CHEATER EXPOSES Themselves Against TRAPPER! | Dead By Daylight

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Trapper gameplay where I go against a hilariously bad cheater! Hope you all enjoy the video!

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39 thoughts on “CHEATER EXPOSES Themselves Against TRAPPER! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. The audacity to say you were bad at the game when that player was blatantly cheating is amazingly a bold choice. Adrenline, Dead Hard, Bite the Bullet, and Iron Will … they couldn't even put Decisive Strike on there to even pretend they weren't cheating. Like, if you can't even pretend not to be cheating, that's some bs.

    Honestly, I don't get why people need to cheat in any game, but in DBD most of all I don't understand cheating. There is so little benefit to it that it doesn't feel worth the effort for me.

  2. These days i was playing and a surviver told me
    "You're bad cause you killed one… Whem you see that you're not going to kill 3 or 4, just give up.. That will make you better"
    I was with trapper… Bruthal strenght, save the best, bamboo and pop… In temple of purgation against a comp team…

  3. I think that Kate player is a genuine narcissist. There's no way you expose yourself that hard and then deny it/gaslight others into thinking it's their fault. That's literal textbook narcissism and it can't be fixed. Disgusting. Please update on the status of the report

  4. It’s just baffling that there are people who hack very obviously and say that the other person is just bad or mad. Like bruh you could show anyone someone hacking and they’d laugh at them for needing to cheat no matter what game it could be knowing that it’s frowned upon. So for anyone who does hack you ain’t good it’ll only get you in trouble just to feel good about being even decent at a game.


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