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#dbd #commentary #rant #cheating #cheat #hacker #hack
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i went against a blatant wall hacking trickster today was really fun to play against
I quit the game as soon as I see a hacker
The other day there was a cheater in my team that would heal everybody from a distance. At first I thought it was odd that he had the healing icon at all times and thought it was a visual bug, but when I saw another teammate heal while just sitting on gens (no syringe or adrenaline procs mind you), then it was clear that he was cheating.
yeah i been seeing a hacker about once a day (I play around 2-5 hours daily) maybe I am just unlucky but as a high-ranking killer it seems to bring me hackers a lot yesterday I saw someone go super speed across the map and then when I downed them they crawled as super speed (not a fun game as they were tp flash banging and would hop in lockers to get bang saves (there was 2 of them)
those 2 perks are legit game breaking bugs and they arent kill switched wow BHVR really showing who they favor
the trouble there are 2 streamers on youtube that go live using hacks to their audience and show them where to go to get them, have reported to behaviour and get back there is nothing they can do as not in game, not in game they are streaming live cheating and being toxic to certain members of the lgbtq communtity.
I got my first hacker about a week ago, it was a wall hacking and slightly faster leon. And i reported him and it got confirmed he was hacking
honestly i'd rather go against a blatant cheater who's trying to be funny than subtle ones that try to pass it off as legit gameplay
like if i run into someone who's hacking and just wants to be goofy with it, sure, as long as they don't hold me hostage for however long, sure.
it's the fuckers with the auto DS that really piss me off
9/10 times, Anonymous Mode is only being used by people cheating with something to hide. If you're a content creator, you WANT people to see your name; it's a way people will know who you are to come into your chat or see your videos.
The other 1/10 are people who legitimately just want an extra level of protection from being targeted.
Four per week, written in red. That's your "rampant" level? I've got 3 cheaters per game night. That's about one every four matches. I'm talking all-around screaming, teleporting, everything glitching cheaters.
The only way for me to play with less cheaters is to play survivor (because I'm only average in that role) or play with a killer I'm not using a lot so I've got a lower MMR with it.
As long as BHVR doesn't do proper server-side validation, the problem will not go away.
You think it's bad? try playing on the SA server, where cheating in games is already very common, playing like 6 games a day i usually get at least one subtle cheater, i even caught a player from a pro team with speed hacks a few weeks ago.
Last week i got a match with 3 people that felt a little too fast the whole game, at the end game i down all of them and they just crawl at light speeds to the exit. At least it made the report easy, but i haven't played the game since.
A few weeks back, I played a game against a Feng named TTVStreamSniper. The game was super sus, and they seemed like they they were just a little too fast and broke out instantly, and I just gave up trying to win since I was just trying to do my dailies anyway. I found out after the game from one of the solo ques that they told them in the pregame lobby what killer I was and what my ttv channel was, I was not even live at the tine 😂
I literally can't with this game anymore. Just waiting for Killer Klowns now.
Have you seen this guy that livestreams himself cheating? There’s several YouTube channels actually. I don’t understand the point in ending a match in 26 seconds. You know they’re ass without cheating too.
based on this video alone, seeing how you feel , iv subbed.
i used to be a hag main, a passionate hag main . started playing her in 2017 , but i knew if ever xeno came to dbd, it would definitely affect my rship with the hag. and low behold ,xeno is ere and my time with hag has been reduced by 99% lol
so now dbd for me is a xeno simulator. which brings me onto the topic of your video ,cheaters . iv met tons of them , in one game yesterday i met 2 in the same game in the police station, and like the times before , i just enter the tunnels , get my guitar out and chill until the game is over. the amount of cheaters right now is ridiculous !! so now i take the rough with the smooth, just because i enjoy playing xeno.
i feel the same as you, bhvr will do something im sure , have faith. and keep your chin up mate!
Don't wanna be dramatic, but THIS is gonna break the games back if bhvr doesn't do anything.
I'm actually happy to hear that I'm not the only who noticed. I watch a lot of D3adPlays and Otz. They had a lot more cheaters the past few weeks as well.
And I'm for once will probably stop playing if it doesn't change soon.
Loaded into a game yesterday evening, and the Killer quit after 1 Minute and wrote in after chat: "I'm not playing this shit. Sorry Dwight and Nancy but the other two are teleporting around, with no lags." (He had lethal, I was the nancy).
I of course reported both of them but I honestly, but bro that kinda broke me…
I get that you're frustrated by all the hackers, cheaters and exploiters, but why are you not bringing up the most overpowered exploit?
Discord survive with friends!
Sweaty survive with friends optimized all the fun out of the game. It only became about winning and prerunning like you're in a comp for $500k
Stop adding emojis and giant images that obscure the gameplay keep them small if you must add them
I don't play regularly enough to know when I am definitely going against a cheater, but I've had extremely sus moments where its like the survivors or killer are moving slightly too fast (without move speed add-ons) or is a little too coordinated or knows exactly where I am or gens being done/regressing too fast (again, w/o perks or add-ons).
I normally like giving people the benefit of the doubt and to not immediate jump to "oh its a cheater/hacker" but sometimes its just enough to wonder. 😅
🎶 But if you close your eyes.. does it almost feel like nothing changed at all 🎶