Chapter 27 Killer and Survivors Leaked! – Dead by Daylight

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30 thoughts on “Chapter 27 Killer and Survivors Leaked! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I said this in some other posts and I'll say it here. I'm hoping with EVERY single fiber of my being that this is NOT what the chapter is. I was really, really, REALLY hoping that we were getting something unique and getting a robot as the killer. :/
    If true though, killer is looking like a DIY soundcloud rapper that would take off their mask 10 seconds into the video cause even they knew how lame they were looking and yet, didn't help cause they're just lame overall. lol

  2. I'm not even all that bothered by the design itself. It just pisses me off how all the teasers have led to a robot killer or some kind of AI when it's actually just some regular looking woman. Even trickster fits in more in comparison. I really hope this is fake

  3. I don't think this is a misleading leak, because seriously, they released rumors and full information about the killer the day before PTB. It would be stupid to make a little joke out of this, on which a lot of time was clearly spent, and then abruptly give out a killer similar to Nemesis to the cyborg PTB. Let's be honest, this woman looks at least not intimidating, but most will play for her because of the unique ability and not only

  4. I’m certain there would be an alternate skin that looks much more like what people would want. It’s unfortunate if that would require auric cells with the basic skin being too human looking, but I’m not going to judge it fully until we get the complete look.

  5. Man,if this Is It im gonna be fully deadass honest with ya like right now,i personally dont like It much how the killer looks..i dont hate It but i dont love It either you know? I was hoping for i dunno- some Human Skull attached to a Terminator like body with a laser Eye but i dont hate her like all the people in the comments,i think that She might actually be a badass you know? It gives out some steampunk vibes to me and i like It! Guess we'll see more later today! I'll tune in man,have a great time!💯💯


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