Chapter 31 New Killer Rumor Analysis – Dead by Daylight

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This video overviews Chapter 31 new killer rumors and investigates if they could actually be true. Make sure to take this info with a grain of salt. I will keep everyone updated on the the validity of these rumors as time goes on.

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46 thoughts on “Chapter 31 New Killer Rumor Analysis – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I'm already tired of their original killers, they've been catastrophic failures so far if we look at Knight, Skull Merchant and Singularity. Either their playstyle is downright bad/anti-fun or they're simply unviable. I'd rather see more licensed killers instead of yet another disappointment. BHVR have no idea how to design good killers.

  2. A D&D licensed map recently got released in Minecraft, so licensing for it is for sure more than possible. If DBD ever planned to bring in Vecna from ST or even thought it'd be possible ever, they wouldn't have chosen to bring in Vecna from D&D out of all of the possible characters

  3. I'm gonna be honest, I don't think random YouTube commenters are worth making videos on. There are hundreds, even thousands of randos with no info saying all sorts of things, and a few of them are bound to be correct, even if they don't actually have any information.

  4. If it is Vecna, I think they're getting the license from both Netflix and WOTC / Hasbro. Sure, it would be cool to have a D&D killer in DBD but lets be real, it would only work if it was the ST version of Vecna so if they're getting anything from D&D its obviously going to be ST related.

  5. Maybe its not necessarily the Vecna from DnD, because the Demogorgon is a thing fromDnD, but the stranger things license holders took that and made it its own entity, so maybe because the Vecna character is originally from DnD…maybe they just have it listed as DnD but it's actually the Stranger things version?

  6. One thing I'd like to point out that you've overlooked is that Hasbro/WotC are very flexible with their licensing and what they do with crossovers. Magic has exclusive Walking Dead themed cards that were only available through a "Secret Lair" series they've done.

    Likewise, WotC also put out a Stranger Things themed campaign of the demogorgon.

    I really don't believe that they'd have to "break their contract" with Hasbro/WotC to include a Stranger Things themed premium skin. Most likely, Hasbro/WotC would just get a cut of the revenue, but this would all depend of course how the contract is written.

    Mostly my point is that I don't see this as a one or the other type thing.

  7. As a big fan of The X-Files since the 90s when it first aired, I am pumped for an Alien killer 🔥 alao beinh alien themed is accyrate since its the "era" that BHVR wants to be now. They are all about sci-fi.

  8. It should be the predator cuz we already have skull mechent and theres a Padron of singularity to alien it makes sents and you could have a pray skin. and a broken predator ship in the woods it would be a combination of red woods and the alien map but thats just my theory a game theory aaaaaaannnnnnnddddddd cut

  9. What if the humanoid/aliens are the Three Watchers from the Haunted by Daylight lore? Something that is alien is something that is foreign and we don't know what the Three Watchers are and they have the ability to transport themselves into people's dreams/minds. Tome 17 also gave us the Observer logs before Oni's story when it's usually the last thing we unlock so it seems like the devs have something planned regarding the HbD lore. And considering the supposed leak of the next original killer are 3 humanoid "aliens" what if these Three mysterious Watchers we know nothing about are the killers? Then giving us the Observer as the survivor? Could that possibly work out? I think it's a theory worth discussing and throwing out to everyone to get people's opinions on it

    Edit: I completely misread/heard the comment. Seeing the comment say "humanoid/alien" instead of humanoid alien makes a lot more sense and I feel means it most likely is the Watchers. There are 3 Watchers, (3 of this killer), they could be considered alien as they have the ability to transport themselves into dreams/minds, they were the catalyst of the Haunted by Daylight event lore starting in 2022, and the Observer logs from Tome 17 seem to be leading to a big reveal. Maybe Chapter 31 is the Three Watchers as the killer (Called The Three Watchers or The Watchers) and the Observer is the survivor because he's very important in the Haunted by Daylight lore as he severed the link between the void and the trial grounds. I think this makes a lot of sense narratively with what's been going on in the tomes and what things have been building up to. I just don't believe them waiting another year to release Jezebel (The Mad Designer) because she is the host of the Twisted Masquerade and having her not come in this year feels like a huge missed opportunity. Maybe anniversary next year, but I'm not holding my breath as she's such a big, important character along with the Watchers and Observer. Just my 2 cents on it though, I know it's a very long comment but I hope this potentially gets talked about

  10. With the whole Halloween event last year introducing us being able to go inside a void realm inside of the trial to trigger something and get out, makes me believe they were pushing their capabilities to see what else they can add. Like they said in the interview, they wanted to get Alien in the game just right so they wanted to make sure they add all the technical stuff out of way so they can implement them into the game as true as they are in the films also. They couldve been testing how Vecna would work in dbd from the event and ST saw it as impressive work

  11. Saying its "similar to legion" makes me feel like its GOTTA be a werewolf. The only thing I can think of that would be and feel different from a "normal human who runs" is a "beast who prowls" is a were wolf personally

  12. When I heard rumours that DnD Vecna was a potential killer, I just thought, why Vecna and not a mindflayer? My friend (who also plays DnD) and I have never heard of DnD Vecna (we're not really into the pre-written lore) but I just thought mindflayers were more iconic

  13. DnD Vecna and Stranger Things Vecna are two completely different characters. It would be like if DbD tried to implement the DnD version of Demogorgon, which is completely different from the ST demogorgon.



  15. What if the new alien characters map, is within the realm that toba's landing is on. We know the singularity gained free will and intelligence from the alien technology on that world. What if this is a new alien killer from that world? We know dbd devs like to connect killers, and it would give them an excuse to add another map to that realm just like what they did with spirit and oni.

  16. A DND version of Vecna would make it more terrifying.. Considering Vecna in DND is an actual god… Not some powerful monster, not even a demi-god.. But a full fledged God.. So that is kinda.. Odd for Vecna to be in DBD. It does not really fit the lore.. Now I can see them adding in a Lich like character but not Vecna. ( Vecna is basically the most powerful Lich.. One that has gone beyond that even of the other Liches who have become soo powerful that they expand into several planes of existences. )

    As for the idea you mentioned for the 3 alien killer.. Just sounds exactly like a fan creation of what Legion was thought to be, then people asked for Legion to be changed to that instead later on… So… Yea…


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