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Chucky is an incredibly fun and compelling character, but don’t let that distract you from the fact that his power is absolutely nuts; stealth, mobility and a really solid anti-loop tool that can outplay even the strongest pallets in the game. Some people have already figured out methods to make his Slice & Dice able to flick more than normal, and it’s just a matter of time before people master it. The Spirit might have shorter cooldowns but Chucky’s reliability and multi-purpose kit might honestly make him even stronger than her.
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Edited by Poggy |
Tierlist art by Hunnybe4r |
Please dont go overboard on calling him strong yet, that's how we get nerfed into the ground on release killers
Crazy how we've had so many killers stuck in low tier hell for months if not years and they not only introduce Chucky into the game, but make him STUPID strong.
"He isnt op because i asked my 10k hour friends to bring syringes" … yea … daz how solo Q is 10000% gonna look like …
Please devs, let Chucky be the S or A tier killer he deserves to be!
I''m a fan but more of an Ohmwreaker fan…. you should fight him
I only play killer, SMM , and Chucucky slill haunts me.
i hope they dont nerf him. let us normals and console players try him out.
Hope they dont change him. Itd be nice to have a new contender with nurse and blight
10:51 One Piece
I only hope for Chucky they nerf his crawl under pallets and the punishment on him missing a dash attack. Everything else feels and looks nice and it makes him the most interactable and fun S tier killer to have.
If his charge could instadown and his turning was better, Chucky could be a somewhat decent killer. And if they got rid of his footsteps too
shut up cringey man child
I think the missed special attack needs a little bit more of a cooldown. It feels like you win regardless if you hit or miss.
Imagine when he makes it to the game they realize they had him on 115 for the entire ptb so he's not quite as powerful
I dunno if I'd consider him third. He's definitely close, but his mobility and map presence isn't nearly as good as Spirit or Artist. 110 base move speed on a melee killer just really adds up over the course of a match if survivors spread out. It's also almost certain his anti-loop will be nerfed before going live (I mean, Xenomorph's was slightly, and it was significantly weaker than Chucky's). And survivors generally take longer to learn proper counterplay than the PTB allows.
I also think Otz's Plague ranking is slightly inflated by him being like, a comp-level Plague player. If he had that much killer-specific knowledge and experience with Artist or even Huntress, he might reconsider. (Obviously Otz isn't terrible with most killers, but his Plague is particularly strong.)
Yo Chucky is actually being added? Might be worth enduring the insanely toxic community just to 'enjoy' that…
Can you setup a team vs my plague, my build is insane all I go against are bully squads and get 4K, usually let one live😂😂
Just like Beatles used to say… Here comes the Nerf
danm so hes kinda balancedd, the only thing u need to win againts him is 3 other friends who are PRETTY GOOD (atleast 900 hours) at the game, run the most meta perks, the strongest items, have perfect coordination, know how to counter the killer, be a great looper. againts a random 1 guy who has like 3 hours on the killer.
spine chill will become meta again XD
For Jason let him have trappers power nurses power and some throwing knives😂let Jason be the strongest
Chucky can be powerful but only when you get scootey or lilith omen to play him. He can hug tech, 180 flick etc but the average dbd player isn't doing all that. The average player is bad let's be honest
Edit: and otz is correct trying to force the killer to 180 looks to be your best bet but don't be fooled, Chucky can definitely 180 flick with his power.
so you just want chucky to be another pub stomper. what a shame.
10:52 ONE PIECE???
Wtf is that photo otz, you've made him look gender confused
If they nerf him I’m not playing him
I might be biased but this looks like shit, like more so than usual.
Christ I’m not subscribed to Hens. And yet he’s in every fucking video.
Chucky feels like what Freddy should have been. Fun, full of dark humor, but deadly + og actor. Imagine Robert Englund joking and swearing around when you play as Freddy. Such a missed opportunity.
On top of all his other strong powers, I feel like one of his strongest traits is just his third person camera, regardless of whether or not survivors can see your footsteps. We're already seeing just how much mind gaming that Chucky can do and with less guess work, it gives him information to make his already strong power even more consistent. Plus 3P feels like the main reason he's so hard to blind, like how are you meant to reliably tell where his camera is?
The cooldown from a miss seems way too short no?
We’ve been waiting for an op killer tbh
You can comment on killer being op when you get 50 wins in a row my guy .i.
I don't like that thumbnail of smooth face Chucky 🙁
I hope they keep him as he is. Its so damn cool
Compared with Save the best for last with chucky is so much honestly and you cannot deny it.
As long as Starstruck exists in this game chucky will never beat spirit
Watching him I think he only needs a very small nerf. The punishment for missing power should be a little worse. Maybe with an addon he can be where he is at right now without.
Can’t wait to cry to behaviour about his hit-boxes. 😀
I wonder if you can moonrush on chucky
Why censoring the Mori? It's all over YouTube even in your earlier videos. I don't get it.
He will be nurfed within a year
Knowing BHVR they’ll nerf the fuck outta him somehow and he’ll be mediocre at best. But damn I hope not! He looks so much fun to play.
I knew his size and 3rd person alone would make him strong, didn't think 3rd strongest though. I'm not looking forward to his release at all. Entitled survivor main
I wonder what the carry animation looks like, does it look weird for survivors?😭
I'm just glad they made his chase music good
we should be allowed to punt chucky
It would be cool if Chucky had a resting mode and just lie like a regular doll with others lying around just like him. Something to put his doll feature to more use. Maybe have a toy factory map.
wait nurse is S Tier? been looping that killer like crazy lately