Clown Now Has MFT Bottles?!?! | Quickie Highlights #37 | Dead by Daylight

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Hey there, gang! I was QUITE surprised to see, today, that the developers decided to buff Clown AGAIN! While I’m not prepared to give y’all a full breakdown of my thoughts at this very moment, I wanted to leave y’all with a match that may hopefully encourage you to give these reworked add-ons a try!

0:00 Introduction/Pre-Match Discussion
1:22 Match Start
13:04 Post-Match Discussion
14:47 Conclusion

Interested in learning how to play Clown better? I have a VERY extensive Clown guide:

I stream LIVE on Twitch during the weekdays:


22 thoughts on “Clown Now Has MFT Bottles?!?! | Quickie Highlights #37 | Dead by Daylight”

  1. It always surprises me when someone disregards a number change (or when something like Cheap Gin/Sticky Soda) happens. Those numbers are usually significant. A great example is Twins. Toy Sword. It reduces the charge time for Victor's pounce by only 0.2%, but you know who runs Toy Sword regularly? Twins mains. And anyone who plays Twins that knows how significant that teeny tiny number is. And that's just one example. But I highlighted it because of how small the number is, yet everyone runs it because it's good. Numbers matter. Anyone who says "It's only 3%" for something like Cheap Gin Bottle or 2% for the Sticky Soda Bottle clearly don't run Haste effects.

  2. ….dear god…the total potential depending on build… would be…if you ran PWYF+ Rapid brutality+Batteries Not Included…if you have full max stacks of PWYF…would be.. 38%…my nerd brain is tingling with excitement

  3. I'm so happy that I can know play something different than cigar box. Clown can now go with so many different add-on combos that's insane. Also I'm asking myself and I would like to know your opinion gang : What if Pinky finger makes yellow bottle be instant ? I think that it would be strong, but it's an iri and it would still be better than what we have now that just doesn't fit Clown playstyle. And it could even makes VHS worth it, cause know you can't just see the white into purple cloud and just deduce this add-on really easily. Good day, and I hope to see more of rebalancing stuff !

  4. Not gonna lie…After years of maining the Cowboy I got a tremor in my arm xD
    So with the recent love shown to Clown (amazing!) I will main him and just play for chases with your different builds. Mostly only with one slowdown cause I wanna practice him and not win every round.

  5. You can break chase earlier. The perk only procs when chase ends so if you break chase at like 25% of PWYF cooldown left you're good.

    Aka: you have one stack and are on cooldown for the 2nd. Start chase before PWYF is back. Red wheel only has 25% of cooldown left. Break line of sight and it takes a few second for chase to end, which will line up with PWYF being ready and going off immediately.

  6. Not sure how I feel about these changes.

    As someone who likes playing Clown and Huntress, it's very cool.

    As someone who dislikes playing against a good Clown or Huntress… 😫

    I'm mostly just sick of them just sticking haste on things and calling it a day… 😒

  7. In your opinion, if I were to keep Cigar Box, do you think I should run Gin Bottle or Flask of Bleach? Makeup Kit is nice and all but I can tell these two addons are making more of a difference


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