Chucky Has One Glaring Game Design Flaw – Dead by Daylight

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tl;dr: Scamper, the vault ability during Hidey-Ho, is too fast, essentially guaranteeing a hit at every pallet.


20 thoughts on “Chucky Has One Glaring Game Design Flaw – Dead by Daylight”

  1. i agree, this reminds me to survivirs invincible build, plottwist,unbreak,powerstiruggle,flipflop/buckle up. if at least two players run it the killer cant do shit. the killer needs to chase the other two, but if everyone has it gg no counterplay.

  2. So it shifts from "survivor is going to make it to the pallet again 100%" to "survivor is not going to make to the pallet again 100%". Sounds like survivor strategy needs to adapt beyond running in circles.

  3. Currently Chucky slides under the pallet quickly, which I think is good for when he dashes into a pallet. I think they should make it so scamper will make him crawl under it at a slower pace, fixing the problem and making it make more sense in general.

  4. God pallets are of course gonna be hard countered by his scamper cause they usually have one way through. Even if you slow it down i feel like god pallets will still be weaker. Definitely needs working on i agree, but this killer is fairly new so survivors still don't know what to do quite yet.

  5. This was exactly was i was saying ever since i played the PTB.
    Some people even said i was wrong and that it wasn't that strong, lmao.

    Well, now that a big daddy content creator said everyone's gonna parrot so at least those guys will go away now.

  6. The whole point of his power is that he actually gets the hit and wins these pre-drop scenarios. It's not broken. It's doing exactly as it is intended to do. The counter is getting the actual stun on him and juking the incoming slice and dice. It's more than just hold W here.

  7. I feel like this is not much of an issue. The point of the game and chases is for killers to down survivors. Guarantied hits are part of the game. I don't think this needs to be changed. I disagree here. Legion's vaults over pallets are the same speed as Chucky's. And that's fine.

  8. Scamper should just be an attack under pallet and if you connect he dashes under or gets the speed but no slice and dice. Or survivors can just not play pallets the same against this killer.

  9. Isn't this scenario just the same thing as many other killers? When the killer is very close to the survivor, they can use their power at a pallet/window and create a situation where the survivor will invariably get hit. Nemesis/Execution/Deathslinger/Demogorgon/Doctor/Victor/Xenomorph/Huntress/plus more killers situationally all have that same thing. It looks like if the survivor dropped the pallet sooner than it looks like is necessary instead of being close to stun range, that scamper wouldn't be a free hit and Chucky would be punished for trying if it didn't work since 20 seconds is a meaningful cooldown.

    Am I saying predropping pallets is fun or engaging gameplay? Absolutely not, but it doesn't seem especially problematic either. There's a little bit of play on the survivor's side for it, if you just saw him use power then you know you can loop normally, if it's been 20 seconds then you may want to drop the pallet a little earlier or even have that little legion-esque standoff where the survivor is trying for a pallet stun.

  10. I think it should be not quite wesker levels of slow since it would become a useless part of his kit and may as well not exist also he is 110 so naturally it has to be faster. It needs to be in a sweet spot where it can be an option at some loops or it just may as well not exist.

  11. No absolutely not. If they touch his vault speed then he needs to be a normal speed killer. I don’t even use the rush it’s easy to dodge. The dude ain’t got too much going for him. Even in giddy ho you can still tell when he is coming. I’ve yet to jump scare a single person working on hens and that’s after activating hidey ho 20 meters away. They can still hear and see you if they paying attention. He is a 110% killer if you wanna slow his scamper make him
    Normal speed and power ready at the start of the match.

  12. If you make it slower and like Wesker tho, then scamper becomes pointless. Just like majority of the time vaulting a pallet with Wesker’s power is useless and you’re better off breaking the pallet. Just like you said, Wesker vaults and the survivor can make it to the pallet again. What’s the point of vaulting the pallet if it doesn’t give you any benefit?


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