CHUCKY Makes SALTY SURVIVORS RAGE!! | Dead by Daylight

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28 thoughts on “CHUCKY Makes SALTY SURVIVORS RAGE!! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Self accountability is lacking nowadays. How do they expect to improve if they keep blaming others and things they can't control when they can focus on themselves and get better. I just played this map recently as a survivor and I did poorly. I held myself accountable for my mistakes and while I was on the hook I thought about how could I have looped better then I went back to the same place and I looped better. It's as simple as don't get bitter, get better

  2. As a survivor main, survivors are the most toxic, entitled, brats I ever seen in a gaming community. Can’t take a L like ladies and gentlemen. Resorts to reporting, cornball insults, crying and tantrums when they can’t tea bag you at exit gates.

  3. Clowns like them that take the game seriously are making me ashamed of being a survivor main ong. Just take the L and move on damn. This is just Live embarrasement at this point

  4. You was playing too nice with these survivors which allowed them to blast through 4 gens. Hey who’s make believe rule book we following here. The one thing that drive nuts is when the person gets wrecked the say you suck. That’s an oxymoron.


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