure. Not as excited for Resident Evil, just cause we’ve already seen it. If Dredge isn’t real, I will be sorely disappointed cause he seems so damn cool.

  15. Ethan from re 7 and 8 would be perfect choice for chapter 2 of RE, because tyrant (Mr. X) and nemy are too similar and with mold shenenigans of 7 and all the fun stuff of 8 we have huge rogue gallery

  16. I dont think Mr x will be the next resident evil chapter. If he's going to be added, then it'll probably just be a skin for nemesis. Because tyrant and nemesis are too similar. I don't believe he's worthy of being a whole other killer on his own, unfortunately.

    I hope it's jack baker, that would've be extremely cool.


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