Chatting About My (TrU3Ta1ents) Situation in Dead by Daylight

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Chatting about “tru3ta1ents” situation in dbd. AKA me.

Just giving you an understanding and maybe no perspective if you don’t know me. Just a good chat from the heart, mind and soul.

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight

I’m live right now! get on over here –


50 thoughts on “Chatting About My (TrU3Ta1ents) Situation in Dead by Daylight”

  1. Years of watching your content and even tho there are some things I don't agree at all, you are (for me) the Best content creator of DBD. Not only for the funny moments or didactic videos but you always have a point that either you can prove or give a solid argument of what you believe that it's the best for the game.
    No matter how many haters called you a crybaby, didn't believe in You and even when you got kicked off the fog-whisperers you managed to clean your name and prove all that you could prove.
    I'm proud of you dude, no matter how many people call You "tunneller, camper, selfish survivor, toxic player, etc". I don't have a problem to say that I watch your videos, IDC if they laugh or trashtalk.

  2. This kind of video is exactly what I like on this channel. Logic, proof, numbers. Even though I don't play dbd anymore, the content is great. But there are always people that are not very good at logical thinking.

  3. I still remember when I watched my first video from you. I was just learning dbd since it was free on Playstation and every since that day I clicked on your channel, I was impressed not just by your skill but also your ability to be a decent human being. Seriously besides otz, you've been a blessing to the dbd community whether they realize that or not. Continue being you, it's a joy to watch your content and streams. 😎👍

  4. True, it all comes down to the vas majority, and how the vas majority of people are. Most people in this world are snakes and just go with what everybody else says or does. intelligent people who break the cycle and speak up will always be gaslighted, unfortunately it’s just how it is, I know you know this though. The most important thing is maintaining who you are and not letting these people break you.

  5. From the other streams i watch i only hear good things about you bro. I must not have run into the others because i agree with everything u say thats why u stopped playin killer because its not fun

  6. As someone that's been playing on and off since release of this game, I feel you. You still have way more hours than me, but I still sit at 2000 hours on DBD over the years with a lot of time watching streams. Yet I get people with a few hundred hours arguing with me how killer sided this game is and I just roll my eyes.

  7. The very first point you made in the video about newbie survivors who are good loopers.
    They assume; because they are good at this game they know better than the veterans of this game (like yourself, who was part of Dead by Daylight community ever since 2016 ish)
    And they will argue with you to the moon and back saying you know less than them. If the game physics and structure was still the same like it was back in 2017 or 2018 these toxic survivors wouldn't have half of the chances they have right now lol

  8. This whole game is full of toxic people. Never in any game do I get this much hate Mail. I get more messages when I play this game for a week than I do in a year normally on Xbox.

    Edit and one game later I'm told I'm the reason abortion is legal

  9. The toxicity of DBD community is undeniable. You’re about as objective an opinion, as a streamer, on the state of the game as it stands, as I have come across. Keep speaking the truth, regardless of the consequences!

  10. the "you don't compliment the survivors" argument is one of the most baffling ones to me. One of your most prominent quirks is your automatic compliments to your opponents when they do a good play. To the point where you even give a "nice" to AI controlled opponents in other games simply from habit 😀 I find it very wholesome and almost impossible to miss, so I truly don't get that gaslight one bit.

  11. It can be hard to tell when you are actually complimenting a survivor or when you are being sardonic because you also say 'nice' when they do basic, simple, uncounterable stuff like drop a god pallet or deadhard, and the change of tone is very subtle.

    Pretty sure I have heard you use "I had that" (Or something similar) for situations where you should have had it, but something like BT, DS, or DH took it away, and I have heard you use it for when you had someone dead to rights, but you missed or messed up. Since you are analytical, you tend to explain why something like BT or DH negatively affects the game, but do not elaborate when you messed up yourself, so people probably treat every "I had that" as if it were the analytical breakdown of why the game isn't fair, instead of being able to differentiate between the two situations.

  12. That happens to me all the time, ppl with less hours actually told me sprint burst is better than dead hard XD, i stopped talking to them after that comment. Dbd community is bunch of survivor mains who love abusing killers.

  13. Tru3 the fallacy you are looking for is argument from authority. Which means just because someone is an authority on something, what they say has to be true. So in DBDs case "popular streamer says A, therefore that has to be right"

  14. yo that was a really good gameplay, also i agree with what you say most of the time, you are the Reason i started playing this game, I haven played in like a year… too much anxiety this game is really hard now.

  15. Been watching you since Spirit came out. You are undeniably one of the best in the game. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have kept interest or ever become a savage rank 1 player of both sides. I started survivor main couldn't handle the difficulty of killer and all the trash talk you'd get was disheartening. Watching you turned my into a bloody monster of a killer. I've quit the game over a years ago because the imbalance and community finally got to me but, I still watch you buddy. Been watching your Evil Dead games to I really dig it fun game to play and watch. Keep at the grind man. Don't let the bs get to you remeber this is gamers your dealing with some teenagers, adult children, and just down right sh**ty people that don't interact with the real world enough. Much respect man.

  16. It's almost like politics. Some people will disagree no longer how long you've been in the game. It's just people and behind keyboards everyone is opinionated.
    Objectively, you're a great killer. Your fanbase are the ones who dig your opinions and gameplay. It's like a band; make music for your fans because they dig what you're doing, ya know?

    Got your back Tru3!

  17. Don't listen to them Tru3. I've watched your videos and learned a lot from your gameplay, I'm definitely a better killer and survivor because of you and your great content.

  18. The question as to why your a target seems quite apparent. You being out spoken, well plays a part. More so, it is your -confidence-.

    I see this with professional fighters, athletes, pro gamers even. When a person acknowledges there own talents, somehow that is negative. That somehow it proves said person has no humility, no grace, and thinks they have no flaws.

    In actuality, people want to see a confident person taken down a peg. It's as simple as that really. They need not know you, understand your reasons, or even interacted with you. They want to see the confident fail. That helps them cope for not having the guts to try in the first place.

    All speculation I'm probably talking out my ass. Anyway stay Tru3

  19. This world needs people like you who think rationally/logically/calmly. Often times people do not listen with the intent to learn but instead listen with the intent to respond. I have been watching you for a couple years now and I have learned everything about this game from you. It's a shame that people don't treat others with respect because they lost or were bested in a video game. I never felt like you deserved all the hate that you receive, I always felt that people these days have become increasingly more ignorant and prone to bandwagoning/brainwashing. Love you True, keep doing what you do best, I will always be a fan.

  20. I like hearing your thoughts, no matter what the subject is. I will always support you. I do work a lot, but I will always back you. Thank you for the vids it does help my day when I unwind. Please be safe, keep your head up. You are the man!

  21. Somethings I agree with you on, somethings I don't. Sometimes I see you get upset over something that honestly was a mistake on your part, and you didn't realize it. I've also seen you destroy countless survivors while only having one or two bad games. On the reverse I've heard you talk about how easy survivor was only to die like 10 games in a row as survivor. Though I've also seen you play survivor and run the killer around for like ten minutes straight.

    So while I may disagree with you on how I view the game at times. Like I don't actually think the game is incredibly survivor sided. I think rng plays a bigger factor into it. Also which killer and what add-ons you bring. Same for survivors really. The Sweatiest side usually is who wins. You play Nurse at a high level, with her best add-ons, best perks, and play against some casual survivors rocking some meme builds, or just not entirely meta builds. And you will probably curb stomp, especially if the map is favorable to you. On the opposite side, you pick clown, with some chill perks, ehh add-ons. You will probably lose because you simply can't down them fast enough, and don't have a way to travel quickly around the map to stop gens from popping. Especially with 4 sets of Dead Hard, D-strike, and various meta perks. Even worse if they all brought strong tool boxes.

    I enjoy watching your videos, but sometimes I think you get a little too negative. You do call out your mistakes sure. Though sometimes you are too frustrated at the game you are playing to realize that you might have made a mistake. While simultaneous bashing the very game you are playing. I've heard you call survivors toxic, despite zero flash light clicks, zero teabags, and them just playing normally. Again when you are upset. I get it, it's frustrating. But it also can get a bit frustrating watching you curb stomp survivors game after game, only to find that one game were the survivors you don't obliterate. You start naming flaws with the game.

    Over all, keep doing you. The people who act like you don't have skill, or are not good are just dumb. Most of the time you are quite rational with your view points, even if I don't agree with all of them. My guess is some of those people take it overboard on their hate of you. Perhaps they think you might be somehow responsible for survivor nerfs if they ever may happen, because you are a prominent dbd streamer, and are quite well known. Or they are just trolling, I have no idea.

  22. True I and many others have stopped playing dbd. To be honest the reasons why are very similar to what you state at times. So people gaslight and speak bad of you because you are speaking the truth (faxs) keep speaking the truth and kudos for using logic and reasoning on your claims.

  23. True, Idk if anyone has told you this yet, but the #1 reason you're a target is because you give these people attention. Reacting to things they say about you, seeming upset or mad at the state of the game or the community, people use these things to try to get a rise out of you and the more you acknowledge their existence, the more they'll try to spur you on. I guarantee you if you ignored all of the noise, or responded to toxicity by saying "it's w.e, I'm just trying to have a good time" people would lose interest in shit-talking you real fast.

  24. Ive always liked TrueTa1ent, I always wondered how new people get more viewers than him or even more supporters than him. TrueTa1ent taught me on how to play some killers. I've been subscribed for a long time and I hope you continue to make content True!

  25. This situation is sadly normal these days in the online world. And its especially that way when you are a good player or know a lot about the game.

    I have the exact same situation in For Honor. I am one of the biggest german spraking streamers in the For Honor community (who streams it as a main game) (small community thats why even my small size is kinda big there).

    I am not top 1% in the game, but i am far above average and I inform myself a lot about the game and i am ver, outspoken about balance and mecanics etc. So there developed a group of people who are so insanely mad that i beat them in duels and are so mad that every single discussion about the game they have no valid arguments, that this group started talking trash about my personality at other streamers and making meme grous about me, fake accounts with mean names of me etc. Like how sad can ones life be to put so much energy in bullying someone who has different opinioms or is better in a game🤣.

    Luckily i have a strong core community behind me and i dont give a fuck about those idiots who think they know everything better, but yeah im a small streamer and have to deal with this shit.
    Cant imagine how bad uts for someone in tru3s size

  26. Hey Tru3. I've followed you for years. Your personality is what it is, you are confident which to some will come out as cocky and that will always rile others. I say just be yourself but unfortunately means you will always have the same situation

  27. Shout-out Tru3! I'm one of those players that remembers goofy running animation, old infinites, full moon offerings, and hag traps that took 4 gens to place 🙂

    Love to see the evolution of a game I've loved since Beta! ❤

  28. Sometimes I disagree with what you say, sometimes you tend to jump the gun and make conclusions that really backfires. But I really don't see why the DBD community hates you. There are other streamers who doesn't play both killer and survivor like you do or only play a specific set of all the killers instead of being able to play em all the time who's opinion are worse that gets the pass because they're simply not you. I hope the hate can die down in 2022 man.

  29. From a community that thinks viable strategies and not putting yourself at a huge disadvantage are "toxic" and label someone as "bad" you can't expect much.

    Edit: just wanted to add: Never seen this behavior at any other game.

  30. People just can't handle the truth, you are just a very honest and straightfoward guy who seems so down to earth and chill. Do not let anyone make you feel bad for being yourself as you are such a great dude and i love your honesty. You praise people all the time in dbd and always be quite polite when you say what they did wrong it isnt negatively done. And you are a very smart intellectual guy. Love ya bideos True <3 Best streamer on dbd out there x


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