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This video overviews the Chapter 30 new teaser for the new killer in Dead by Daylight. People are thinking Chucky from Child’s Play is most likely for the Chapter 30 new killer.
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you can just kick that little doll
Love chucky
I just don’t see how chucky is implemented into this game how scary it would be tho im curious if they manage to pull it off good on them
I would honestly love to see chucky in game. he wouldn't even have to have an active ability to be fun, just be a tiny gremlin with a knife. It would be like playing victor the whole game, hilarious
What if it’s Norman bates from psycho? He uses a kitchen knife
I prey its not chucky. Like i would not waste my money on that shit nor would i even get on the game to see what they got. Out of all the cool dlc’s u can get like saw and or predator, you get chucky? Its a troll pick
Last knife is legion's. Weskers knife is combst knife and not as curvy but that is a hunting knife
Those knives look like Norman Bates spread.
If its chucky, then call me a chucky main.
Plot twist we don't get Jason we get his mother pamela voorhees
Chucky is too tiny to be a killer I mean we do have victor from twins but idk it would be cool asf
Literally the same knife rack Chucky confirmed 👍
If it’s chucky Imma text my ex
people arent realizing, how tf is chucky gonna hook survivors?
It could also be Norman bate from the 1959 psycho movie that started all the old high school horror movies.
Im really hoping they make the bride of chucky version his default design since its 100% his most iconic. A tiffany skin would be a must too
Grain of salt right?
The fact some kids are still coping hard enough to say its still FNAF despite everything screaming its not!! 😂😂😂
Do you cringy kids honestly want FNAF so bad, you cant even wait for a full chapter!?!? You guys dont wanna map!? You dont wanna run around and explore any of the FNAF locations!?!? 😂😂🤣
COPE. HARDER… Better luck in 7+ months when the next license comes out 😂🤣🤣😭💀 At this point I hope it never comes, every chapter they scream its SpringTrap even when its not a licensed chapter 😂😂😂
I dont like it chuky😮💨
Hopefully he can get an additional Tiffany valentine skin lol