Clicky Clicky Gets Way Too Cocky! – Dead By Daylight

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Word of the wise: don’t be super cocky if you can’t hold a chase for more than 30 seconds lmao

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40 thoughts on “Clicky Clicky Gets Way Too Cocky! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. i hate clicky clickys and i rarely play killer. i always bring flashlights tho cuz i love to flashlight save but im not gonna be toxic about it, i am also kinda new to dbd so no point to being cocky if im not that good lmao. idk tho ig everyones just different.

  2. I don't think you actually have much of a legitimate say in "boring survivor" because they are trying to actually survive and live. The survivor can't be fun if the killer isn't fun. but we all live in our own world. Ignorance can't be argued or fought.

  3. I play killer maybe once or twice per month but encounter my fair share of toxic clicky's and teabaggers. Tbf I love Spirit because she brings out the salt in people. Not because she's "easy". Just a couple of days ago I grabbed a Claudette immediately out of phase as she was vaulting and she dc'ed. Probably easy to accomplish but certainly fun.

    All killers deserve respect even if they're OP. Except the toxic ones, obviously. Never the toxic Bubba's or IH camping Huntresses.

    I, however, do not recommend playing killer right now. BH's bullshit ranking system put me against red/purple ranks [approx…you can't see their ranks rn. I'm in brown.] and I felt discouraged after just one match. The Spirit one was a lucky game but because she dc'ed I got no points.

  4. I really don't understand the killer mentality that because someone taunts you into a chase, you're going to ruin the game for that player by sitting on top of them and camping. For revenge for… you responding to their taunts? When someone does this to me, I just assume they're good at defence and just go after someone else. I don't think camping is fun for anyone and I think it's a really stupid response to someone squatting or using a flashlight. I get it for keys. But that's about it.

  5. My first ever game, I played Huntress. In the Gideon Meat Plant. This guy went "clicky clicky clicky", goaded me into chasing him, and looped me until all the generators were done. I think i got one hook in total. That man was a hero. And man, am I learning how to be a better villain.

  6. A Feng that addmitedly ran me pretty well as Nemesis fucked up in the end and her duo buddy (Who was just as good but not toxic at all), immediately peaced out through the gates, they were the only ones alive by the end.

    Shitty Feng immediately says zombies are better at chase than me, and when I agreed, especially on Father Cambells church map, with that spicy window next to the generator upstairs, she proceeded to tell me its one of the most balanced maps.

    That had Shack leading right into another loops window btw.

  7. I really wish the game almost forced you to play both sides regularly. Or at least have you a reward for it. Cause toxic entitled survivor only players truly do make the game unfun for me. I play as well and fair as I can while still trying to win and they go and say so and so is op and takes no skill or that I camped and tunneled despite me literally not doing that.

  8. I haven’t tried out Blight because of how difficult it looks like to master/be good with him. To say that Blight is not hard is just their ego talking. If they wanted your attention, they can’t complain when they get it.

  9. Players/Scum with flashlight macros are my absolute favourite in the game. Not only are they completely useless ingame, just like they are IRL, they also can't hold a chase more than 10 seconds 😀

  10. The #1 thing toxic survs don't understand is that skill requirement, unlike difficulty, is not in the eye of the beholder. As a decently balanced soloq'r/red rank killer, I have spent a fair bit of time learning and loving to master killers like Blight and ultra stealth Ghostie so I understand the effort it takes to play them effectively. The same can ABSOLUTELY not be said for any part of survivor, except for maybe the incredibly niche case of good flashlight use (which is in and of itself inferior to medkits/keys). Though it may be "difficult" for some players to learning survivor mechanics such as advanced looping and team coordination, there is nothing inherently skillful about these activities, which CANNOT under any circumstances be said about killers such as Nurse. Too many players on both sides need to have a healthy serving of humble pie, but many SWF's especially need to achieve far greater respect for their opponents. A 4 man hatch escape or extreme genrush is not the same remotely comparable to a Blight's skillful domination of chase and map pressure and should never be used a bragging point. TLDR, give your killers some love for the effort they put into the game, they deserve it.

  11. On the topic of old Freddy, i always thought his power and the way he played was very interesting, much more than his reworked version.

    I never had a chance to play him and that always made me sad. 🙁

  12. I had a Nea with a macro who was at least in a 2-man swf and somebody played a crotus prenn offering and I was beating them so bad that she dc'd so the Meg could get hatch. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, the first 2 chases lasted like, under 30 seconds.

  13. That genuinely infuriates me cuz I put a lot of hours into becoming a rank 1 blight and fuck me it was frustrating, it’s like a whole different mechanic you have to work out while getting sweated on by sweaty swfs, that person is just a entitled survivor main no cap


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