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21 thoughts on “CIRCLE OF HEALING WAS NOT NERFED | Dead by Daylight”

  1. The nerf is: reduced the Healing Speed bonus from 90/95/100 % to 65/70/75 %.
    In the PTB I had Circle of Healing on Tier one, and in one of the clips, David has a medkit, but I don't think that it makes much difference as you can see lol

  2. They didnt lie. Down the 100% down to 75% is literally nothing. Specially if you had 2 teammates healing you

    Regular survivor healing speed (RS)=1
    CoH enhaced Speed =1
    Charges to fully heal a teammate=16
    Survivor healing speed on boon totem(Altruistic or using a medkit on a self heal)= 2
    If you had 2 survivors healing one player then you had that

    4/16= 4 secs

    Nerfed CoH:
    Regular survivoe healing speed 1
    CoH enhaced healing speed +0.75
    Charges to fully heal 16
    Survivors healing speed in totem(Altruistic or using a medkit on self heal) =1.75
    If two survivors heal someone then you had


    Again the "change" was nothing. A 25% change is nothing after the 50%

    Lets assume CoH give 125% healing speed instead
    Each survivor then heals at 2.25 charges per second that means 2 survivor heals at 4.5 ch/s so

    16/4.5= 3.55 theres no difference from the 4 secs heal.
    "B-But theres actually a diference bc one heals at 3.55s and other at 4s. Dude you wont even notice that diference on a gameplay .55 secs are still consider 4s.

    I writte a coment like this on other video and a lot of people mske controversy from something that is basic maths.

  3. I find it strange that there is a boost in the first place, honestly. And I am not just saying that because I am a killer main; Overpowered is Overpowered. They just reduced it a bit so Killer Mains cant say survivors are overpowered, before doing a thorough check on it, and in the process didnt hurt survivors too much. I think the boost needs to be either reduced to 15%/20%/25%, or just completely taken away. This change wouldn't kill COH, as it would still be viable to use, but it would make it much more balanced. And, as @Helena EX2 stated in a comment below, they did nerf it, but it just doesn't hardly make a difference.

  4. Killer mains: CoH is too strong
    Data: even with prior hatch killers still won on every map with every killer a majority of the time…
    BHvR: the killers are crying about keys… nerf
    Dev: okay we have CoH coming out anyways
    Data: even with CoH killers still won a majority of time on every map with every killer
    Killers: CoH is tooo strong
    BHVR: nerf CoH
    Killers: CoH is still too strong.

  5. They don't really need to fix the perks and boons etc. They need to fix the way people play the game…or don't play smh. I play dbd alot and usually have good games with people who want to play the game and have fun(the dbd community)but it's those others that ruin everything, dc's, and toxic flashlights and bullies boys and afk's and etc. Etc. Etc. Those are the things that need to be worked on 😎👌 I hear some people get tunneled or facecamped every game!? This doesn't happen that often to me but when you see it you have to stay away from the killer(if you aren't the one on the hook haha)sometimes when I see it I'll trade with the person on hook to let them escape 😊👍 it's not every game but if you only play 3 games and that is your experience, you may get frustrated and never return. To me as a regular player I try to build the community and nurture other players(whether noobs or pros)I always appreciate a good team 👏


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