CMWinter vs. Toxic SWF Streamer (Dual POV) | Dead By Daylight

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26 thoughts on “CMWinter vs. Toxic SWF Streamer (Dual POV) | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I blocked names beforehand and blurred after using YouTube editor (3 times), yet it keeps removing the blur. There's no witch-hunt here, I have done my best. All clips taken from the streamer's public Twitch profile.

    I had no knowledge of who these people were until I went to their stream after going offline. The first thing I heard was, "Yeah, I watched him before and we weren't sure if he was a psycho or a loser- oh, he's here, why didn't you raid..?"

  2. "i've never heard anyone say anything nice to CMWinter"

    Me an intellectual: "CMWinter is a good dbd player who discusses flaws but doesn't cry like a bitch and Is extremely entertaining In terms of his playstyle and his commentary"

  3. Nothing more satisfying than watching people lose to someone that they call "dogshit", especially as these people probably aren't smart enough to realize what the insinuation of their insults implies of themselves.

  4. That man litearlly is just trying to push a lie down our throats by saying how much people hate CM, while he and his friends, act like they beat up disabled children in the morning for fun. And then cry after they get in trouble for it.

  5. I'm a survivor main (mainly because I don't like playing alone despite the fact I like killer much more) and this is just pathetic lol.


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